Just raise the cash cap for Premiums?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KeyuBaN, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. KeyuBaN New Player

    When Premium players purchase an escrow for 7 day unlimited cash access, it's usually so they can purchase things waaay above cap; We're talking hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. Nobody (smart) is going to spend 5 dollars of real life money, to spend a small amount of 10k money in game. So 10k wouldn't be a big deal as I see it.
  2. KeyuBaN New Player

    Sometimes people aren't willing to Trade for items, and they flat out want cash (and this is usually the case); and since premiums can't sell their items, they're pretty screwed in that category. I guess it really depends on what's being traded though. Because if setting up a scenario like:

    -Legendary Player has a Red Plasmic Aura
    -Premium Player is has a deal with this legendary player to trade him 50 stacks of exobits (a hypothetical number)

    Considering there is only a limit of placing 4 items up for trade, per trade session, the premium player is most likely going to get scammed by this legendary player. That's when it would have just been a better idea to go and buy an escrow, so you could sell bits for cash, and buy your Plasmic Aura straight up no BS.

    But once again, it really just depends on the items. and even then most items in a 4 slot trade limit, wouldn't equal up to as much as a plasmic aura.
  3. Will Power Loyal Player

    Personally there is Premium and then their is Legendary Legendary is Freedom from your simple money worry's in game. With a simple purchase of 15 dollars you get everything unlocked. As a Premium all you need to do is unlock it forever with 1 purchase of 10 dollars. Your Legendary teammate pay more than you so why not spend that 20 for money the simpler choice is go Legendary the Devs would rather you go Legendary or spend that extra 5 dollars a month to unlock your money. Why do you need 10000 cash? I have busted my gear completely once and I never hit 10000 repair bill.
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  4. jedimaster91 Active Player

    Maybe not 10000, I have busted up my gear enough that it exceeded the $2000 cap. And as a Premium member who has bought all the DLCs, I should be able to use what I've paid for. For SOE to turn around and tell me I can't get everything out of my purchase without spending more money is all kinds of shady and distasteful. The only money they seem to care about is the money from subscriptions, Even though a lot of Premiums drop a lot of money into the game, it doesn't seem to matter.
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  5. Will Power Loyal Player

    No shady is them charging you 30 for 1 month and seeing 15. as the going price. Just go legendary for X amount of time and then drop the Legendary when you don't want to pay any more that's what I do when I want to own a DLC when my sub runs out I'm buying the War of The Light DLC even though I'm Legendary. The day could come where I can't pay 15 a month and owning all the DLCs will still give me access to DCUO.
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  6. Black House New Player

    You chose a premium level of membership that offers CLEARLY diminishing returns, the longer and more often you play the less sense it actually makes to be anything other than legendary, this is VERY clear from the discriptions of the benefits of membership levels, if you have not read the discriptions then why did you choose to be premium and why would you continue to be premium when it is CLEARLY the worst of all possible options?

    You buy PREMIUM ACCESS to DLC's you do not buy legendary access to them so you do get what you pay for, there is currently nothing in the game that a legendary can do that a premium cannot and as long as that remains the case there is no NEED for any changes to membership levels.

    If you find that you are facing excessive repair bills then perhaps it is tme to play a little smarter or a little better.
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  7. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    If you refuse to go legendary, you can still buy an escrow unlock, AND you can still accumulate said escrow. Imagine if the devs decided to cap your max and you could not earn anything over that unless you subbed. They do want you to go legendary, and they do give you 1/3 of the subscription back per month in the form of loyalty points, which can be used to purchase market items (most commonly used on more replay badges), for the equivalent of 1/3 of a months sub fee - on top of the free replays they already give you per month when you're subbed. It is an enourmous value, and considering SOE's price gouging on other SOE titles, it's not something you'll soon see repeated. Take advantage of it, because that's the push of the design.

