If You're Raiding On PS4, Add 15 Minutes to Half an Hour to Your Expected Play Time

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Sorbet, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Kid Sorbet New Player

    Because that's how long people are having to spend to re-log, over and over, in order to fix the completely broken sound in DCUO-- stuttering "machine gun" noise, all sound cutting out, voice chat disappearing, random freezes when going into instances.
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  2. TheLoneLantern New Player

    People still play with the sound on? Hm, I only do that when exo hunting...
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  3. Zim New Player

    3 plus years of mic issues. Thought once we went over to ps4 the mics would be better. But guess what? Nope.

    One of my favorites is when you are in league chat and adjust everyone's mic the way u like it. Then go into an instance and come right back to league chat and it's all.out of whack again. Some people you once heard loud and clear you can't hear anymore. Lol.

    I thought we were getting a Mic fix in an update. 3+ years of some of the worst mics in any game i can remember and counting.
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  4. Couzintony New Player

    Party chat on ps4... Lolz solved...
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  5. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    ahh so it's a ps4 problem...yeah most of my leaguemates have been relogging at the start of an instance because the sound will be glitched. LMAO at Ps4
  6. Black House New Player

    Next gen, just like the old gen.....only more expensive and shiney
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  7. MasterBud New Player

    Just mute the tv. I'd rather have it not muted, but it's not that big of a deal. I haven't switched from ps3 to ps4 yet because it doesn't sound too much better lol!
  8. Meta Flare New Player

    It's funny. Ever since I've gotten my ps4 I stopped having the sound issues lol.
  9. TempestPrime New Player

    It's not a PS4 issue. It's an issue of DCUO team not coding the sound right to the PS4. This is the only game that the problem exists in.
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  10. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Listening to music is so much better.
  11. ShadyMilkman New Player

    Its an isolated Problem. It comes up for me maybe once every 10 days. A relog fixes it. I know its still not perfect BUT anything is better than the ps3 Mic issues.
  12. Black Canadian New Player

    So true, get into A and B instance, 3 people relog for mic LOL. They get back, 2 people relog lol, etc.
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  13. savageprime New Player

    Yes it is NOT the PS4. Blame DCUO developers cause I ha e absolutely no problem with sound on any other game.
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  14. Scotty Well-Known Player

    I have no sound issues with PS4 that much. I'd rather play this game on PS4 anyway, I don't think I could go back to PS3.
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  15. GreenDrakkon Well-Known Player

    I've had this happen several times to me. I have discovered that if I'm near a portal, I can fix it by entering and leaving again. I've done this at Arkham and several other places. That seems to fix the sound issue.
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  16. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Next update brah.

    So next week essentially.

    3 years of waiting and it'll be over...or should be at least

    No more logging in to your muffled, loud *** anymore
  17. Zim New Player

    Well here is my issue. What mic issue is getting straightened in the next update?

    Is it the helicopter sound on ps4 that comes thru your tv and at the same time lose your chat? (The only way to fix this is a complete log out and closing application of dcuo.

    Or is it the one that has you adjusting you volume during every log in?

    Or is it the mic issue where once you leave league/group/or instance and then go back and everyone is at different volumes than when u left? Some people you can't even hear anymore.

    Or is it the one when you leave a group and lose chat all together.

    Am I leaving anything out here? Cause even if they just fix one of these problems we still have issues with mics.
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  18. Little Sister New Player

    I mute my TV :)

    I don't need to hear people coughing and chewing into the mic, yuck.
  19. LazarusFX Level 30

    I seem to be having more sound issues on the ps4 than I ever did on the ps3. Running a&b, nexus and wave last night with the league was a nightmare. We all had to relog at some point, some of us multiple times.
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  20. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    From the test server:

    Voice Chat
    -Fixed an issue that could cause the microphone to be over amplified at login.
    ·PC Test Only: Fixed an issue where the grey voice chat microphone icon would not always be visible even though voice chat was enabled for the local player. The grey icon means you can hear voice from other players, but you can only speak if your microphone is enabled and setup. The green microphone icon shows that we detect voice transmission for a player.
    ·PC Test Only: Fixed a voice chat issue where a squelched player could still speak for a few seconds when entering a voice channel. This is regarding guild rank squelching.
    ·PC Test Only: There is now feedback in the chat window when entering/exiting a voice chat channel.
    ·PC Test Only: There is now feedback in the chat window when you are in the guild voice channel and your squelch status is changed.