Why Are Best Drops Always Rare Drops?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ekaterina, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Ekaterina Committed Player

    After running AnB over and over again only seeing the ring drop a total of four times but completing the raid at least 50 times, i find it very disturbing that the best gear is always rare like,

    dps trasher chest rings (dropped in fos 1 and 2)
    Prime Em ( dropped in Prime)
    Lock Box rings and necks (random loot from Prom. boxes)

    Why cant it cost X amount of marks? Yes i know its random and that means that i could receive it every time i run the raid or i could NEVER receive it. If you used over 1,000 replays and still haven't gotten a ring i think there is something wrong. That ring is a HUGE boost and receiving it requires NO skill please make it purchasable with marks of reality or increase the drop rate.

    What needs to be rare are styles, not stat boosters because everyone will want it and not everyone will receive it no matter how many times they rerun it, which is causing them to spend extreme amounts of money to get it...(Hoping thats not what you devs are after lol).
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  2. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Dps is universal and so everyone can equip it.
  3. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I have 2 ;)

    I dont know if I completely agree...I liked the drop rate on the Helm of OP because it was unbelievably rare, whereas these seem to drop for people more often (I know a few guys with 2 already and still have never even seen the helm)

    So while, yes, I think that most high level items should be able to be bought (or good substitutes) stuff like the Rings/Helm of OP are fine as ultra-rare drops, if nothing else to keep people running the content
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  4. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    F-bomb lol at this point every piece of gear or epic piece like the Ring of Ominipotence should be available three different ways in game.
    For the Ring of Ominipotence
    1) Purchasable with marks. Raise the MoR cap from 250 to 500 and make each ring 500 MoR.
    ... cash cow and more replay badge ****** ahoy. #milliondollarmantheme.

    2) Marketplace purchase - 7500 station cash. (run on sale at 5000 station cash when the time comes) #milliondollarmantheme

    3) Earn the old fashioned way. Run the stinkin' content until you get lucky.

    For everything else... MOM!!!! DAD!!!! I'm being outnoobed in the game... buy me gear and rings and I promise to clean room, do chores and not cuss as much while gaming online.
  5. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I agree and we've come a long way since the BS of earning a full set of armor 2 to 3 levels higher than the best purchasable set like we saw with Nexus of Reality and Paradox Wave, but it should go further.

    I was over the moon when they announced a weapons vendor and level 90 gear vendor in DLC9, but soon realised it was a farce because of not only how generous A&B is, but how much better the drops are. Once again, the game became about a single instance. Thankfully A&B is vastly superior in every way to Paradox, but it's not the point.

    The highlight of DLC9 was being able to buy the best available weapons, right there, from the vendor. The hard work of grinding instances paid off because you know there's no way you can get a better weapon. But the gear? What's the point. You might as well just replay A&B a few times. You'll certainly gear up quicker than running all 4 player instances, all Duo's and all solo content once per day, for about 2 weeks.

    Going forward, emphasis really needs to be on the vendor gear. There should still be Ring of Omnipotence-esq drops. We all need something to chase once we've beaten the initial challenge. But focus should be on the marks and the prizes you get for building up your marks.
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  6. MercPony Devoted Player

    I'm fine with stuff like the Omni Helm and Ring of OP being kinda exclusive this way. Sure they are wonderful and shiny but they are also still mostly optional. Awesome if you got lucky enough to get them, but you can still live if you don't either.

    Their value wouldn't mean much if everyone was able to get them so easily.
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  7. No Aywok New Player

    I swear I will get a Helm of Omnipotence while I'm still capped at T4.

    In reality, though, I will get it the next time after it is no longer an upgrade.

    Rare is rare and should stay rare; these style vendors are bittersweet for me also.
  8. JRsoFLY_123 Committed Player

    IT IS THE RING OF OP FOR A REASON! It I made to be beyond rare items just like the prime head. I literally seen only 4people have that helmet every since the dlc4 battle for earth came out. Anyway it must be rare let it be rare we already getting a rare style vendor the last thing we need is more rare. Don't use replays just to get the dam ring just get lucky. I been seeing these forums with grievances of the op ring being to rare having to spend so much replay well I say this....WHO DAM FAULT WAS THAT TO WASTE MONEY?
  9. Chicago Bull New Player

    Well you do understand OP, that there are many pro and cons for the "Step" Genre. (Dubstep, Trap, etc.) Many wannabies needing to join the "business", but they...o wait...


    Why are the best drops always the rare drops?

    Well...if they weren't the best why wouldn't they be rare? *mind blown*
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  10. TheLoneLantern New Player

    How much have you spent of replays so far to run AnB? There's your answer.
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  11. Notangie New Player

    Having the best gear be a lucky drop is to sucker gamblers into spending more money.
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  12. Humane Committed Player

    If you can buy it, then it is obviously not rare.
    I don't have a ring yet, been unlucky, but leave it the way it is. If I manage to get one it will be more satisfying than buying one.
  13. Jcal Dedicated Player

    These T5 raids have turned into real cash cows. Take caution in overfeeding the animals!

    Just remember OP, in about 3-4 months, Lvl 93 Gold Ring of OP < LvL 95 Green Ring of Uncommon :).
  14. Tule New Player

    This has been in MMOs long before F2P and p2p. It gives you something to shoot for. It gives you something unique. It makes that run memorable. It gives people favorite runs, based on a loot. And in the worst case it makes people play the same mission several times, but that extends content lifeline, because people EAT through content, no matter how much is put out.

    Even in games that are/were completely f2p have items like that. Thats the atmosphere on an MMO. Its supposed to be a world, it isn't suppose to be a competitive lobby game.
  15. Fruity Reaper New Player

    Well I have the helm but not a sniff of a ring yet, luck is luck and to reduce it to a purchasable will take away the YES!!! factor.

    I got the Helm of OP not so long ago, full T5 and was not a stat boost, I still went YES!!! even though it was put straight on my DPS armoury and the style looks awful as its so rare it felt special, why change that.
  16. krimzonk Committed Player

    Wow this thread again about rare drops and 'Why' they are 'rare?' I am not being mean but there have been hundreds of threads like this before and the answer is the same, if the content does not have rare drops what incentive would people have to run it once they have the drops they need, baring the rare gear drop?

    This IS an MMO, it always has been like this and always will be. If you want to waste thousands of replay badges and then come on here complaining "I did not get x and y drop," be my guest I and others have no pity. Apologies for being so abrupt but I am fed up of seeing these threads.
  17. Plower Girl Active Player

    Syndrome: Oh, I'm real. Real enough to defeat you! And I did it without your precious gifts, your oh-so-special powers. I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the most spectacular heroics the world has ever seen! And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so that *everyone* can have powers. *Everyone* can be super! And when everyone's super...
    [chuckles evilly]
    Syndrome: - no one will be.
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  18. Zim New Player

    If they were purchasable then they wouldn't be rare.
  19. Reidriar New Player

    The devs made it rare so we would have to farm, and not leave the game as quick.
  20. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Lol, some people on here amuse me!

    After running AB 50+ times and (assuming) gearing 4 roles, what else would you have to do gear wise?

    I love that there is a rare item like this. Without things like this to chase, this would be an entirely different thread.

    So no, rare items like these need to hold their status, not be purchased with inflated marks because you chose to run more than the average player.

    I have one luckily, on my third alt. Do I need any more? No.

    I do need that Valiant head guard (Circe one). I've yet to see it drop for any of my toons, but that is what keeps me running gates (and MoT obviously)
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