The Unicorn Agenda - Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zicorahk, Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. Udon New Player

    Best tank in the game! Boo jr!
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  2. Zicorahk Well-Known Player

    I for one think the fellas in the council are doing a fine job. Some of them I got to know at SOE Live like Kristyana, Sore, and Trexlight. They were great, fun, and excellent people to hang with.

    I knew the livestream that Count Shockula was doing was going to be about hating the unicorn trinket so I didn't watch it. However, I was told that the guys in Count Shockula's livestream were constantly told that THEY should be in the council.

    Based on what I've heard, it was hateful and disrespectful to my league and supporters of the Unicorn trinket. I understand where players don't want the trinket ingame which is fine. You have your opinion, I have mine. However, when you start insulting other people just because they have an idea to bring a comical and humorous item ingame, basically a different opinion of you, that's when I lose my respect for you.

    I see you as a fan of DC Comics and a player who enjoys the DCUO game. Maybe when you and the guys that were involved in the livestream see us equally, maybe then we can be a better player community.
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  3. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I didn't get to listen to the show tonight but I listen to it every week and those guy do love the game and they don't pull punches about how they feel . Let's be real you guys had to have a clue when your started pushing this unicorn trinket that people would be upset and angry and to tell the truth that's a good thing it means they care about this game .
    Maybe the regular people in the game who don't have the YouTube channels or the Twitter pages or the dev's on Skype need to feel that there listened too because it seems you need to have all those things to get stuff done or changed in the game .
  4. Zicorahk Well-Known Player

    1. People like in Count Shockula's livestream deserve to be ignored by the developers considering how insulting and disrespectful they were.

    2. Yes, I understand that people were going to oppose the unicorn trinket. DCUO has a very wide community full of ideas, opinions, and concerns. Of course there was going to be people against it, however, that doesn't mean you should go around acting like a total jerk just because someone has a different opinion of you. You don't see me making a video to ridicule people like Count Shockula did.

    3. I agree with you about Devs listening to people without a voice on YouTube or Twitter. That's why I promote people to stay active and give your word out. If not on the forums, then on Facebook, or make a quick Twitter account and maybe even post a few comments on YouTube.
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  5. Zicorahk Well-Known Player

    That's my next mission to mention that at SOE Live.
  6. Omega_Ascension New Player

    There REALLY are more important things that should be worked on as opposed to adding things, also it is entirely possible the devs are trolling anyway
  7. Enickma Dedicated Player

    Respectfully, thus far there's only been one disappointing council member that I've met (not gonna name them here but I'm pretty sure everyone knows who I'm talking about) and I had to learn to separate that person from the rest of the council. With the exception of that one individual, I've found the council members to be intelligent, well spoken and kind people. Also, there are some members of the council who choose not to make that information public.
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  8. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    If they can come up with a trinket that will do this in the middle of a raid, I'll personally make it my goal to pay enough every month to keep the entire development staff fed and housed.

  9. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    I'm sorry I don't follow.

    The devs have shown that they are continually going to add new trinkets to the game for seasonal events or loyalty rewards or whatever. These guys asked if one of thesse future additions could be a unicorn instead of a ghost or a snowman or "deep sea enchanter" (because we were all really looking forward to that DC comics tie in oh wait no we weren't). Part joke, part wouldn't-it-be-awesome-if, instead of sitting around and talking about it they've actually been gathering support and showing that other members of the community want it too.

    Which part of this makes people angry? The part where they didn't bother to ask for what they want? Jealousy? Allergy to unicorns? The devs actually listening and interacting with the players?

    I genuinely have absolutely no clue what people are angry about. Instead of the next trinket released being a doom seed (woooooo....doom seeds....) it is instead going to be a unicorn, something which at least a small portion of players will enjoy. Why is other people's happiness so rage inducing?
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  10. BoDyBaGz Well-Known Player

    I think it's just the principle. The trinket is wasted development time in a period when the game not only has issues but also needs to shine in order to keep it's members. I feel the combination of unpopular changes coming to the game, a lackluster upcoming DLC, and the fact that there are much better things than unicorns that would make awesome trinkets, all have contributed to the backlash about the unicorn trinket. I mean me and a lot of other people want to see this game stick around for a long time, this is a big reason why we are being blunt with our opinions.
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  11. BoDyBaGz Well-Known Player

