The Misconceptions Between Legendary Members And Premium Players

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TrueOlympus, Apr 2, 2014.

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  1. Spidey Well-Known Player

    The difference between 2000 and 4000 is nothing in respect to the average Legendary player's wallet. Again, when I was Legendary my wallet was upwards of $225 MILLION. You think I would have cared if Premiums had $2000 or $4000 or even $10,000? No, because those amounts were miniscule to me. I spent multiple times more than that just listing a collection in the broker.

    To reiterate the main point about the cash cap, I'm Premium right now and will stay so for the foreseeable future unless the value of a subscription rises in my personal opinion. That said, I don't care if they keep my cap at 2000 or raise it to 2300 or 4000. As long as I can earn the gear with marks and pay for it out of my wallet, I'm a happy player. That's what people are getting at here. Nobody wants a raise just for the sake of getting one. I get by perfectly fine and I'm perfectly happy with 2000. I have everything anyway.
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  2. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    I wasn't calling you a crybaby. But that is the impression I get from legendary members who complain about the fact that premiums could possibly one day repair broken gear easier. can you believe that? can you believe that broken gear is what is keeping most of these people subscribed? the answer is no. Their problem is they want to feel superior. I actually like you feenicks. You have a cool name, and love dcuo unconditionally. But I also think your too nice. Which is why i felt you wrote that post above.
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  3. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    they are complaining over repair bills. Its quite sad imo.
  4. Spidey Well-Known Player

    Who is?
  5. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    the legendary players that oppose a $2000 increase
  6. Feenicks New Player

    Well, I wouldn't say unconditionally, but yeah, I love this game. And being too nice is a fault of mine. :)
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  7. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    If you go back to his original point, he had no intention of having a discussion, but instead came from on down high to pronounce the truth to all of us who didn't know it. He starts out by saying that anyone who does not share his opinion is biased and a hypocrite. He also warns anyone that agrees with him that they should bypass the thread because he just intends to hector anyone who posts. The last sentence is telling,
    His thoughts and observations are on display, they are not open for discussion.

    He told us where he was coming from.
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  8. Notangie New Player

    Isn't it about time for this legendary vs. premium discussion to get derailed and locked?
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  9. Spidey Well-Known Player

    Well here's a newsflash for those people. I can run ANY content right now and my repair bill doesn't even put a dent into my PREMIUM wallet when I'm done. Even when the next tier comes out, the days of raids like Dox where you die 1000 times are gone and even if those types of raids return, we have answers for that too in the form of enhancers and interfaces to sell.
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  10. Feenicks New Player

    I agree. I'm bowing out. Kind of regret being part of this conversation.
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  11. Fruity Reaper New Player

    And this is why this forum cannot have a civil conversation...most sensible players, premiums and legendary's, realise that something has to change but it appears that its only premiums that are stamping their feet and throwing names around...what's so hard to understand about the fact that if one tier of membership gets adjusted then the other has to as well?

    The fairest solution as you put it would devalue the legendary to such an extent that it would be no inconvenience at all to just own all the DLC's and avoid the hassle for a LOT less money with the added bonues of permanently owning the content for the games lifetime, as it stands I could drop the sub tomorrow and have precisely the same content as I had when I was last premium, FFTL only - the ACTUAL fairest solution would be to scale it $500 with each DLC whilst also giving the legendary's a massive perk like no warp cool downs - THATS a win win.
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  12. Thatguy New Player

    OP is completely correct, in my humble opinion.
  13. Fruity Reaper New Player

    You are massively missing the point that a great number subscribe mainly to avoid the hassle of the cash cap, make the cash cap less hassle without adding something worthy to legendary and the devs may as well just burn money in their office.
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  14. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Correct or not, insulting people with contrary opinions in your original statement is not a recipe for healthy discussion.
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  15. Mister Majesty Committed Player

    I am legendary, and have agreed with this solution for quite some time, for several reason:

    1.) Premium are not locked out of T6 (and above) vendors.

    2.) In making it DLC-based, it still keeps a reasonable cash cap in place for premiums (at $300 per DLC, the cash cap would be at around 5k), which keeps the value of legendary in place by sheer nature of most things in this game costing well above the cap still besides simple things like gear vendors and repairing, as well as us still getting all of our other perks (All Access DLC, replay badges, SC, etc.)

    3.) This still rewards players who put money into the game, while still maintaining the exclusivity of Legendary.

    As a Legendary member myself, I can find nothing wrong with this compromise for the sake of not alienating an entire group of our playerbase.
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  16. Thatguy New Player

    He was so careful not to offend anyone that it almost sounded like a politican's speech. There's really no reason this thread derailed into arguments--and I'm not going to read the other 9 pages anyway ;).
  17. Fruity Reaper New Player

    The OP stated neutrality but is clearly wildly biased towards premiums and that was the basis for most of the comments from the community...just because you state something does not make it true, especially if the post you leave after contradicts that statement.
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  18. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    i support a cash cap increase. i am a sub. some of my league are not.
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  19. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I've highlighted the sections I'm thinking of.
    This isn't an invitation for discussion, it's a diatribe. As you can see from the underlined sections above, anyone holding a contrary opinion is a hypocrite, and or ignorant.
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  20. Gwalir Loyal Player

    I've never understood why people think this.

    Considering Premiums' cap of $2000 was good at T3 when things were cheaper, why would a higher cap when everything else is higher be any worse as long as it's kept about equal in the end. For example, if it cost a Premium $1000 of their $2000 max for a piece of T3 gear, why would it be so different for one to pay $2000 of a $4000 max?
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