Skill Points Just a little idea.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Boyoblivious, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. TheLoneLantern New Player

    He's asking for a system that can only be seen by the player. There is nothing to be gained from having stars.
  2. Tule New Player

    The argument isn't from the original post. It escalated to include any type of achievement, including what people in this game seem to have the most problem with, visual ones.
  3. Boyoblivious New Player

    Please read the second paragraph of the original post.
  4. TheLoneLantern New Player

    It's not my fault you contradict yourself.
  5. Boyoblivious New Player

    Thanks for pointing it out. I can't edit the original post. It's not a contradiction. Just not well written.

    I was trying to explain the exact location of the stars. It is meant for as an easy means to find the stars while inspecting yourself and others.

    I shouldn't included the word "only" and words "on the" lol.
  6. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Providing ways to exclude players via inspection is not going to get much love on the forums. Also, I noticed that your sig says you have 150SPs. Is it just a coincidence that you make the star requirement in brackets of 30, with 150 being the highest award?
  7. Tule New Player

    But it isn't the last award..
  8. Boyoblivious New Player

    If you read further in the op it goes well beyond 150.

    Why 150? Simple math.

    A person begins his character and hits level 30 he has a round 30 skill points. That's why I started off that way. I could have made it to 160sp in increments of 30 but five stars would put a infinity on the calculation. 5.3333333... To be exact. C++ programming (only as an example) infinitys don't work very well.
  9. NexGenX New Player

    Prestige Mode? xD
    • Like x 2
  10. Boyoblivious New Player

    Oh no. I hate COD. But funny XD
    • Like x 1
  11. Boyoblivious New Player

    Would you be happy if you can turn this feature on and off? Through your UI?

    I run majority of my raids and alerts with the league. However on occasion we do have random people join. We had never excluded anyone based on their combat rating. Except for the few times the random's cannot queue up because they are not meeting the minimum CR requirement set by the game.
  12. Boyoblivious New Player

    Thank you
  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    How dare people get stars to show off their skill points. People who are CR103 and 45sp will not allow this foolery!!! I call Elitism!!!

    But in all seriousness this is a sweet idea and I am for it.
  14. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    No matter what kind of fancy or clever metric you want to use, this is nothing more than a request to make Skill Points viewable.
    • Like x 1
  15. Feenicks New Player

    It's not just you. My SP is my is my CR, my loadout, my stats, even my powerset (though it's obvious......and I have it in my sig.....but that was my choice)
  16. EzioNight New Player

    LMFAO! I love the sarcasm at the top made my day! :D
  17. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

    Need 103cr dps with 1gold star minimum for ANB.

    Devs get this done asap
  18. Boyoblivious New Player

    I would love for people to keep this thread alive!
  19. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    We need special titles. 180+ could be named "Planet Juggler"


    "GLF cr 108 Planet Juggler"
  20. Boyoblivious New Player

    Wow that makes no sense or if even funny. Thank you for whatever feedback that was.
