bringing up an alt toon

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by bigpapasmash, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. bigpapasmash New Player

    Ok call me crazy and I'm sure this will never

    Would it be crazy or not cost effective or ruin the replay ability to share gear with all of your toons...I for 1 have been playing the game for over 2 years now and I don't think it will be bad to give another to on gear from my main to have another alt ready to go whenever I want to be a different role. Now I understand that is what respec tokens are for and what the armory is for but if every other week I wanna heal or tank or troll that's a lot of cash.

    Time wise I don't have time to start a new toon then go through all the content and tiers when I've done it once already. I do the lower tear Content for the marks but only when I need to. If I can give my alt my SP then y not the gear of the SP is allowing me to skip the feats and the necessity to run those lower tier raids and alerts. I have all of these different suits in my bank for nothing really since I ccan't put them in an armory and move them out my bank.

    I'm I crazy folk?
  2. Chicago Bull New Player


    Yes you are; but I do want this in the game, yet there is some probably difficult thing I cannot comprehend due to this not being yet implemented.
  3. Ice Lantern New Player

    This right here encapsulates what I despise so much about the players of this game. You guys ask and cry and whine about wanting to share the feats. The devs finally cave and give it to you. And then what happens? You use it to ask for even more. You guys ask for the actual styles in the styles feats and now you are asking for gear. Enough is enough, devs. Stop caving in to these people because no matter how much you give them, they will always want more.
  4. GregDawe New Player

    The best way to approach this I think would be to have a feature thrown into the League Halls.
    For example, you have to have all your toons in the same League for it to work,
    Have a Family Portal/Armory (working title)
    Sacrifice 1 armory slot on your D-Pad on each toon for a quick character change to save you the effort of relogging.
    This can only be between 2 toons, unless you sacrifice 2 Armory slots on the D-Pad for 2 toons (therefore having a quick change on 3 toons, 1 for each role).

    It means you still have to do all the work to get them up in terms of level and gear, it would simply serve as an Armory-Switch-Character kind of thing.
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  5. GregDawe New Player

    What problem do you have with others being given things they have already worked for?
    Something that bears no effect on their playing ability/power.
    Give us the style we have already earned.
    You wan't to picket about it, go for it, but your protesting for no benefit to anyone, including yourself.
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  6. Ice Lantern New Player

    1) You haven't worked for it.

    2) You being able to do that will result in people playing less and spending less on Replay Badges. SOE either comes up with a new way to milk us or loses revenue. So yes, it does affect me.

    3) The game gets overrun with horrible lazy players, which results in content being way too easy.

    4) It only encourages said lazy players to keep asking for even more.
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  7. GregDawe New Player

  8. J Zmooth New Player

    You already have feat unlocking. Why do you want more?
  9. bigpapasmash New Player

    What I'm saying is this...iIf I can give my alt toon my SP which includes the same feats that are included in the same content that I need the gear in then y have to do all that over again. Your already OP cause of the amount of SP you have for the gear u have soooo... y not be able to share the gear. I know everyone isn't like me but I for 1 would love to tank 1 day troll 1 day and heal 1 day...just to switch it up but I have a career but love the game I've been playing for 2 years as I said so I'm not going anywhere...just saying it doesn't make sense unless it's not cost effective which I do understand.

    Feat unlocking is pointless if u have to go through the old content anyway for the gear...Just Sayin
  10. PhoenixTanker New Player

    I would not be shocked if one day the developers decide to make gear sharing among alts on the same account a legendary perk.
  11. bigpapasmash New Player

    Me either...In due time I suppose
  12. Malfunkshunn Well-Known Player

    this game is already easy enough to level up.. sharing gear would take ALL of the fun out of it... dcuo would lose a lot of money as well. **** man you can already buy all 64 gear from the AH. between the gates face, the 64 ah gear, cc, and raven, it doesn't take but a few hours to reach t5 (if you have the cash).
  13. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I can't agree with this at all. It is already easy enough to gear up an alt due to walk-ins and such. I understand that a person worked their tails off building their main and probably does not want to do the same with an alt but choosing to build an alt is just that 'A Choice'. The Devs have already made the hard part of building an alt a lot easier with feat unlocking but IMO gear should never be tradable. Just my thoughts