    If DCUO was truly a balanced f2p experience you'd see much more microtransaction options, like buying colas straight from the marketplace, as well as consumable gadgets and what not to support the lessened insistence on a sub. The grind, too, would also be much harder as many more design elements would change to push you toward these microtransactions. In retrospect, the only thing SOE is pushing you to purchase is an increase in your bank, either by grabbing an unlimited <or other> escrow token for a week, or go legendary for a month; more than fair.
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  8. Iloveglue Active Player

    cap should stay as 2k. If you need money hit those T1 solos and grab the plans that sell for about 5k, or even sell 1 exobit for 2k on the broker (people buy within first 10 minutes). Being premium isnt that hard, the only thing i hate is the 60 second wait time in trade chat.
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  9. RSL New Player

    no. it's still 15 a month. they don't give you back cash. heh. you can get deals as low as 10 bucks though.
  10. Roland Deschain New Player

    spytle clearly stated
    we do not intentd to take dlc armors above the cash cap for premiums
    this leaves 2 things open

    next t6 armors are gonna be GU dependant
    next t6 pvp armor is gonna be in a GU anyway so it's not restricted by that statement

    so this premium cash cap problem has to wait some time until the t6 pvp armor hits live
  11. Darksilver320 New Player

    Using your logic about purchasing the escrow for your "hypothetical" scenario. You sub up for 1 month $15. get your aura with your cash and unsub, but then you get the loyalty point and the replay badges. (ps wise). So in all reality that defeats your argument. You spent less for that aura than you would have for the escrow for whatever insane amount you think they would pay for it.

    Then we are back to, why would you need a raised cash cap? Repairs? Let's look at that for just a moment, There are things you can sell to make the cash you need. Many people have posted it, it's undeniable, the only thing you can even argue is that some people just don't want to work to get the items to sell and at that point whose fault is that?

    The point then remains why is it needed? It isn't. It is WANTED because of the inconvenience to some players. The problem is, those players CHOSE that inconvenience and now that some don't like it they want it changed. What gets me is a portion of those same players saying they don't want to spend the money on escrow, are the same people paying loads of cash for the shiny new things when they come out. Dare I say, like the aura boxes.

    I do not feel sympathy at all and I don't agree there is a need until you can show me a legitimate one outside of a personal gain.
  12. Mr Rocky New Player

    thank you for stating my point lol
  13. jedimaster91 Active Player

    I buy premium access because right now I can't afford $15 every month (funny thing about putting one's spouse through college is there isn't a lot of disposable income), but I can afford to pick up a DLC here and a DLC there. I enjoy the game, so I continue to play at a level that works for my budget. Just because I knew what I was getting into doesn't mean I have to like the restrictions and doesn't mean it can't be better. There may come a day when I can sub, but that day is not today. Nor will it be for the foreseeable future.

    And the whole "if you have excessive repair bills start playing better" is a steaming load of bull. I'm not a great player, but I consider myself decent enough. When I run solo or with my league, I rarely wipe. It's only when I try to pug something that wipe after wipe starts. Hence the reason I rarely pug anything. But I had to be a nice player and help out a guy in open world and next thing I know I'm queued for a T5 duo we couldn't clear. I stayed as long as I could afford to repair gear before finally throwing in the towel. Not everyone who has high repair costs is a bad player. Some of us end up the victims of bad groups.

    For me, the crux of the problem is there is virtually no difference between the premium who spent $5 on some weapon skin, the premium who has bought all the DLCs and some marketplace items, and the premium who used to be legendary but for whatever reason isn't at the moment. IMO, there should be.
  14. Black House New Player

    Well frankly if you are on a limited budget then perhaps games are not that important and helping a guy in the open world is not the most sensible of choices and Pugging is a waste of your time and limited funds.

    See I said better and SMARTER, you may know the mechanics but by your own admission you have difficulty making good choices, working on that would be of more benefit to you than raising a cash cap that you have yet to show a need for.
  15. Proto1118 Committed Player

    Yes. Needs to happen. Up $250.00 per DLC is fine with me.