PSN down? EST Can't login

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IIIIINASTYIIIII, Apr 21, 2014.


  2. SkullGang Devoted Player


    Yay maintenance on a holiday
  4. SkullGang Devoted Player

    I know right.
  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    There is a PlayStation maintenance this morning, not specific to DCUO. Check announcements for details.
  6. Shipoopi New Player

    If you've logged in anywhere between April 16th until before the maintenance started, you should be able to still login and play online. No idea why DC is being affected by this, but I can't get into the login servers, and I was randomly kicked offline some time ago.

    Oh well lol

    I saw the announcement .... I just assumed that no way Sony would shut down on a holiday. #losingmoney
  8. SkullGang Devoted Player

    It's affected because it uses PSN.
  9. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    What holiday is it?
  10. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Easter/Bank holiday.
  11. Poo New Player

    Ummmm.... :confused:
  12. Shipoopi New Player

    Yet, I'm logged in to PSN just fine. The maintenance affects those who have not signed in recently, or anyone accessing the store/home/account management. The reason I cannot connect to the DCUO game server is probably because it's bogged down, since USPS is very high population.
  13. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Here in England.
    I'm logged in too and can't do anything so it's still a PSN issue no ?
  14. Green Lantern New Player

    Connection Failed on USPS4.
  15. AmericanNinja New Player

    The PSN is undergoing maintenance for 7 hours. thats why you cant login.
  16. Wickedwillow Well-Known Player

    How are they losing money? True the store won't be making money, but that would be anytime that they have maintenance wouldn't it? Subscriptions are not charged by the day and it is a free to play game anyway.
  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    PSN matenence today. Does anyone read the annoucements anymore.
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  18. zThreat New Player

    yet again ps3 back up way b4 ps4 i turned my ps3 on dc workin just fine...
  19. HermanRuth New Player

    I've been able to log in on my PS4 all day... maybe I was just one of the lucky ones?
  20. zThreat New Player

    lucky, yea i tryed playin on ps3 i cant do it i dont kno how i ust 2 play on this tv lol ill wait