My Official Apology To Premium DLC Owners / Our Next Move

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PhoenixTanker, Apr 10, 2014.

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  1. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Thats because there was a big spike in quarter 4 and the ps4 launch got them a few more subs as well. However an initial sub from last year and a dropped sub from this year overrides the revenue increase from last year. Many people dropped sub due to lack of content which is understandable and even though USPS population is still high. 60% of that population is F2P or in another term potential subs or premiums.

    Considering we are in the second quarter there will be a spike in revenue for late April, early May and steady for the summer like last year depending on if this so-called premium screw over stays or goes.
  2. Mr Sinister Well-Known Player

    I'd like to say this will blow up in their faces, but people are absolutely dumb enough to pay twice or sub up just for 2 pieces of gear.
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  3. DaLucky7 New Player

    This is really annoying guys.

    @winter13: Actually, creating multiple threads on the same issue is not a horrible thing. If the page is filled with the same issue then that means this problem is big enough, and enough people are pissed enough to go out and make there own thread about. If anything this is going to show the workers that they messed something up and the community doesn't like it.

    @FESTER665: Yes, read what I wrote to winter13. This is a useless post that builds nothing on a conversation.

    @Derio We see what the the devs are doing and don't like it. Your first mistake is defending them for something they've done that the majority of players do not want.

    Now, the issue I see here is that subscribers do not have enough perks different to premiums. In other words (if a prem bought all dlc's) the only difference is bank/inventory/broker space, money cap, replay/sc every month. If they were to actually release 4 dlc's a year (like they're supposed to) a prem would pay 40 bucks a year. A sub is paying 80 dollars more then a premium member a year...for what?? I can hold more money?? And continue to get nothing out of the vault?? Wow great.

    If they gave more to subs then I would be perfectly fine raising the premium cap but as I know that will not happen premium's PAID REAL MONEY to have the gear that comes along with this DLC, and should have no restrictions in getting it. It's honestly just ridiculous that you would just tell them that there money doesn't mean anything and that they will have to pay more. If they want to squeeze more money out of players there are better ways like giving out aura boxs and not releasing more anomalies.

    Oh, and this. Are you serious dude? You are saying I've been paying 120 bucks a year for a product that I don't even get to own? Premiums have now possibly paid 90 bucks and they don't even own the game?! A car analogy doesn't even work because you are at least spending money on it every month to pay it off and own it. When am I going to pay this game off? How many years of sub do I have to buy before I own this game and have a say? We do own this game and if we don't like something the devs are doing we let them know and they go to their dev caves and figure out a way to fix it. A lot of the better players are already leaving because the devs are not giving any of us what we want and shafting us for money with replays for bad loot table drops and unbalanced power to create power switching. It's sneaky and manipulative and makes the devs seem untrustworthy.

    I've said my peace.
  4. winter13 New Player

    Maybe this analogy will help explain why the devs feel that they need to have 3 items above the cash cap. We've all purchased games In the past right? I know when I was on the ps3 a new game cost $60.00 (U.S.). You happily purchased that game that you spend $60 on for a few weeks, months, or even a year. This game on the other hand - you could start as a premium player and spend at most $40-$50 to get to the top tier endgame content. You don't have to purchase half of the DLCs to get to endgame and have the best gear in the game. You are spending less than the cost of a new game, for a game that gets regular game updates and at least 4 DLCs a year (if they stick to the timeline they shoot for).

    Does that help anyone understand why the devs don't have an issue with putting 3 pieces of gear above the cash cap?? They are trying to increase revenue by offering optional gear at the additional cost of an escrow token. It is about money...that is all. If they do not lower the cost before it goes live, or increase the cap to cover it, then vote with your wallet by not purchasing the optional gear if you don't agree with their decision.
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  5. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    look i really understand that this is a problem as a premium if you want dlc 10 you will have to pay for it! once you own it you have to buy escrow to buy the gear! just curious how fast are people going to get this gear, that you have to use in-game cash? i think maybe the casual are more likely to buy there first piece in a weeks time, buying escrow to purchase this gear! now a week i said! now some casual cant wait if they are premium more then likely they are spending money on replays! to try and get the gear? im not premium but im sure there are alot of premiums that purchase more replays then escrow! but im not here to knock premiums down cause as legendary i love playing with all types of players! but imo i think they can sell a package of escrows for the same price so you dont have to keep buying them as much! but this is my opinion
  6. winter13 New Player

    DaLucky7 -
    Multiple threads created by the same individual over and over again on the same topic does not show that it is a "huge" problem. It just shows one person's anger and desperation over a topic they feel strongly about.
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  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    At the end of the day you have to look at it from a business perspective.
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  8. DaLucky7 New Player

    What? So you are telling me that you will spend your well earned money on complete garbage the devs are creating just because they need money?

