Buying style feats with replays.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PerfectLegend, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    I honestly think they should give us the style, if we choose to purchase the feat.

    Or at the very least, if we purchase said style feat, to not mark the whole style as collected and let us know what pieces we're still missing.

    Does anyone else feel the same?
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  2. yagamison New Player

    I feel your pain..
  3. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

  4. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    No one else feels the same way? :(
  5. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    I agree. The point of buying the feats is based on already accomplishing them. Now after purchasing feats like styles its a nightmare to track what styles you actually have. I hurts nothing to allow players to have these styles...after all we did work for them & then paid for them. Its def disappointing we are not rewarded the styles.
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  6. Tikkun Loyal Player

    Even if I had to pay more replays for style feats to include the styles, I would do it in a heartbeat.
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  7. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    All our proceeds from Disconnected go towards replay badges anyway! ;)
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  8. Feenicks New Player

    I'm against this idea.
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  9. tukuan Devoted Player

    Either this or have buying styles from other toons as a separate process that when completed awards to style feat as well. For example if the most a style feat costs is 3 replays (for non-iconics) then non-iconic styles should be purchasable for 1 replay per element.

    That way if you had to buy the whole style for an alt you'd typically be looking at 7-8 replays which is more but you'd get the style as well.

    If you only needed 1 or 2 pieces it would be cheaper but it stands to reason that the style was mostly complete so the grind versus cost balances out.
  10. Feenicks New Player

    I think it's enough they implemented this....uh.....feature. Next that will be asked for is loot by unlocking alert/raid feats.
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  11. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    Is the sarcasm really needed? Clearly you didn't read the entire original post.

    Two ideas. The latter would at LEAST be nice to allow us to know which style pieces we have to hunt for, if the style feat is already purchased.

    If you're against the former, that's fine. To each their own. But I see no reason to be against the latter..
  12. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    Just so everyone can see the second idea I had in mind. :)
  13. Feenicks New Player

    The latter is fine. No worries there.

    I was a very vocal opponent to feat unlocks back when it was bandied about. One of the points I brought up is it will create future threads of folks wanting things handed to them instead of earning them. The former part of this idea is an example of that.
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  14. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    All is good, as I said, to each their own! I just at least rather not get confused or lost with what styles I'm missing - in case I'm trying to actually wear it. :)
  15. RudeKitty New Player

    I totally agree in being able to finish the actual style for a replay badge each piece. I also agree that the feat, once purchased, should still remain "open" enough for us to see what pieces are still missing.
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  16. Poo New Player

    I thought the style still says it is uncollected. At least that's how it is supposed to be.
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  17. Psianide Active Player

    Quite, especially when its coming from the creator of this thread -
  18. Elusian Crowd Control

    They opened up the Pandora's box. There is no retreat anymore. Just waiting for someone prominent to open a thread about handing out loot and marks beforehand right after entering the instance.
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  19. tukuan Devoted Player

    No need to apologize for consistency, though I disagree on this point it's always nice to see people stick to their guns.
  20. Trexlight Devoted Player

    1st idea no, 2nd idea absolutely understandable but as Poo mentioned as well, when looking at the style, it tells you if it has been collected or not. But again, your 2nd idea is something that would be nice to have
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