Why does is seem like only villians help people advance?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by jayclay732, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. jayclay732 New Player

    i'm trying to get my toon some new healer gear, i've already done a&b and nexus twice, i recieved mostly dps gear, but no healer gear. i keep trying to get into dox and people tell me i'm not geared enough for it at cr 95, meanwhile i look back at how i've out healed cr 98-103 electric, sorc, and nature in the other 2 t5 raids and the attempts at queuing for dox. can anybody help me understand why 99% of heroes are conceited turds?
  2. jayclay732 New Player

    also, both of my toons are on the heroes side, playing on the villain side is not is the slightest bit fun for me unless i shout saying "a bunch of heroes beating on low levels over at so a so" and watching all the villains nearby cleaning house while i do my starter missions
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  3. Hero of Justice New Player

    The villains have far fewer people, so it's in their best interests to get as many people as possible available to run content. That said, different people have different experiences with the two factions, both good and bad.
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  4. Domana Well-Known Player

    I can say, for USPC villain side, our ranks are smaller, so we tend to trip over the same 5 people over and over. Most of us know each other--or know OF each other--and people are able to network for more effective gameplay. It's like a family... a really awful, dirty, offensive, sometimes evil family.

    And also, heroes suck.
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  5. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    It's because villains rule and heroes drool! :D
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  6. Jenny Hailey New Player

    USPS Heroes are awesome. Nuff said.
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  7. Monroe585 New Player

    Heroes...awesome? Especially on USPS? LOL! Lies! All lies!
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  8. Baryon Boy New Player

    Complete with the creepy giant robot with hammer hands covered in magical glyphs lurking in the corner. :D
  9. AngerMotivated New Player

    I have found playing villan much more enjoyable heros seems to have to many kids imho..
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  10. EzioNight New Player

    Playing hero is a child's game with naive people on it and kids. People that started as villains and play as villains have a better understanding and trends to not be followers, and it's better to have power and use it for selfish proposes.
  11. Monroe585 New Player

    Your typical hero player:

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  12. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Because some of them are too busy dancing like little girls because there getting a unicorn trinket .
  13. Vodka Committed Player

    As time goes on, I see more and more of a trend of childish behavior on the hero side. One might argue that because that side has more players, it's just more noticeable. Ehh, I don't think they have that many more players.

    The open world griefing and general attitude is getting worse. Seeing healers cast AoE powers in Villain-only zones to make it difficult for players trying to complete missions has at times become a sport - there was a group of people camping the entire Mercy Hospital area not long ago.

    The other day the trade chat was filled with high speed spam and vulgarities that lasted for over an hour. Group/League/Instance/Duel/Etc invitations being spammed towards everyone near the mailboxes in the Watchtower. At times there have even been players, total strangers, going up to people minding their own business, and just start spewing the most awful things for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

    And I see people say the Villain side is worse? I have to be honest, I haven't seen it.
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  14. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    No PUG cares about your opinion of your skill level!!!

    Players are continuously queuing and shouting for content in hopes that they’ll get thru it without having to lack of skill or experience being put to the test.

    PUG groups are hard to form and even harder to maintain.

    No group wants to be stuck in the middle of or at the end of some content hoping relying on the kindness and misfortune of random players.

    In the end, if you want people to help develop and gear your character then join a league because the PUG life just isn’t for you.
  15. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    Its the same on both sides.
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  16. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    I'm pretty sure that there are more people who have had more trouble with hero side than villain's. Heroes do have their share of awesome people/players, but a vast majority are the kind of people that want, pardon me, NEED 100+ for GoT, or 80/85+ for FoS. Just by looking at it it's logical to conclude that those people are not friendly (hostile, even), unskillful and their vote kick sense starts to tingle if you look at them the wrong way. As for villains, when I sometimes watch a family member play villain side, I notice that LFG shouts have much lower cr requirements, do not tend to want only ice tanks or no elec healers and lastly I see them having no trouble at all with T5 raids when the group is 90-98 cr.

    My impression from USPC.
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  17. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Exactly how I feel. I have played both sides and I have met nice and not so nice people on both sides.
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  18. MercPony Devoted Player

    This, this, this! I had heck of a time gearing up my villain alt due to some "smart" heroes healing bosses in Soul Alchemy and healing Raven trying to get some gear. I even ran into some healing the basic bounties! If I a play a hero, I very seldom see villains doing this stuff. Most just sit and watch.

    My main is a hero and while I do love being a hero more, I love going onto my villain to get a break. I've met good and bad people on both sides... but its far less noticeable when playing a villain.
  19. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Everyone knows that the USPC villains can't hang!

  20. Novenna New Player

    I've had my share of experiences on USPS Villains, but overall I agree with this. When I was CR93 I was told I was too low to heal Nexus, and because of that I have not run Nexus or Dox, but somehow last night (at CR96) I get pulled into an A&B run. I was support healing until halfway through when the main healer disconnected and we 7 manned the last half until Hal Jordan and we picked up a 3rd troll and I solo healed that fight at CR96. Our set up was 1 tank (rage), 1 healer (nature - me), 3 DPS(2 rage) and 3 Trolls. We made it through and got our gear.

    I still see the crazy CR requirements on Villains side sometimes, but I think they are more willing to run with people even if they are a little lower than they might have wanted. It probably just boils down to a supply and demand issue. Less players means less choice. Even my A&B run last night was with names I recognized from running T4 content with a while back.