Show Crit Percentages In Stat Tab !

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ice Knight, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Black ZeroPrime New Player

    why assume it should be given?;)
  2. spack2k Steadfast Player

    and the neck mod from home turf dlc
  3. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    Lol, I can't believe some players are actually arguing against adding something as simple as crit percentage to the game... I swear, you guys are just trying to be difficult for the sake of being difficult. It's something that should be in every mmo that allows you to modify crit percentage.

    It's not like the game doesn't know your crit percentage, if it didn't, then adding sp to crit innates would be pointless.
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  4. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    I was actually wondering why that wasnt already implemented in the game when i first started.
    Its a stat and thus it should be in the stat tab.

    I could add my percentages but then thats just a tad more difficult than just showing it to me.

    I mean what if this was vitalization or power we were talking about? Important stats you want me to add up?

    You know what lets get rid of the stat tab if you want to add every last stat you have.

    I have this feeling anyone who argues against this is trolling. Idk thats my gut telling me something. :p
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  5. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    lol same here, when I first started, I was looking for it and figured you couldn't modify crit percentages until I checked the weapon skill tree, and then just figured I couldn't find it in my stat tab.
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  6. Ice Knight Well-Known Player

    Really hoping they add this for GU35 !!
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  7. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    Can we also see current power costs for our powers? These are things that the most basic mmo should have
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  8. Ice Knight Well-Known Player

    i think the power cost is not a locked number , i think it is a percentage of your power pool based off your CR or something , but im not 100% sure .
  9. Statman New Player

    Pre-T5 it is a locked number. While wearing Tier 5 or above gear (I believe) power costs increase, but I'm not sure by exactly how much, but that may even be a second locked number.
  10. TheDark Devoted Player

    Power costs are the same from T1 to T4. CR doesn't matter there. It isn't until you start wearing item level 81+ gear that you start to see increases in power costs.
  11. Ice Knight Well-Known Player

    I think that this needs to be reworked , or scaled a little better across the board
  12. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Not to get off topic, but powers could show the base cost. Technically, almost all of the good powerset guides have the power costs listed, but it'd be nice if it were in the ingame descriptions as well.
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  13. Echephyle New Player

    Even Dungeon Hunter 4, an ap game for your SMARTPHONE has crit chance % and crit magnitude % displayed. Come on SOE!
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  14. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I have been asking and waiting for this to happen for quite some time... :)
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  15. Ice Knight Well-Known Player

    I did a little math the cost of powers now when your character is at that tier , they cost 70% more of the base cost of the power.

    For example : the base cost of Bitter Winds is 300 power , and at my CR and gear Bitter Winds cost 510 power
  16. The dark knight New Player

    lol, anyone who knows statistics should know that "chance" is only chance and not certainty. When throwing a (regular) dice, there is a 1:6 chance (i.e.16,6666%) to throw a 6. However, since it's only chance and not certainty, you can still go way more than 6 throws without throwing a single 6. In fact, you might also throw 6 six times in six tries. This is chance. Let's go a little further and take chance to 50:50. A coin toss (almost) meets that requirement. Still, if you toss a coin you don't get heads 50% of all throws and tails on the other 50% of all throws. NOW you can say you know statistics and you will see that your suggestion will not get you the crit. chance.
  17. Black ZeroPrime New Player

    what you fail to realize is there is a set base percentage so you're not finding a real random occurrence but rather a hidden stat put in the game
  18. BlackSuperGirl Committed Player

    not just it, the combat Tab chat should be simplify just: your hits, damage that u take and critical all in different color full, i see alot trash flood info in damage tab that confuses, impossible watch damage tab while u play cuz no important info that shows in
  19. Ice Knight Well-Known Player

    CAN THIS PLEASE HAPPEN ALREADY , please Devs I beg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Ice Knight Well-Known Player

    Is this even being talked about by the Devs ?