Why do so many people in DCUO lack creativity?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Franchise, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Tskales Well-Known Player

    I quite like seeing people get creative with their character names, and having a consistent theme for their character.

    I'd hope it would provide inspiration for others who went the X & 123 route.
  2. Sbel Devoted Player

    I'm LoLing reading this thread. My four most recent alts are named:


    A fairly original name, friends call her 'Tuna'

    A lava skinned Rage alt. I couldn't think of a name that wasn't taken. Decided if I was going to use at least one x, I was going to use lots of xxs. :p It's fun to watch people react to the length of the name and number of xxs.

    Bizarrina and Bizarho
    Bizarro's two daughters of course. A few of my friends wanted brain bleach after thinking about Bizarro making kids. :p
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  3. Black House New Player

    Populaity has nothing to do with critical appreciation, Martin Amis is not as popular as JK Rowling but his work is more respected, Dan Brown is popular but critics have been merciless in disecting their "artistic worth" .
  4. Green Lantern New Player

    It's a Super Hero MMO. /thread
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  5. TankKC12 New Player

    I never knew there was such a fixation on what someone has on. Personally, I don't care what your costume looks like as long as you don't hatchet up a duo, alert, raid, op etc. Run your role correctly and your character can be full blown naked or all I care.. lmao
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  6. hudapak Well-Known Player

    My main is based on X-Men's Emma Frost. Her armories consist of her classic/ astonishing look, her Marvel Now costume, and her White queen outfit. My alt is fantasy based and an original character design with wings. Her armories also showcase different looks not just outfits. I'd like it think it as an expression and not a lack of creativity. I like seeing other people get creative with their toons and how close they could make certain toons look like their favorite characters. Although I have to say I've seen my share of very uninspired ones too.
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  7. Dr Cryoseism New Player

    Everytime I hear that name, I think of Jessica Simpson.
  8. FelixDuo Committed Player

    Shot in the dark here, but is Su Momo based in any way on the Sumomomo Momomo manga?
  9. Chris Pereira New Player

    What irritates me most is when people lack the ability to create a constructive thread in the correct topic.
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  10. RandomName New Player

    How's this for cookie cutter?

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  11. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    No but an anime character :)
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  12. TheBirdOfSteel Committed Player

    Firstly DCUO is 3 colours not 4. Adding black & white as permanent colour slots alone would open up alot more room for costume design.

    Secondly are the artists/creative minds for DC comics limited to 8 style placement areas , some very basic default skins , 3 movement modes and a serveral weapon types?

    The more creative options given promote for creativity.

    DCUOs toon creation just pushes people to force a design they want and get it as close as they can where as the MMOs i mentioned allow you to create alot more wih your imagination.

    What you said is like saying using Microsoft Paint promotes creativity more then Adobe photoshop.
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  13. SomeRandomGuy New Player

    I may be going off topic from OP's message but

    Those characters whose names are very ham-fisted in conveying his/her power come off as a bit funny to me. Sure, the lantern names are an exception, but I'm talking about names such as (these are examples and not actual characters, but they are representative of some of the names I see in game) Quantum Overlord, Nature Healz, Electric Electrode. It's almost like defining a word with that word in the definition.
  14. Twilight Man New Player

    A lot of people assumed my name (still do) has something to do with the Twilight book/film franchise.
    I still don't get how it would make sense though, because that would be like saying Matrix Man or Star Trek Man.

    It's a nice reminder that we don't really know the thought process behind someone else's actions if we don't ever ask. Assumptions can be wrong. Wolverine's name is based on a well known bad*** little animal. As popular as Logan may be, there will be someone out there who actually uses the name for the animal and not the man.
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  15. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    This is a super hero game. Most Superhero and Super villains ' names are composed of two nouns or an adjective and noun. People want names to fit the game. That is why creativity is so low. Comic book heroes and villains have some of theee most most generic names around.
  16. SomeRandomGuy New Player

    ^I agree completely.

    For example, were I to see you in-game, I would think, twilight = sometime in between night/day = inbetween dark/light = ambiguous moral orientation/tragic anti-hero or misunderstood villain.

    Much like Captain Nemo of Jules Vernes' 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, his name does not lend itself to his actions, his origins, or his beliefs. But, thinking more upon it, his name actually does, as it is a homage to Odysseus, and, as such, Jules Verne meant for Captain Nemo to be a sort of modern Odysseus but with a slightly different origin story. The connection between Odysseus and Captain Nemo's name can be found within Odysseus' travels and adventures. Specifically, the part where Odysseus saves his crew from the cyclops. Odysseus, when asked by the Cyclops about his name, replies that he is "No Man" and when Odysseus' crew escapes, the cyclops cries "No Man, where are you?" To which Odysseus replies "Right there with you" (Keep in mind I'm not quoting verbatim but the general idea is there). Cool story, but how does Nemo relate to Odysseus, you might ask? Nemo is actually translated into No Man from latin. There is the connection. Also, like Odysseus, Nemo is tormented by the loss of his crew. Like Odysseus, Nemo travels the world via sea. Like Odysseus and the Cyclops, Nemo must face the infamous Kraken. And this conclusion, that Nemo is a modern Odysseus, could be reached by thinking upon Nemo's name.

    It is names where a character's origins, powers, everything about them, are blatantly obvious that I find funny. Batman would not be "GadgetsUsingMoneyHavingButlerButtlingParentsLosingTragicChildhood-Man," rather, he is Batman. Bats, which the common person misunderstands to be terrifying and dark, are representative of Batman's origins. Such is the same for Superman. He would not be "PlanetExplodedSpaceOrphanThisAirMakesMeStrong-Man," rather, he is Superman.
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  17. iSmashly New Player

    xxTheActualNotFakeBruceWayneDarkKnightBatManNew52xx Is a good name I don't know what you guys are talking about.
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  18. Black House New Player

    Nope, I am saying a "bad workman blames his tools"
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  19. Liko Well-Known Player

    Hi, I'm Liko
  20. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Hi Liko.

    Love your sig. ;)