make berserk the only 100% SC

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Red Skorpion, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    Lets be honest i am not for any SC being 100% but considering the nature of PVP and PVE i feel this may be for the betterment of The game ... berserk is way to much of a game changer capable of acting as a seemingling pvp buff withe destructive power that is by far unmatched .... IF your able to use 3 mass hysteria's and a mega volt i doubt u will even gain half the dmg done by 1 well executed beserk in like 20x's the time span ... i say this not only as an outsider my alt is rage and much like my main he is full android pvp .. i know there are powers and moves that produce more during pvp than pve but berserk is much to destructive in both.

    BTW if beserk is a %50 SC then WTF is Mass hysteria mega volt a 100% SC
    and if sever punishment is a regular move then eternal flames needs to be like a 35% SC IJS at best
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  2. uly31xx Active Player

    Seems the issue with Berserk is of an PVP nature then of a PVE, Berserk on its own does nothing, you have to be close and use abilities for it to be of any benefit you can be CC during its activation and get no benefits from it. Most players activating Berserk spam outrage
    with the hold, so its vulnerable to block so spamming power for it to be useful also. with Mass hysteria and mega volt 100% SC are moves with no draw backs apart from them being 100% SC. Mass Hysteria has adds doing moves and you have your power set and mega volt hits everything in that area.

    I suggest a better balance then nerfing the Berserk SC by increasing it to 100%. is like in LEGENDS you when you go into a PVP match you do not start with any SC meaning that when you activate your SC it would have been EARNED during the course of the battle and the balance will be there.
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  3. Black ZeroPrime New Player

    I fought 3 rage dps in arenas today they all berserked and still lost, its really not that bad ppl need to adjust to your opponent is all
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  4. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    Berserk doesn't even have to touch you, to do dmg if your close enough to your nearby buddy.. the move in combination can drop ur surrounding members. Meaning i can drop ur league in an 8v8 with the right setup ... for instance if were going for the healer someone should be block breaking them which leaves them vulnerable to heavy dmg the splash dmg done by this could drop everyone ... and do not act as if in a wide open match people are focusing on the rage dps and clipping berserk can cloak it not notifying your enemies that you are using it.. it's in the game so there isn't getting rid of it but making the climb to get it way to far is worth it

    right now in 2v2 use berserk soon as you enter ... drop enemies and keep dumping heal barrels to regen SC faster ... repeat this action till you winn 1000-0 baring any other rage user with berserk in the room ... when ever a powerset transcends game play like berserk has it needs to be put down. i see that sometimes it's IMPOSSIBLE to out dmg a berserk user in some instances making it obviously out of balanced ...

    as for mass hysteria and mega volt not having draw backs ... they do i can say that nearly 50% of the time i use MH either the ravenger or some boss. One either1 shots me or my ghost either dwindling the maximum out put or killing it all together as for megavolt ... have you ever used MegaVolt ... it does no real dmg for its duration... your way is something to consider (not being allowed to start with a SC) but as for PVE berserk is still way to mighty especially when WM comes out it may even be more devastating .. as in the first room in nexus 30 second near perfect berserk can get off 300k or even more.
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  5. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    sometimes i hate ppl.

    A. How do you know they we're using berserk
    B. what map were u on
    C. if they we're well coordinated then you may have saw its full devastation
    D. one scenario or instance doesn't do much justice for your argument
    E. We're you or someone on your team using beserk
    F. Do you know exactly what the move does and do you understand the amount of dmg it can do in a short amount of time?
    G. I understand adjustments have to be made but don't you think that berserk is the only SC in that truly has that effect on a match?
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  6. pyroshade13 Committed Player you're saying it only viable under the correct conditions....that must make it balanced
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  7. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    not at all saying that what you witness could be nothing more than a potential gear less half wick who got an online load out with no knowledge of what they do .. added to a fact of a group with little coordination ... this is what a larger portion of PVPer Queue up as. but someone who understands there power could easily use it to it's fullest extent
  8. Black ZeroPrime New Player

    was 4v4s and I play an alt rage I see it when used no matter the clips lol its not hard to see, only novice pvpers can't see it when used
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  9. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    we all know how in PVP how good you are to see every move your opponent sdoes only i do not believe you as if you clip it with relentless anger berserk it would not be noticble. berserk has no tells none it simply doesn't not a glow or even a buff below your name how can you tell again if you clip the animation i want to hear this but bare with me as your losing more and more cred. lets not forget the debate. it's that berserk is to over powered to be on par with the %50 SC or 100 percent ones either
  10. ??? Well-Known Player

