Give me just one reason for 2-2-2-2

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Magical Reset, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. Magical Reset Committed Player

    Why? Give me one good reason why 2-2-2-2? o_O

    2-2-2-2 formation isn't some magical solution to the woes of DCUO. Bring it back won't make raids more fun, won't make raids easier or harder. 2-2-2-2 is not going to make finding troll/heal/tank easier. Some groups will run 2-2-2-2 and it's fine already. Other groups won't and that's okay.

    If you are obsessed with 2-2-2-2, make your own 2-2-2-2 and don't shove it down other people's throat like it's going to magically make this game fun for you again even though it's becoming stale after you've played for so long. It's not going to magically make all the people who stopped signing in come back. Take off your nostalgia goggles. This obsession with 2-2-2-2, why?
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  2. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    Might be more fun for some people
    Might get more people to play support roles
    Might be able to get more challenging content designed
    Might not allow bad DPS to be carried as much

    I'm saying might because I don't know for sure that 2222 does any of that.........

    But it might.....
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  3. Gwalir Loyal Player

    Main one I can think of is how can we expect to have any balance with our roles in the community if we don't have balance with them in our groups?

    I believe part of the reason we have so many more DPSs than the other roles in the game is due to us using more than the other roles in our groups. It's kinda like how Tanks kind of die out near the end of Tiers when people are overgeared and don't need them as much.

    Hopefully making it so more groups would want to run with a non-DPS role would help with this.
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  4. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    Why go with 2 tanks 2 trolls 2 heals 2 dps? How about to reintroduce the necessity for tanks in the game? Which will switch to the necessity for heals as soon as DLC10 comes out according to reports from test server alerts.

    Lifes a lot more fun when you quit being a "why" person and decide to be a "why not" kinda guy/girl.
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  5. Punisher 4-31 New Player

    Why not? Whats the point of glorifying other roles compared to others. Why should there be more dps and trolls then tanks and healers? how about having days when gates and prime were considered the hard raids and it was fun to have a balanced group (minus tank). Why put so much emphasis on 2 roles and not all three?

    but the best reason of all, why not give people the ability to play a power they really want to play rather than what is needed
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  6. MCAZR New Player

    If the availability of roles in LFG is a sign...
  7. PureDarkness Dedicated Player

    Just give me a reason
    Just a little is enough
    Just a second we're not broken just bent
    And we could learn to 2-2-2-2.... :D
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  8. TheMarvel New Player

    On one hand I don't think we need to be locked into 2/2/2/2

    On the other it makes getting into groups difficult because of the reliance on a single role. And, as such the player pool doesn't scale with the content. You end up with a lot of top DPS but fewer Support roles. The 3+ DPS fromula will kill the player population if it continues.

    I have a 99 healer I can't hardly get into A/B because people simply won't pick up a 99 healer in favor some other "Meister of the Burn™" DPS so they can all go Pew.

    Hello glass ceiling. In a 2/2/2/2 one gets in a panic over a few points … but when the group chooses to walk the fragile line, they will never (no matter how factually baseless) go with anything less than the best they can get. 103 Solo heals. 'nuf said.
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  9. TheMarvel New Player

    (this is really happening)
  10. Laff Riot New Player

    I dont get the 2 tank thing. You dont need 2. You only need one and replace the 2nd one with either a DPS or Troll. I have seen people want 3 trolls. Those runs are not that great because the 2 DPS think that they are 733t or something and they are just power hungry and dont know how to DPS that well. But I will never be forced to run a certain way. I dont like the way you want to run it, I will leave and either join another run or make my own.
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  11. Mr Rocky New Player

    2 2 2 2
    the only good thing i can see if that bad dps can't be carried
    but the bads
    2 tanks so...uhm basically say there's one boss why 2 tanks?
    2 trolls - not enough power for some people
    2 heals - why not:p
    2 dps - slow
  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Why not?

    2-2-2-2 Creates a more balanced fun gameplay style.

    2-2-2-2 eliminates a majority of scoreboard chasers and puts everyone a little more accountable for their own damage not just 4 dps.

    2-2-2-2 encourages more people to actually play roles instead of pew pew pew all day long.

    2-2-2-2 fixes controllers being used as nothing but powers and makes the role fun for even new controllers to the game.

    2-2-2-2 puts a saftey net on the group with 2 healers instead of 1.

    2-2-2-2 makes raids that where you have to split the group easier than having to warp to rally or leave 1 member behind

    2-2-2-2 values all roles and not just simply dps which has been the trend

    We can go on and on about this system and its benefits. But it wont be realized until devs put in the buffs for this setting and change content.
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  13. IdontDps Committed Player

    if your healer dies...a back up
    if your tank dies....a back up
    less garbage dps that say nerf everything because they're not good
    less stress on trolls.....because there's less dps
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  14. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    I would rather bring back the 3-2-2-1 set up back but the 2-2-2-2 sounds some what fun. Just not sure what t the second tank would do?
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  15. Minecrawler New Player

    So you can carry my healer through t5 :D
    2 healz FTW :p
  16. Tule New Player

    Maybe you should have said viable and/or good reasons.
  17. Zim New Player

    Hmmmmm....... Nope I cant think of one good reason.

    Anyone who is for this idea is the epitomy of lazy. Just go out and form your own group people.... It isnt that difficult.
  18. Black House New Player

    Because making it viable does not mean making you play it.....
  19. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Nice to see a direct attack towards my idea. Nice to see you didn't even read the first line either LOL.
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  20. Punisher 4-31 New Player

    LFG has it's moments