Putting on my player hat

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Feb 27, 2014.

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  1. Ogreboy Active Player

    Yes, you were first place among the DPS...
  2. Ogat New Player

    Just one post and You stole my heart:>
    • Like x 1
  3. IGotYA New Player

    Click Fellow forum member avatar>start a conversation> proceed to continue to insult each other
    and brag about scorecards.

    Oh wait this thread is about that,nvm then and go on.
    • Like x 4
  4. Stamen Dedicated Player

    "Dude, you're being very undude." ~ The Big Lebowski

    Pretty much sums up where this thread has degraded. Let Spytle get his groove figured out... and let the scorecard show what it always has: Some players OWN it very well. They are skilled and talented. There's is ZERO reason to take anything away from them. Likewise, there's simply no reason to think that 30 hours per week and an account dropping G's per year for playing advantages somehow means a person who doesn't do these things has no skill.

    I love the scorecards posted in here. Things like topping the charts with 10% more damage out --- or even 20% in some of the screenies -- I mean, let's ask ourselves a really, really simple question:

    If a person spends 200% more time and money on the game for a 20% boost in the scorecard, isn't it fair to ask in what world this makes sense? I mean, if this was baseball and a million dollar contract was on the line, heck yeah! But the only thing truly on the line here is ego.

    I do agree with Chill -- players need targets to improve. Chill's dps level has been a target of mine for a while. I always fall a solid 1/4 behind. But I am thankful for the target.

    I just don't think that says anything about anything worth talking about for longer than it takes to eat a Twinkie.
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  5. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Damn it. I really want a Twinkie now.
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  6. Jake Tundra New Player

    Easy when youre the only dps :/
  7. Pyro New Player

    Shh they don't know that.
  8. Ogreboy Active Player

    That little box in the bottom left corner kind of gives it away...
  9. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Can't say/do nothing but SMH at some of these post, everyone got a competitive streak, but y'all acting DC is life. I love dc, but some of y'all are taking it to seriously.
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  10. Jake Tundra New Player

    Lol I didnt even see that, good eye. Mustve been fun though :D
  11. Jake Tundra New Player

    In regards to the OP, specifically the last line, to me knowledge is a factor that contributes to a players skill and not just about the power but about the content and the teams roles etc.
  12. Red Ringlight Dedicated Player

    Shhh, be careful! Some of the hardcore MMOers have already explained that "MMOs are not supposed to be fun". :eek:
    For some of them, it's a JOB. A job that they hate. A minimum wage job paid by YouTube. At least until they can read a book or watch another YouTube video and get a job writing code for a game company, or perhaps going on a concert tour with their Guitar Hero instruments. ;)
    • Like x 3
  13. Karasawa Loyal Player

    If you have been paying attention you would know that your opinion matters a lot to me. What I don't care for are the subjective opinions on skill and the negative backlash it causes. Objectively, skill is simply the ability to do something well based on knowledge, practice, etc.

    You can say you're putting on your player hat but that doesn't really make you the same as me. You're a developer and your opinions matter a lot more than mine. Unfortunately, people are taking your opinion that certain HL actions are not skill-based and mistaking it for fact. I agree HL isn't truly hard. Obviously, nothing in this game is truly difficult because it's still just a game and meant to be fun. But HL still encourages the development of skill. In a lot of ways it encourages the development of skill more than other powers because it's quite embarrassing when you mess up and go whipthrashing off into the sunset.

    You seem to take issue with certain members of your community and I find this strange. I play the game for fun, yes, but it's also fun for me to do better, improve, and maximize my ability to perform well within the boundaries of your game. It's YOUR game though so I find it strange that you dislike people maximizing their ability to perform within the rules you've set. If you change the rules, fine, I will adapt but I'm not really interested in it until I can get some solid details on what will change. That's why I'm not interested in work-in-progress and I did not mention WM in the post you quoted.

    There are a lot of negative opinions in this thread about HL and the discussion has been non-constructive for the most part. Lots of stereotypes and such. I find this discouraging and I also find it discouraging that you haven't done much to dispel any of those stereotypes. It's becoming War of the Light Part II!
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  14. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    Well, thanks for your thoughts, I do appreciate that you took the time to write them up. The thing is though, the key words to keep in mind, in order to make sure my statements are kept in context, is that I said "it doesn't take any MORE skill" than other mechanics, IMO. I don't find it overly hard if you know what to do. It's important to keep that in mind as the conversation went on. People keep thinking I mean no skill, I don't. A lot of things in the game take skill . In my opinion, this one isn't any harder the the rest. That being said, each takes practice and there are different levels of skillful execution.

    Some folks just want to remain bent out of shape about my opinion as a person who also plays.
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  15. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    was that with 4 or 5 trolls?
  16. Rankkor New Player

    Off topic spytle.....
    I was wondering if you can look at the head peice style for "small sprite" toon "SKULL".... Iit has a big white spot in the back of the head.....must be a quick fix ? Please fix this its very anoying ....

    I posted this three times in diff category's and still no response ,i even posted on your thread and no respon what gives ?

    I use this as my style for my toon . Please respond ,or fix ...thanx spytle
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  17. Sylo Committed Player

    Me, Stamen, Magician and xAnger managementx went into FOS 3 with Spytle tonight. Sorry but I'm not much of a camera man and the quality isn't that great. Edited them and slowed them down just a smidgen, enjoy :D

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  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    This all really needs to stop if ppl are gonna leave the game then just do it already don't threaten it.
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  19. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Heh I saw Spytle and Stamen near the Magic R&D station tonight. They both vanished before I could trade him a couple of Soder Helmets. :D
    • Like x 1
  20. Kato99 New Player

    I Use an xbox 360 (razor sabertooth) controller and i would have to say the most controller friendly power is celestial and trust me i know i change powers far to often on my main lol.. for different reasons i would like to see more controller friendly powers tbh. I am by no means a l33t dps but on the same token i can at least do some decent damage with celestial.
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