Harley's gear, Please help!!

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by zebrabutt714, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. zebrabutt714 New Player

    The Harley Quinn gear, i think its called Harley's punchline, was sold by a robot in the Core of the HoD but now I can't find it.. did they retire it like the deathstroke gear? I'm pretty much obsessed with Harley so i REALLLYYYY want the gear. If anyone knows where I can buy it please let me know!
  2. Statman New Player

    The only gear that got retired was PvP gear, which was sold by Two-Face, Ursa and Felix Faust. I'm not aware of any Harley Quinn gear, though doesn't she sell Tier 2 Tech gear that is called Joker's Punchline? Maybe I'm remembering things incorrectly.
  3. Caleus New Player

    No it's still there.
    Your PvP CR has to be 88, full Logistics Officer Gear, so that way it'll be visible to buy on the vendor.
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  4. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Yeah what ^ said. In order for you to even see the gear in the vendor you have to have the correct PvP CR. Hope all this was helpful
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  5. zebrabutt714 New Player

    thank you :) I didnt know I was supposed to get the Logistics gear first.
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  6. zebrabutt714 New Player

    I looked on the wikia and I've got to get the Aeronaut set before i can get the Logistics Officer set.. then I shall have the one I truly want.. this will take a while..