Work In Progress: Hard Light Balance - Updated

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by spord, Mar 17, 2014.

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  1. TrueOlympus New Player

    Its amazing how accurate that is.
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  2. Dr celestino New Player

    Is the way to HL control, is to be right next to tank...a compact troller.Like a second tank......boxing, light claws power over time puts you there also debuff whip trash may be a good pvp pve your saying hello to the final boss......also light has the worst animation always a pause between every troll theres not a good super charge always wisdom of power.....and mini gun and chainsaw are very use less why cant they be the defense debuff.:)
  3. McDonaloid Active Player

    I would like HL to have a bit of a buff on certain moves (grasping hand, spikes) I think it would be good because we could set a better range rotation than the ones we currently have.

    One complaint I do have and it really bothered me was the way fan was "fixed" so it wouldn't hit others if you moved around with the right stick but you can do that with the mini gun which of course isn't all that great, so why bother "fixing" that right? The thing about HL is it doesn't have useful dots like rage and fan kinda helped out on that.

    Also, reduced cast times. Ram sometimes has a shorter cool down sometimes it takes a little longer, kinda annoying. It would be great if claw got a shorter cool down like before. Or I would settle for less power consumption.

    But I definitely would like more powers that are useful on the ranged side a lot of our best attacks are melee and that's fun and all but we should have the option to be melee or ranged with our powers not just our weapons. Because right now most of our melee powers hit more efficient.

    Thank you for reading my suggestions and rant/comments,
    Yours truly McDonaloid- Peach.
  4. Furling Well-Known Player

    I LOVE how Hard Light scales from 0 trolls melee in an alert to 3+ trolls range in a raid with different combos/rotations. It's extremely flexible and capable of adapting to just about any situation in capable hands. (And there are definitely more capable hands than mine).

    My ask is that it remains that adaptable. I know changes will be needed with WM and JC changes, but I ask that it won't become single dimensional. Some people have made it that way, but it doesn't have to be.

    I don't like that my cel and rage toons can do as much damage, or more, for 1/2 the power and 1/2 the effort in a raid. Hard light can be a real power cow. But, more effort/skill + more power ought to equal more DPS IMHO.

    I'd like at least 1 hard hitting power/finisher. If I had WM crit bonuses right now, I don't know what power I'd use it on... all the individual powers hit so softly. If I had something with a big hit and extra critical damage, it'd help with the power cow, even if it had a longer cool-down on it. Imagine Hal gathering his will for a big blast of light, or maybe a train that actually hit like a freight train instead of a styrofoam train!

    I'd love a prec buff like anoint or bloodlust.

    Agreeing with others.... I'd like a ranged POT option, and a ranged def debuff option that doesn't put all the mobs in balls and roll them away from the tank.

    BUT - don't take away my baseball bat! That is SOO much fun to mess around with :)


    USPC - 103 Hard Light dps/troll, 103 Rage dps/tank, 103 Cel dps/heal. Playing 2 years as Hard Light.
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  5. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    Since HL is mid to melee range, I feel like it needs more survivability
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  6. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

  7. FelixDuo Committed Player

    I didn't know I wanted this until now. I suggest one of them gets replaced with a giant construct fist that you can punch enemies with at mid/long range. That's like a classic Green Lantern move anyway. I don't know why we don't already have it. I also think Impact and Ram are too similar. One of them needs to change. Not sure what I'd replace one of them with though...
  8. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    hopefully we get this kinda early :/ i mean i really want those changes ..
  9. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Give boxing glove the first Dreadful blast animation so that you can should a glove at opponents giving pot.
  10. legacyofearth New Player

    HL needs MORE DMG all the people started to say that HL suck bec dont have any crit like celestial or any other power it needs to be like celestial or rage and i think it needs a buff with the new jump canceling bec if u remove the jump thing HL will be the worst dps power and without buff or crits HL will dead!!!! make it like rage ! to be fair bec this way Hl will be not good a dps power or troll u have to make it like rage it needs a rework
  11. Judgmental Jolt Well-Known Player

    I agree that survivability may be the key here. If we have some extra survivability, trolls won't even need the POT change. However, that doesn't change the fact that there are 2 sets of moves between the trees that are nearly identical.

    Gloves and Claws are TOO SIMILAR and have the same function. The same applies to Impact and Ram. Gloves, shielding, and triage all have to go IMO. Shielding will be fine if you can move and rotate the shield. I think mini guns should count as multiple hits as well (build that meter!) If it weren't on Assault, I would personally consider it another POT candidate, but the Assault tree is fine. Support needs work.

    Hardlight troll and DPS just might be fixed if we got a mini-tank mechanic. Every hit in a construct combo increases defense by *amount* until hit meter resets or for minimum of 5 seconds. I kinda stole that from DPS buffs, but you get the idea. That could be OP, need a better idea but survivability is on the right page IMO

    How about each comboed construct comes with a construct armor that has a chance to break any time you take damage, but also weakens as your hit meter goes up?

    Would hard light DPS do good damage without jump canceling IF melee was viable in endgame content? I think the shielding would make the risk worth it troll side. Opportunity to build meter and melee, but with the risk of losing your defense boost at any point, so you'd have to find the sweet spot for lingering.

