What happened to Nightwing?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Fearlantern77, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. Fearlantern77 Well-Known Player

    What happen to his dual wield attacks and block breakers? all You had to do before was just tap triangle or triangle square. Feels like he's been handicapped and water downed
  2. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

    Uh... I would actually say otherwise. For some reason he´s now able to tap to infinity and beyond without being blocked, whereas all other melee attacks are blockable after the 2nd hit. Meaning that he can calmly tap up to his strongr combos and if the enemy blocks sometimes BAM!- Block breaker.

    Nightwing is broken now, but not especially in a bad way...
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  3. Redscreen5 New Player

    That has been apparent for ages. DW always had around 3-4 hits before block is applied, but in most cases yous get BB anyway. Nightwing is easy to bait with.
  4. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

    Las time I faced a Nightwing user, he could easily tap till the 6th hit, that is a bit too much
  5. yellowflash9 Well-Known Player

    I think nightwing is still a beast to play n I think he is one of the best to use on 1 vs 1 ;)
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  6. BroJPri New Player

    what happened? o_O
  7. MasterBud New Player

    I agree!
  8. TechBender New Player

    I'm not the best PVPer by far, but I don't think I'm the worst either. I had a really hard time with Nightwing in a 1-v-1 today. It was clear the other player was pretty comfortable using him too.