    No, give me a good product and I will spend my money on it. Look at this from a consumer perspective because you are one
  9. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    no but you can become legendary and not spend as much! read the post i made on this thread second page
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  10. yagamison New Player

    A legendary if they sub for the year pays $120.00. A premium, if they purchase 4 DLC's pays $40.00 a year. That's $80.00 less. How can they feel ripped off if forced to use escrow for say $10.00 more, if that just to purchase the 3 items currently out of their reach. If the devs adjust the pricing or raise the premium cap, why should anybody bother to sub???
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  11. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    same here man I am currently legendary but if they make the t6 gear higher than 2000 to buy just the armor will be a breaking point for me as my wife wont be able to keep up any longer and neither will I when i go back to premium I will let my sub laps and quit playing until the devs get their crap together and lower it as they will have to after the outlash that would come.

    they chose to go the pay to play route and if they dont support it then screw them Ill be done supporting them
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  12. Stormcastor101 New Player

    You can be that Successful,ruthless,money hungry company,or you can be that successful loving company that listens to its customers. Dcuo tries to be the 1st one that's why people are mad
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  13. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    its about the same im sure they buy replays!
  14. Darksilver320 New Player

    Normally this argument wouldn't be on my radar because I just think it's pointless to argue over who pays what, who deserves what..However..Some of you need to take your head's out of the sand a bit.

    Forgive me if I have it wrong, but each DLC is $10 for premium players. SO that total alone would be $100 spent on DLC's. 1 time payment. Now for those on PC I don't know your costs and in all honesty I don't care. For us PS3/4 players we have at most The option to get a year sub at the most. that is roughly $120? We are at 3 years...$360 .. for me I pay every 3months, same 3 years $120 since I signed up for the 3 month sub 29.99 way back in the beginning and they did offer it a few months back so lets go for sub vs dlc purchse for just a moment:

    3 years 10 DLC premium price = $100

    3 years 10 DLC legendary (using my sub price) $120 per year $360

    Now we want to be fair lets see what we get as legendary.. we get to open unlimited amounts of lockboxes, we get 6000 loyalty points per year...we get more inventory and bank cash cap....oh and someone mentioned 150 replay badges a month so 1800 replay badges a year.

    Now lets tally us some cash here for a 3 year period if you are a premium player. 6000 per year so thats what 18000 for 3 years at $10 per 1000 thats $180. 1800 over 3 years 5400 replay badges that would be roughly..lets say $160 rounded upso just the DLC's and the replays and loyalty points it would be a cost of $440 for premiums. Now I would be willing to bet that a MAJORITY of premium players have bought more marketplace cash on the consoles which in turn would mean they have spent more than what I have here.

    Now that is bare minimum for what we legendary players get for our monthly sub and I know I've bought much much more than what I pay sub wise but this is just to prove a point...

    Premium 3 years (I'm just going three years no need to go current) with what we get as legendary - $440 (And higher because dont forget the lockboxes and inventory etc)

    Legendary 3 years still at $360...

    SO if you are premium.. and you CHOSE that route...why should I feel sorry for you now? Some of you are complaining about greed, yet you chose the more expensive route for your addiction to the game.... ummmm...Again... Why do you need sympathy?
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  15. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    for one most of us spend way more than just the 40 per year on DLC's hell Ive easly spent 200 since this year started so your point is wrong and why would they sub? for the other perks that yall always try to pretend dont exsist.
  16. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I am looking at it from both perspectives. Consumer perspective I see the lack of content and missions seems like the best reason to unsub. Premium level perspective seems like the logical reason is to use escrow withdrawl or wait until DLC11(with more detailed content and a raid).

    Seeing that devs pulled this move and are most likely going to follow through with it, premiums and legendarys can make a stand right here and send a message, but most wont do that and will just give in and buy the escrow withdrawl and legendarys will still stay subbed. Simple as that.

    Devs pulled this number because they know they are losing subs on both sides but primarily on PS servers due to increase competition and they know competition will only get worse as the year goes by. So now best bet is to try to force people to sub or pay extra money to make up for that slump from Quarter 1 with this DLC in Quarter 2.
  17. yagamison New Player

    LOL, I was thinking of editing to point that out. I'm pretty sure most premiums have no problem dishing out for replays tho.
  18. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Indeed. And running away their primary customer is not a good route to go.
  19. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    So who is making you play? As a consumer, I love the game.
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  20. GeoShock New Player

    They don't pay for acess, the pay to own it.

    How about you bought a bottle of cola and it was only 3/4 full?
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