kicking based on gear as opposed to performance

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ApolloMystique, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. ApolloMystique New Player

    so i am a 91 cr dps trying to gear pretty good at what i do...tonight i was running nexus, which i have completed before, no less than second place against ppl who are higher this run, i was leading almost twice as much as the second place the point i was kicked, i had about 790000 damage, and the second place had about 430000...

    so a troll got kicked at the second room (general luthor), and the other guys in the room were discussing inviting in more ppl...the tank pointed out I had green and blue gear on, so i should be kicked...he tried to initiate a kick, but it failed because ppl were saying it doesnt makse sense since im in the the guy was going on about how important gear is, so i came on the mike and pointed out, while gear is important, if im outperforming the higher geared dps, THEY should be kicked...(to one of the guys' credit, he called them out on that point...) however in the end, the guy who was defending me got convinced to kick me...which leads me to ask:

    are ppl really this dumb? that's like choosing jason collins over lebron james because he is taller...if you kick based on gear BEFORE a raid starts, then an argument can be made for that...but to do so during a break AFTER the raid started and everyone's performance could be evaluated, then you kick the guy who is leading in dps by FAAAR, that's INSANE! Skill out trumps gear any day of the week...if you put me up against a 103cr dps that sucks, it doesnt make sense to kick me because im makes sense to kick him because he sucks...

    im just tired of the irrationality of some ppl on the game...rant over
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  2. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    Only time gear matters in your case was if it was PVP gear in PVE which still happens... But of course that didnt happen and well... Well sir i believe you just got kicked by morons. I wouldve been on your side honestly.
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  3. Statman New Player

    Yeah wow... total morons, lol.

    Honestly, I can't even imagine how the Tank was trying to rationalise kicking you...
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  4. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Remember the DC in DCUO stands for Dbags and Crybabies... to put it nicely.
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  5. Black ZeroPrime New Player

    do not pug, get into a league.
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  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Atrocious moronic behaviour. I've been where you are...only I was geared for the level. Still got kicked after the first wipe even though I was the last man standing trying to get other people up. Some people make no damn sense whatsoever.
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  7. Ava1Spade New Player

    So I enter a 4 person alert and there are 2 healers and a controller. I am a controller. The other controller and one healer are obvious friends, chatting on the mic. Within a minute while I used the soda vendor I hear, "Vote to kick this guy, we don't need two healers and my gear is higher." Followed by the other guy saying, "And I should switch to DPS because this other guy (me) has better gear." "Yeah, okay." (blah, blah, blah)

    So I speak for the first time in the instance: "If the routine is to kick the healer with the lower gear, why isn't the routine to kick the controller with the lower gear?"

    I think they were dumbfounded at first that anyone else had a mic and had heard what they said. (Even though there are icons on the screen representing voice chat ability.) "We're friends." That's it. That's the only reply. At least the only reply I let them get in before I walked into "return to last location", leaving these 2 geniuses alone to try to figure it out.

    Didn't you know? Stupidity reigns king and the queen is being a five letter word which means female dog. This is the world we live in - and the world we game in.
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  8. Twilight Man New Player

    Kicking based on gear is the most popular reason for someone being kicked. Whether they got to perform or not.

    Inspect = Looking for something you may or may not agree with about the person being inspected.
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  9. X-zero Loyal Player

    People sometimes get bullied into voting. If you all went in with the 1/3/2/2 or 1/3/3/1. You have at least two other dps that will probably agree to the vote in fear of getting kicked. Tank wanted you gone so all they really needed is one person.

    As for kicking a top dps there are a lot to consider not saying any of this happen but it could.
    Was the top dps burning too much power causing a strain on power? Could be a reason for also wanted a new controller.
    Was the top dps one of the known stronger powers? If you are one of the popular dps powers then it is a good chance the person they wanted to replace you with was one of those.
    Were the other dps buddies with some of the other people there? They could be helping those dps and wants someone with a stronger back to carry them.
  10. ApolloMystique New Player

    i KNOW! i was baffled! sometimes u meet rational ppl that are very helpful...but it seems most times you run with ppl that are annoying...and this act of kicking based solely on gear is crazy...especially if the difference is so vast in terms of numbers (and i was also picking up, staying alive, etc...)...thanks for the support...last time i made a topic like this i got flamed, and ppl assumed i must have been as a--hole, or was doing other things to bring down the team, which definitely is never the case...i do need to find a active league that almost always have ppl online and running together...i have yet to find one... :-(
  11. MCAZR New Player

    Are people really this dumb? Yes, yes they are. I trolled Nexus for a group who was shouting for a back-up troll and my 2103 vit 'secondary' troller put out 900k power to the 90 geared primary's 1200k. I guess he doesn't know that the healing debuff he kept throwing doesn't provide any power and has very little use in Nexus.
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  12. ApolloMystique New Player power out (which i always pride myself in) was about 12:1
    2. i was yes
    3. and the only ppl on the mic were 2 trolls, one dps...i think they were trying to invite another dps because there was a guy who was dps, but switched to troll (which made 2 trolls)

    there were 3 or 4 other dps in the raid...if you wanted to kick to invite another dps, kick the lowest dps...i was almost twice the damage output as the second lord only knows how low the lowest dps was...
  13. ApolloMystique New Player

    and yes...ive definitely seen ppl get persuaded to kick by a strong personality on the mic...
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  14. Chicago Bull New Player

    Jason Collins over LeBron James
    +1 OP for that
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  15. AJPro Committed Player

    There is also some grey ground here. I do not like to kick but when in nexus or paradox and you are running green gear with no bugs me. Run trigon, do alerts and throw a totally recoverable beta in your mods. I do not mind carrying people but people being a total liability is annoying and tedious. Kind of reminds me of the saying....I would do that for my best friend but my best friend would not ask me to do that
  16. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    When I kick someone, it's because they aren't doing their job or being a jerk. Even then you have to be a remarkable jerk to be kicked from something I'm leading. I just try to make a note not to work with you again.
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  17. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    If he was out-doing everyone else, who had better gear, minus 1 person, aren't they the liabilities for not knowing their role as well?
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  18. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Nature of the beast when PUGing.

    If you expect anything else then you should either join a league or play another game.
  19. MercPony Devoted Player

    Its always either being kicked because of gear or being kicked because of your power. Its really sad.
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  20. TrueOlympus New Player

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