    If it´s balanced, why under the "right conditions" other powers with 100% won´t perform as berseker does. Stop giving lame arguments if you want to make a point. Berseker is OP. Nuff said.
  11. ??? Well-Known Player

    This here proves you don´t know what are you talking about. You can clip berseker right away with a buff /trinket/consumable, and do AOE damage and GG.
    If you are playing vs rage users that don´t know how to do this, am sorry to burst your bubble but looks like you are playing at a noob level.
  12. ??? Well-Known Player

    And just for the record.. i do believe Berseker is the only supercharge worth 100% SC.
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  13. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    same for me
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  14. ??? Well-Known Player

    A good balance will be increase Berseker sc to 100%, and either, make the other 100%s into 50%, (but they still will be useless), or better yet, raise the damage potential to be in line with berseker supercharge, and so, make it worth the 100% SC. For all powers.
  15. lanternknight Committed Player

    Oh my F-ing G#*. Enough with nerf freaking posts. How about you just learn how to fight against rage users and stop crying for nerfs. No SC should be 100%. I didn't see nerf posts for Straffing Run and Bunker Buster with their 50% cost doing more damage than Fires Volcanic Calamity back when it was a 100% cost. They should just change your Mass Hysteria and Mega Volt to 100%.

    You know how that happens? By suggesting they should be lowered because they don't do damage that would justify a 100% cost. You don't ask for a nerf on a different power.
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  16. ??? Well-Known Player

    Am sorry that your response is so passionate, but here as you can read in the post we propose viable options and are offering valid feedback. You can provide numbers (you can try lol) to negate that berseker is not OP. I know you won´t because you know it. ;)
  17. Alexonic Committed Player

    i agree, would be more balanced...
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  18. uly31xx Active Player

    @Red Skorpion, your looking at perfect scenarios that hardly happens, I used berserk and still died in PVE under the same conditions you mentioned or i used it and got CC, interrupted so it got wasted its not a 100% win its not a sure move that i am ensured X amount of damaged when i use it. as i stated you cant just pop the move and stand there and see numbers roll on the screen you still need to use power still need to use the combat mech and need timing the move is a risk. every SC is viable under conditions

    when home turf came out i was in a 2v2 match where the other team was two mental users and before the match started both poped MH (so a 2v2 became something like 2v16 with trinket pets) and ran for heal barrels and did the same thing you mentioned, so i do not see the point in that example you stated. As i mentioned in my previous post if the DEVS did the same thing they did in LEGENDS, meaning remove the SC gathered out of the match before you start the battle, then your examples of them coming in and popping a SC would not be a issue. as for them to use any SC it would be earned during the course of battle. which is a balanced move.

    As some one has mentioned those who use berserk can be killed, it can be interrupted , yes those that they are not targeting do get damaged also but thats cause your close to the battle. same with a cele DPS doing plague combos in the air you need to focus on the the potential threat to your group.
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  19. ??? Well-Known Player

    My responses in red.
  20. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    lol i once had a league mate do over 3 million dmg in Nexus in 18 mins with 3 dps present thanks to Berserk... but i digress ur reading to much into it .... Use berserk have your team mate Block break demolish .... it's that simple you see what i did there as far as 2 mental users with ghost i laugh... really i do while the SC seems to be extremly threatening lol with a beserk if i hit one ghost you and your team mate go bye bye ... really bring me out a 5 or 8 mental users tell them to all pop ghost while i have a berserk ... i pop relentless anger to keep me from dying and i destroy all the neighboring players with 1 outrage and plasma rench ... and i'll smoke a ciggarette to look cool as nothing but dead ghost and pickup "cogs" surround me XD

    As some one has mentioned those who use berserk can be killed, it can be interrupted

    Rage dps are the most durable in the game ... by far able to heal at speeds healers can't match and with that said you do not have to follow through with outrage since obviously i think this is what you meant by being interrupt able... face it no matter what anyone tell you Berserk is very powerful more so than Bunker buster Mega Volt Blizzard Volcamic colamity MH maybe combined i'm not lying berserk under the the right hands will do too much dmg and this is the first and only time i've asked a power be nerfed especially one i play daily its too obvious