Do you attack the other faction on sight?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ava1Spade, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. Grid Ion Committed Player

    I smoke anything in sight.
  2. HermanRuth New Player

    When I started playing, I was about 3 months behind everyone else. I wasn't a beta player. Didn't start until "after the hack".

    Anyway, built my toon on the "Blood Will Run" server not knowing what that had in store. Was new to this whole MMO thing, in fact. Let alone PvP or PvE differences. And I got killed constantly. Heroes would roadblock certain missions and I'd have to wait sometimes to get those done. There was no PvE phasing.

    This instilled my mantra of "If It's Red, it's Dead" when I finally caught up in gear and skill points. I'd kill anything hero. Or try to. I was one of those jerks at fight club killing heroes that were in a 1v1. I didn't like the hero/villain friendliness at Fight Club.

    Now, I really only kill the ones that are attacking nightclubs or if they're going after the same exobit as me. The open world PvP was really hit hard when the yellow rock supercharge went away. There was always a good battle to bad there.

    The best is when a lower level toon attacks mine. I like to run and pretend that I'm trying to get away. Sometimes, I accidentally kill 'em with a block, though.
  3. jayclay732 New Player

    i don't attack on sight, villans tend to be cool about me farming on pvp side, once in a while somebody will hit me so my buddy and i handle that person, and i get back to work. on my villain tho, heroes tend to always start with me, i can't even fly around on the pvp side without heroes trying to beat the crap out of me.
  4. Eranthis New Player

    This made me sad ... very ... very sad :( always thought you was a hero.
  5. Jake IX New Player

    usually, yes.

    Unless i'm at fc
  6. Revoemag Committed Player

    Personaly I do everything from open world pvp.
    Waiting for a que to pop, right there in open world.
    Its where the action is, that being said, I don't attack 1st usually but I will encourage hero's to attack me.
    Standing around looking like I'm afk, hero thinks he gets a free kill. Hero launches an all out attack on me, I hit reflect pain(mental btw) and watch the hero kill himself. This never gets old.

    I have to admit I had a little to much fun farming hero's doing the stpatties event. Hiding in stealth(I was gadgets at the time) leaving implosion mines around the exploration points. I could see their reaction, like

    PS. I have a rule of 3..I won't kill the same hero more than 3 times..either pick another or move on to another area...its about fun and not to be an ahold.

    I would love to see just a one day event sort of thing where HoD and watchtower was closed and forced everyone out into the open world..pvp.
    • Like x 1
  7. Jake IX New Player

    I'd love this
  8. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    It used to be if its red its dead but its not as fun as when the game first started.
  9. Black ZeroPrime New Player

    every time I level a new toon I see a cash geared 30 hero trying to kill me or the others around. so I scrimmage them 1st to legends and beat them down very badly then send them an e-mail stating maybe they should stop get some SP gear and skill instead of ganking lowbies before I pull out my big gun (meaning either my main or my alt tank) and chase them around mercilessly metro and or gotham until they logout. I told this to a noob 30 yesterday and when I reappeared with my lowbie alt he ran away from the mission he was camping.
  10. Smart Bomb Well-Known Player

    only if they attack me first
  11. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    I stay in PvE phase but I try to remember to keep my flag on. That way it is up to the other individual. Be warned though, if you attempt to steal my exobit/collection I will show no mercy. I mean after all I am a villain but I could be worse. Most of the time if the heroes leave me alone I leave them alone. I will admit it is funny when you kill a hero 3 times w/o them even touching your health and they still come back for more.

    There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity and a lot of people tend to flirt with that line.
  12. Fruity Reaper New Player

    Yup, if you are red you are dead...but as Deranya says please Heroes don't be afraid to attack but if you do FINISH the fight, don't run away or type /exit...someone did that last night so I waited and every time he logged back in I was waiting where he had exited and I smashed him again, 3 times we did that dance.

    Grinds my gears when heroes do 1 tap range attack then are running by the time you turn round, take the pounding you deserve instead of being cowards.

  13. RudeKitty New Player

    When I was a wee sprout of a villain, I'd jump in like a bulldog (and get stomped!)... now that I'm a big girl, I wave first. If they attack, it's on... if they wave back, I walk away. I will admit that sometimes I see a hero hanging out high in the sky, and I fling a stun on them to drop them. (I learned every dirty trick I know from heroes) ;)
  14. Lucaefor New Player

    I'm very honourable. I've finished all my collections now except the WotL ones but that would be the only exception. You see, certain people make a living selling in game cash and extorting players on the broker for rare items. If I'm hunting collections and see anyone near a node point (botting or otherwise) I'll turn them into dog food... unless it's a fellow villain in which case I'm stuffed.
  15. PillowHands Committed Player

    I'm trying to remember the last time my character has even been outside in a pvp phase :oops:
  16. NyteSkye New Player

    I say hi, invite them to go get a drink at the local bar, I don't drink, so I just drink soder colas. We talk about our travels, how we dealt with Brainiac... I ask them if they have seen Mistah J, but they either work for Circe or Lex... However Circe's followers, I tell them I have a crush on Circe... I've never trusted Lex... And Superman is too much of a boy scout for me... We just have a good time, and go back to whatever we are doing, as long as they don't attack me or my close allies... Then we're all on good terms.
  17. GodofSorcery New Player

    If I am in the open world with my League we will post up in front of a villain base and we will start fighting 5 then it turn into 20 it is fun.