Hate to be the one to do it but...

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by SSJ Jeremy, May 1, 2014.

  1. SSJ Jeremy New Player

    WM is stupidly OP in arenas, DPS are hitting ridiculously hard. Before anyone says "Just block." It's kinda hard to do that when you got 2 ppl block breaking you. People don't even run with healers or tanks anymore, 3 DPS and trolls in common now. They burn you down so fast you don't have a chance to fight back. I'm getting hit for 7k plus easily which is half my health gone it one hit. Devs please tone down WM for arenas.
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  2. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    They don't just tone stuff down in pvp they'll nerf it and make it almost useless in pve I swear sometimes I wish the only pvp in the game was legends if it was we wouldn't have half the problems we do now .
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  3. Atlas018 New Player

    That's right, i'm Electric healer, and with WM doesn't even take a troll to shoot me down. 8034 non critic hit me. I was like D:
  4. Metrioned New Player

    Best advice I can give you is to fight fire with fire and run with a good healer. In 1v1s though you might have to get used to all the combinations and learn to lunge or block.
  5. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    I haven't PvP'd post GU36 yet but I haven't heard of it being OP yet from any of my friends that PvP regularly. However, I do agree with this:
    It's an annoying trend that has caused a lot of things to be nerfed in this game game. PvP complaints are not always the reason because the infamous "Scoreboard Chasers" on the PvE side have been known to stir up trouble as well. Some people have had legitimate claims that, imo, did warrant an adjustment but many of them came from complaints of players that can't handle losing in PvE/PvP.
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  6. Night hunterr Dedicated Player

    Hmmm ever heard of lunging the person who's doing a bb to get an immunity?? I swear.....you guys just ask for nerfs and nerfs. I do more PVP than PVE but you don't see me making threads about nerfs.

    Have you tried timing your blocks? If you time it right you'll be able to get an immunity off your opponent and maybe....idk......WIN.?? Why are there 2 people throwing bb's in the back anyways? Sounds like you need some team coordination. Stop asking for nerfs and learn....to....PLAY!
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  7. BroJPri New Player

    get ur sp up, get wm, and start beasting also ;)
  8. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    Lol I so called this on the test server forums. *shrugs* oh well.
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  9. space outlaw Well-Known Player

    I know they said they can't do it but this is why they should separate the world up so if they wanted to Nerf thing it would only affect that world and not everyone