All these changes and the way this game is, seems like dps Priority>everything else.Where's the fun?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by steelclaw, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    All these updates and changes all seem to be only concerned about the dps players and the game has gotten stale beacuse of it. All i see now is how power x is not gonna beat power y and how hits won't hurt as much, etc.

    I find it sad that instead of actually worrying about game mechanics and tightening the gameplay for everyone the focus seems to be only on dps players. People just care about numbers flying off enemies and scoreboards.

    How wonderful would it be if the game actually focused on letting people have more customization in terms of powers and loadouts and letting us feel more super hero like. And doing the minor touches that make all the difference. Right now it just feels like a bunch of cloned robots running around with different skins. Lets take for example another superhero game, champions online, it has so much customization its unbelievable how behind it dc is. They even have grappling hooks and all sorts of movement powers as well as vehicles.
    I'm not saying for dc to be like that but when the biggest focus of this game is how hard certain powers hit from one another and not how much fun /customization the players have, it saddens me since i like the source material so much.
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  2. Statman New Player

    This is DPS Universe Online, didn't you know? lol. :p

    I do agree with what you're saying, everything seems so focused on the DPS side of the game, but I guess that is what a large portion of the player base is interested in more than other roles so... hmm...
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  3. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    Not just for them to focus on other roles, I wish they could focus on things/additions that would make the game better as a whole for everyone.
  4. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    Isn't this Mortal Kombat online?

    Oh, I'm so gonna do a Fatality on Brainiac! GET OVER HERE!!!!



    Ok, sarcasm off.

    Unfortunately, even thou I'm pretty sure there's a group of developers trying to make the game what it's suppose to be, there's a Suit in a desk making decisions about what's getting release and what not based on $$$. And Mortal Kombat sells.

    Just my opinion, that's all.

    See you around.
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  5. RiskVsReward New Player

    Why don't you make some suggestions? As far as I can see, tanks have no problem tanking, healers already have too much resto and trollers are going to be fine at giving power. Only thing that needs to be done to support roles is do a controller revamp in the class mechanics. All trollers play the same, they have a debuff, pot and instant power spam. The devs took the lazy way out she the designed the troller class mechanics.

    Healers all heal differently, tanks all tank differently, but for the most part all trollers supply power the same. Not a big deal, it's just boring and a lazy way to design a class
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  6. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    Look at 1:30 and how Jens explain tactics. I remember seeing this video long ago and saying wow that sure is awsome and would make for dynamic moment to moment combat. I mean the way it's described here is amazing and kind of similar to something i said in a previous thread which i will quote at the bottom of this post.

    I guess i have the sorta fire for the game like jens seems to have for it in this video. Just seems like the over the top level they wanted died down to a more controlled numbers game type of game. The dynamic combat described at 1:40 in this video got overshadowed in final build.
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  7. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    Quoting myself this is an idea i had a while back, taken straight from a DC source. An example of more dynamic combat.
  8. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Yes everybody wants more customization and different things added and all that jazz. However, no matter how cool your character looks or how awesome there means of transportation is, NOBODY wants to feel inferior to another player who plays at the same level. That is why all of this is so important. Without balance, none of the rest matters, because you can't truly customize your toon or make them your own if doing so means you will be inferior to other members of your group because your damage sucks.
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  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Without balance and making most raid groups go with 5-1-1-1 the game would be chaos. All of this 2 healers, 2 tanks and 2 controllers was unintended from launch. Thats why only 1 controller can give POT in a raid group. We wanted more space for burn and designed content that was tank and spank and players took it out of context with crazy talk of 2-2-2-2. You cant have heat vision on your loadout thats just silly.

    People running around using freeze breath and batarangs. What are they thinking? This is DPS Universe online. The DPS way, not however your loadout is
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  10. krimzonk Committed Player

    Yep what Jens says in the first video in my opinion is how this game, in an ideal world should have been like. It just seemed awesome at the time and still does. Shame this game is so dps-centric....
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  11. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    ^This. They're appealing to the majority of the community first it seems and we all know that's undeniably DPS. It's even apparent in the powers because we all know that HL has the largest community as well which is why they're getting so much love on Test right now. Other powers/roles/weapons will get their attention in due time but it would seem that they're trying to feed the masses first.

    While I can kind of see the logic in that from a business standpoint, they can't keep forgetting about the little guys.
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  12. DoctorSyndrome Dedicated Player

    The only reason why I am a DPS is because I don't get yelled at by people during alerts and raids. Tanks, Controllers, and Healers get yelled at for everything.
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  13. Twilight Man New Player

    We need to make a game...
  14. Zosc New Player

  15. FrostCrescent Well-Known Player

    If they made it such that debuffs and CC powers give back power to the group on top of their primary effects, that could add some diversity to controlling instead of just power dumping. At least people won't complain if a controller wants to use those moves more often cause they will still receive power in the process. And make CC more important in further content as the man hunter portion of AnB was pretty much a good stepping stone.
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  16. EzioNight New Player

    It's not that's it's centered around dps it's just that the dps stance is what makes all the powers the same because every power has its main role and those don't collide but comply each other for support unlike dps.

    Every power has a different approach to doing damage, others more efficient than others and stronger. That's why it puts a big spotlight on dps role and it's journey to balance.
  17. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    Thats what i thought the game was gonna be like. That video stuck with me when i saw it before release.
    That and the idea i posted in my upper quote would be amazing dc games. I thought fights would have dynamic gameplay not just the same for every encounter. Same moves same tactics. Tank up front everyone fall back 2-3 moves for power 2-3 moves heal, dps burn.
    Rinse and repeat
  18. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    they need design a full on raid where support roles not only shine but it somehow cannot be completed without any of them. and a complete redesign of the scoreboard that had a small graph showing how well each player does with power.
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  19. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    The devs probably think changing and building on the foundation they have might be too money consuming. But look at the wonders it did for ffxiv re release. If some major rework of gameplay were to be done and promoted as a new experience dcuo think of all the new and once players you can get back. Its better revitalize this train and ride it to far and amazing places Than to just stay on the path its on as we see it slowly die and do nothing about it.
  20. Derio 15000 Post Club

    This is not FFXIV where the tank gets most of the credit. This is not ESO where everyone thanks the healer. This is DPS Universe Online where dps are the main playing factor in the game, and if you are not a dps, then sit down and watch the light show.

    In a nutshell that is how bad the content has gotten to where it focuses on a dps centric gameplay and becomes nothing more than a tank spank MMO with same concept everytime.
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