Deserter Flag

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Sarien, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Sarien Well-Known Player

    Out of my last ten lair battles, I can count on one hand, the number of opponents who haven't straight up quit the match early. That's fine if they don't want to play to save their streak feat progress or what not. But can we get a deserter flag with a bit of teeth to keep them from jumping right back in the queue? I mean one that persists through logout. Five minutes or so is fine for dumping a match, but people shouldn't be able to just /logout, log right back in, and queue again.

    Our warp timers persist through logout, why not desertion flags?
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  2. Xeranx New Player

    Absolutely. With infallible connections we should have deserter flags persist even through obvious intentional disconnections. I mean, they'd rather quit than continue to go against you, correct? So you want them to not be able to queue up again.

    One, the sarcasm is as heavy as I can make it. Two, how petty can you get about what opponents do when you're beating them? Talk about ego.
  3. Sidetracked New Player

    The people who quit lair battles do so 99% of the time because they got beaten before and don't want to spend their precious time getting beaten again. This is more or less fine with normal arenas for example when you are going up against a premade that decimated your pug group or you are just sure it will. I don't see a reason why anyone would do it in a lair since they are so short. It feels like a form of griefing the opponent with denying him the win count.

    I would welcome a change that made quitting lair battles (lair battles only) have a (at least, I would prefer it was 10 though) 5 min counter that persist through logout.
  4. Xeranx New Player

    Knowing that this is SOE, I'm not going to put anything past them. If this were put in, it would be across the board. It won't be in effect in special arenas and/or cases. This punishes people who have poor connections, get poor service, and/or only have one carrier with which they can get service. Any interference that knocks you offline briefly serves as an annoyance to the player who may have not done anything to pull themselves out of a situation they don't like and that is wholly unfair.

    Now I'm not saying that there's going to be a majority of people who have these types of issues, but it only needs to happen to someone once before they start thinking about whether they want to continue playing the game. Anyone who has a subscription is a potential loss of revenue and that won't help SOE's bottom line.
  5. Sarien Well-Known Player

    Yes, it should be across the board. If you get legit disconnected, 5 minutes is not a long wait. It'll eat up the majority of it, restarting and reconnecting to the game. If honest disconnects happen often enough that a 5 minute wait is enough to irritate you, then maybe you'll know how it feels for all the people trying to actually play the game, that you're leaving in the lurch from your frequent disconnects. What it mostly does, is keep the people from leaving the arena on purpose, typing /logout, logging right back in, and jumping right back into the queue; only for you to meet them again and have them dump the match again.

    Win/Win however you look at it.
  6. MARK2099 New Player

    I guess you are from pc side, horrible idea, if you are so worried about your winning feats then sync with someone and tell him to unequip all gear and kill him in 1 combo 3 times so you can farm even faster than regular lairs.

    Is even more ... complain because a difference from regular arenas lairs pop instant, maybe 1 every 20 you get players declining but most of the times take seconds to start lair, if you are still worried about players leaving REQUEST count towards victory feats even if the other player leave before the first round.
  7. Xeranx New Player

    Do you understand what across the board meant when I mentioned it? This will bleed over into pve. This is a pvp complaint and you have no right to impact pve even by accident because you're asking for changes. And the part in orange is so illustrating about how overblown your ego is that it should be clear that this is not a good idea especially when it's coming from someone like you. Mind you, this isn't me trying to insult you. I'm calling it the way I see it. That honest disconnects should somehow teach people a lesson? You have given no room for anyone who doesn't just quit a match. You are painting every single person with the same brush. Why? Because you want to see the scoreboard?

    This is a horrible idea. It punishes people who can't be (and never should be) expected to change their geographic locations because of poor ISP service. Obviously I'm one of the people that has this issue otherwise I doubt this would come up at all. Again, horrible idea. Deal with people dropping out and hope that the next match you have will give you all your scoreboard glories.
  8. KCTAMU92PC122010 New Player

    I never quit a match. The disconnects since DLC6 for me have been plenty. When it happens say in the middle of Ace Chemical legends match, I log back in and I believe I have had to wait 5 mins to get back in. So, I thought the "deserter flag" was already in place. I guess I am used to the wait. The only thing I hate is my team(pug) may think I bailed. Maybe something in the chat window that informs your team that you disconnected would be nice.