Is this the only game that utilizes replay badges for instances?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheHeartbreakkid, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    True. They'd be happy running nexus in tier 8 gear. As long as the dps numbers are high, who cares if we have nothing new to run!
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  2. Flogin New Player

    Sure its not dying you saying. ppl usualy come back after dlc comes back. But as you know the new dlc won't have any new power or raid.
    And the ESO release and the upcoming games ain't helping DCUO at all
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  3. Hero of Justice New Player

    If I find Nexus fun, who knows, I just might. I still run the Metropolis City Hall Duo almost every week on my CR 92 main, because I loved that duo and find it fun. Your point is well taken, but some people just enjoy rerunning content, even if its has been long overgeared. There is a lot of content in the game, people just blow past it and don't enjoy it.
  4. thenewkidd New Player

    I agree with a lot said here...

    Though I have to say...
    What made Final Fantasy 7 one of the best Single player game of its time?

    Though it was single player, there was more than the run straight through from beginning to end with no real "forks" in the road (Like FF13.. blah)

    In this game, You have solo content.. which is nice.. Duos, Alerts, Raids..
    There is an economy one can play with too.. I play the market "broker" all the time.. stocking up on things you THINK things might go up in price and sell things early that you know given time will go way down in price...
    I knew as soon as people go their own loot that Complex was going to go WAY down.

    A few open world missions people can do for T4 and T5 wastelands is also available...

    I could go on with content, but it boils down to this.. Like every game there has to be something there to keep them coming back even after beating end game content (and quite honestly, Dox is still the hardest raid in the game... AB doesn't even come close to the Dox.)

    Feats are another thing and this is something the devs have yet to balance out... are they feats that take years to complete? because the drop rate of some items in some content is astronomically rare that it takes 3 years of playing an alert every day to get? or balance it out by playing it 2-3 months. Do they make raids where only the elite or leagues can complete after hard practice? or do they make it easier so that Pugs can complete content too?

    Sorry for the rambling.. I just think it is funny that there are so many things to do, that people think that because they "completed end game content" that now there is nothing for them.

    Every game has a life span some live longer than others for people, but fix one complaint.. a new one will arise...
    Make drops easier to get (Vestment of Rage) and you complete AB in a few months... make it harder to get (Runes of the Norseman).. people pull their hair out and figure "why try"?
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  5. Lantern Niz New Player

    I know of at least one other MMOG that has a cap on the F2P population in regards to instances; and rewards subscribers by not having a cap. In WoW there are some raids that have a lockout after you ran it (at least there used to be back when I played), but I don't recall if it was as long as a week. I think DCUO already raises the cap in a way for legendary players by providing a monthly allotment of replay badges.

    Also, I'm completely on board for new open-world areas to explore!