    Let me post this again in a different manner since my last post was removed. You didn't find it disrespectful when your docking station buddy Breakforce decided to insult Count in the comments of his podcast preshow. You even went as far as liking what he said. Nothing was ever said that was disrespectful about you or your league until Breakforce decided to post those disrespectful comments on Count's channel. I mean Count had never even mentioned your names, he had just shown disagreement with the implementation of a unicorn trinket. It's funny how you guys act like pillars of the community on the forums but in reality you guys are the extreme opposite.
  12. BoDyBaGz Well-Known Player

    Just because we are American it doesn't mean we don't have our own individual cultures. I have talked to a couple people I know who are avid comic book readers and they are upset about the implementation of the unicorn because they feel it makes a joke out of the DC universe. These people have been reading comics since they were children and it is something they care deeply about, so in essence implementation of unicorns into DC universe online is ruining their immersion into the game and it's story lines.
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  13. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I am indifferent on the situation. I neither care for or oppose the fact that a Unicorn trinket is in game. Last time I checked, the Boo's weren't part of the DC lore either. Or the St. Patrick's Day jukebox which makes everyone dance. The don't affect or damage the game in any way. Makes no difference to me.

    What I don't understand is why there has been a campaign for one. Why there has been such a strong push towards getting something like this in the game. It's almost like someone took a joke idea too far and made a life's work out of getting something in the game that has no relevance or no point to being there.

    I could understand if there was a campaign to get Mad Hatter featured as an Alert boss (as he was featured on promotional material and has a completed model) or something related to DC. I just don't understand the desire for Unicorns. Why not cats? or a giant elephant? or pet air ship? I don't know.

    It seems like wasted energy to me. Energy that could have been spent getting something more relevant to the content in there. Was it to make a point that you can single-highhandedly influence the game? I don't know.

    But like I say, whatever. As long as it doesn't cut into development time of DLC10 or future content, I don't care. Maybe next time, though, don't take a joke too literal and learn when to let something go instead of dragging it out like this. Especially as this idea in particular is nothing to get excited over. I would be mega embarrassed if my league mates started a campaign for a Nuclear Bomb trinket because I passed a joke in Paradox about how useful a Nuke would be right now, or something.
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  14. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    What you said above - "I'm not a huge fan of unicorns. I would rather it was something cooler. Bit disappointed that itiisn't. " - valid statement, said well. We have a difference of opinion but can discuss things with civility.


    What that guy said - "I feel the need to bring up that I am American and male because it gives my opinion more weight. If I do not like something - somethiing that filthy female foreigners like - it should be removed from the game because it is not American or masculine enough" - racist, sexist, and absolutely laughable as an argument. He didn't say he'd rather something else be in the game, he said he hates the thought of something other people like being in his game.
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  15. MercPony Devoted Player

    After some recent happenings, and as happy as I am to see this thing being taken seriously by the devs, I also am unhappy it was even taken seriously. I don't like seeing the negativity spouted from it existing now and I'm in a state of where if I get one in-game, I have to hide it so I don't accidentally hurt anyone's feelings and avoid negativity from those that may disagree with it even being there :(

    Its very sad, I know. Its like a victory but also a loss for me.

    Edit: Maybe to appease people, make it look super cool please. Make it robotic and/or black with fire for a mane along with shooting rainbows.
  16. thatguync New Player

    Thats not what the guy said .
  17. BoDyBaGz Well-Known Player

    I don't think his post was any of the things you just mentioned. I think he was stating he was an American male because in all reality comic books have always been geared towards this demographic, so in stating he was this demographic he was insinuating the comics were in essence made for him, so i think he felt as if something that was geared for a more feminine demographic didn't belong.
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  18. BoDyBaGz Well-Known Player

    Although I don't agree with the development time spent on the trinket I personally won't discriminate against people that use it, so don't worry you can use it I won't care. :)
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  19. Liongale Dedicated Player

    So.. by the way you describe it, it's still exactly the things she mentioned. It's selfish thoughts like this that got Young Justice cancelled just because Young Justice was getting a bigger female audience. So rude.

    There's plenty in this thread about the outrage about this line of thinking already, and why it's wrong.
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  20. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    Yeah,as Lion says, that's exactly what sexist is. This thing is traditionally for men, do not want female things in it, makes it less manly.
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