    Just throwing out ideas. This particular one would make light barrier a little less relevant unless it only applied to moves on the Assault tree. Someone should please take this idea and flesh it out into something viable for DPS and Trolls without being OP or taking the tank's job
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  12. legacyofearth New Player

    the dps side is not ok at alll ! dude needs a rework needs to be like rage
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  13. JayAreLIVE New Player

    Make support tree better there's a lot of useless powers there also the 35% doesn't even feel like a 35% it don't hit hard at all even when they're life is under 35%. A pet would be awesome a lot of hl dps use the sidekick robot give us our pet. And fan use to give use 2 dots or more bring that back.

    the trolling side needs a lot of work the dps side needs a little give use new powers for we can make new rotations
  14. JayAreLIVE New Player

    Also keep jump canceling with out jump canceling hl dps will dead.
  15. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    Since jump clipping is being modified there probably needs to be some buffs to some of HL's moves (not really sure which ones since I don't play HL).
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  16. Bulthax Active Player

    A few things I would like to see:

    Light Claws Combo Hold Fixed: Originally the Hold was able to be comboed into directly after the Lunge was comboed into from Fan or Light Blast. For a while it's been broken as you have to preform one Tap Attack before being able to do the Hold attack.

    Move Chainsaw: As of right now Chainsaw is in a horrible spot for people who want to use all the Construct Combos. In it's current position you have to spend all 12 of your Power Points get all Construct Combos. I think moving Fan to Chomper's position, reducing power cost and Damage Modification, and then placing Chainsaw where Fan currently is would allow Construct Comboers the ability to get all the Combos without having to sacrifice a 3 Power Points on 3 powers we probably won't use but still allow us that choice.

    Change Shielding: I'd also like to see Shielding Removed, I don't know anyone that uses it anymore. Seeing it replaced by a Construct Pet Summoning power would be cool I think.
  17. Thornn EUPS New Player

    Minor changes
    - Rename the Power to Will / Fear, to bring it in line with Rage & upcoming light powers in future DLC's (Not massively important but it would make sense to me)

    Main Changes
    DEBUFFS: A lot of people have mentioned this in the thread already about the debufs being only close range & that they should all be changed to range & others have said not to change them because that's the way the power was intended to be.... blah blah blah.....
    I think that a middle ground could be reached with the debufs for HL, Yes the debuffs are close range but that is how HL was designed to be, it gave players a new way to play a controller roll however for certain aspects in the game ranged debufs would be a nice so here is my suggestion for that, why not have 1 range & 1 close range debuff for each of the Attack, health & defence buffs that way it gives both sides of the argument a way to play that suits them & how they like to play, so for example: Snap Trap as the ranged Defence debuff & Whip Thrash as the close ranged debuff & obviously apply the same for the other buffs .....

    POWER OVER TIME: Again linked to what I just mentioned with the debufs, Light Claws & Boxing Gloves both lunge into the opponent so to balance the power out I feel that the devs should change one of the POT Moves (Preferably Boxing Gloves) to a ranged cast move so that it doesn't lunge and gives players the option to choose between ranged & close ranged

    35% FINISHER: Not being a HL DPS, I will leave this for others that know the DPS side better than me to suggest changes but what I do know is that it does need an adjustment of some sort.

    SHIELDING: On paper it sounds like it could be good, however in practice it's not very useful. My suggestion for this power is to keep it the way it is but with only 1 change, allow the player to move around/attack while the shield is constructed instead of being fixed to a point until the cast is over

    That's all I can think of for now......
  18. Zim New Player

    Exactly this^. After jump cancelling and the PT are taken out of the equation, how can we even begin to know which way we want HL DPS to go in the future. This revamp needs to wait until after the changes take place so we can get a true measure where HL is at. Otherwise we are going to have 50+ pages of waisted space.
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  19. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    Its balanced changes not needed. Exc l`d undo fan jumpcancel nerf
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  20. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    Sheilding- Shouldn’t be a cast n just made better and switch it with spikequake both should be made better.

    This needs to be done below or something like it-
    You have chompers & Spikequake in the Assault tree and Light Barrier and Shielding in the Support. You should have 1 of these in each tree not the same type of power twice in one tree. Each time you hit mele on spikequake it should do damage building your will power making the power stronger and you should be able to do it quick. Earthquakes Aren’t slow & this shouldn’t be or it can be wutever your interaction will be be in both Chompers and spikequake in separate trees.

    Interaction- could be just double damage on the final hit of a combo if you used chompers or spikequake 1st when you do ram snap fan the fan ends up doing double damage on the final hit.
    Chainsaw- Chainsaw -minigun and if you used chompers or Spikequake the end of the combo will do double Damage
    Ram -whip -clap n if you use chompers or spikequake 1st handclap does double Damage.

    Minigun shouldn’t be a cast – Make it quick or really increase the damage.

    Triage- should be taken out n u change it to a Precision Buff and call it Determination!

    Ballistic Assault – is a Super charge so it shouldn’t be a cast. Up it to 35% percent and get rid of the cast please.

    Lightweight – Shouldn’t disappear and you should be able to pick it up and smash it and it could go with the Mighty Smashing MOD. Wow he goes to pick it up n it disappears…. His will power stinks! Lol

    Light beam- if you just use the power it’s single target like photon blast but if you hit mele it turns into aoe .

    Some parts of combos are interruptible and shouldn't.

    The interaction I came up with isn't great but at least it's some kind of idea so they at least go in that direction.
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