When skill gets mistaken as pay-to-win...

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Octantis, May 1, 2014.

  1. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I like to /blowkiss
    /read (Naruto reference lol)
    /thumbsup as (ya tried atleast)
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  2. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    Granted mine isn't a witty comeback, but it gets the job done. Just so you know you can always make them mad by acting like a 5 year old child as well. "I know you are but what am I", etc... I just enjoy toying with peoples' minds though hehe.

    That serves two purposes.
    1) It makes them mad.
    2) It makes them even more mad because they feel as though they lost to a 5 year old.
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  3. Petralka Well-Known Player

    Speaking of legends after FNL was over I hear people in the chat calling you and One Pieced hackers and cheaters but I can tell you that I was laughing for minutes when I hear that XD
  4. Pureshadow New Player

    posting on the forums would make the original post the mad one.
  5. Eminence Dedicated Player

    Lol yea, he made the mistake of not turning off his chat invites. It must've been the same guy that was spamming smyle and I in the first round.
  6. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Everyone knows the best compliment you can get in PVP is being accused of Hacking. Being accused of P2W on a char that's pretty readily available (really keeping up to date with DLCs is p2w?) is IMO not far off from a hacking accusation. In that I'd consider it quite the compliment :)

    As a response my favorite is always just giving them a tip on what they did wrong. "Don't try to block my spin, I'll usually clip it with a BB and catch you, GL next time", or something like that. It works 2 ways, to good people who are open minded and looking to learn, they get a tip that is actually useful, i'll even get thank you's. To those that are just raging and being pricks, they take it badly and rage harder. I'm not as nice as Yziah, but I can fake it :D
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  7. Octantis New Player

    I'll have to try that one :)
  8. Octantis New Player

    Actually, I just wanted to know if winning with Saint Walker and then getting a private angry message afterwards was a regular thing, and if it was then I was curious what other people do (because I don't want to keep getting private tells after every match... I hate people, I don't like talking to them) or good remarks I should message back.
  9. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    Maybe I'm abit slow on the uptake but how is Saint Walker P2W? its not like you pay real money to buy him
  10. Octantis New Player

    Well, either by subscribing for $15 or by buying the DLC for $10, that's how you "pay" for him with real money. People without the DLC are allegedly at a disadvantage to those with it. Allegedly. My experience is so far running 'Walker for about an hour, and in that time I was called out for apparently paying to win twice, back to back.

    Since I was still having trouble beating people I would normally have trouble beating as another character, I didn't see how he was immediately OP or anything, so I sought answers here on the forums to know if he truly is OP and a pay-to-win character (like Steel originally was), or if the people were just world-class poop heads.
  11. Tule New Player

    I haven't played legends in a while. But I do know that some cash only legends have had certain moves or combos that were OP and therefore make them pay to win. Because you are winning using a certain character that can only be bought. Best example that comes to mind is original Steel. Can't say much about current legends or Saint Walker, but I do think they could have a point.
  12. The IQ Active Player

    if ur on USPC I'll take that challenge, Milarie- villains, hero "THE IQ" or Ballistic101 I want to see this BEAST mode :)
  13. Octantis New Player

    Haha, I'm in no hurry to try to test my maximum. My controller recently broke, so I've been having to throw my 3 years of controller-playing experience out the window and learn how to PvP with a mouse and keyboard.

    As an additional handicap, both are wireless (because I play on my TV while sitting on my couch) and tend to not want to transmit to the receivers in the USB ports (Microsoft products, I tell ya). Oh, and my internet connection tanks at night here (German-standard time), which is roughly mid-day to evening in the States.

    TL;DR - in a challenging match-up, my hardware likes to get me killed. Maybe once I get an XBOX controller I can plug in rather than all these stupid wireless devices, lol.

    (amazingly enough, I can still whoop the ego monsters out there even with my limitations)
  14. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    I would agree that when Steel first came out that he was Pay to Win for sure, I wouldn't classify Saint Walker as such since even if you were legendary or brought the DLC you still had to collect the right amount of Legend Marks, bottom line people just look for excuses as to why they lost
  15. BroJPri New Player

    lol, I feel u man ;)