Getting Out DPS'ed By Everyone but Earth, Elec, Fire, Ice.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GodofSorcery, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. Anti Bezz New Player

    Highest crit I ever did was over 7k Just learn the power set.
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  2. MCAZR New Player

    I'm Sorcery. Like I said, it's the player, not the power. If you get beat by someone in unmodded 85 gear, you're still going to get beat by the same person if you're using another powerset unless that other powerset does not really use weapons.
  3. GodofSorcery New Player

    Please Show Me The Video of you doing over 7k Crit dam
    What Gear you used and mods and Loadout
  4. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Agreed about the OP sets. With Ice, which I understand is about level with the other sets that are not in a recent DLC, I can out-damage the average damage player regardless of that player's power set. I can keep up within 20-50k with above average players with the recent DLC powers. I get out-dps'd by a wider margin by the insanely good damage players with the recent DLC powers.

    I haven't met any insanely good damage players with Ice, sorcery, earth, electricity (possible?), fire, etc. That may be because there are less people with those power sets, so the odds are not in my favor of running with them. It could also be that people can only get so good with those powers, so there aren't any that truly stand out. Hard to say since I know I am not an insanely good damage player, but I think I am above average based on most people I've run with.
  5. Whiteroom New Player

    Not even remotely true. If you actually believe this, you are just blaming powersets for your own inability.
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  6. MCAZR New Player

    Why does someone need to show you a video or screenshot?
  7. MCAZR New Player

    I totally agree on this. An average player is not beating me. The average player is pretty bad and I would hope to double them, at least be up 50%.
  8. IGotYA New Player

    Yeap agreed now go make a video of you playing earth and beating a rage dps.
    the rage dps just need to be a average dps not even good, just average.

    I will wait.
  9. GodofSorcery New Player

    Yea I thought so
  10. Anti Bezz New Player

    FR under 35%
    Might gear prec mods
    Got 7k+ before War of the Light DLC.
  11. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    That's easy. I've beaten rage players with ice. I don't think that's an accomplishment given the sheer number of rage damage players out there and the law of averages meaning that many of those haven't learned how to use it effectively yet. I've been beaten by very good earth damage players, so a very good earth damage player could easily beat the same rage damage players I've beaten.

    Find a rage player who knows the power and uses berserk. If someone can post a video beating that player with Earth, I'll be impressed.
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  12. GodofSorcery New Player

    To the people that are Sorc DPS and are claiming you hit over 7k and 10k can you give me some advice then since im doing something wrong

    I use Venge WoD CoD SW Trans and Final Ruin my CR is 103 112SP With full 90 gear with mods in my Crits so please tell me why my Crit is only 3k
  13. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Let me preface this by saying I'm not sorcery, but your question still needs clarification.

    Might crit or Precision crit?

    How much Might and Precision do you have?

    Which power/weapon combo are you seeing the 3k crits with?
  14. Skyfairy New Player

    Stop focussing on individual crits! It's not about how high a power can crit, it's the total damage you should be concerned with. I'm not saying sorcery is a top tier dps or anything but you seem to be assigning too much significance to high hitting crits. As electric I never ever see power crits above 1-2k but my dots and faster cast powers make up for it.
  15. MCAZR New Player

    Huh? This is about Sorcery but I'll entertain you since the concept is the same. I'm sure that I could make the video you are requesting but why do I have to make a video? Earth has a lot more potential than people give it credit for but it takes skill to extract this potential just like it does for certain other powersets.

    Tell you what, pay for 2 respec tokens and I'll make a number of videos of me beating random Rage dps'. If you're not up to paying for respec tokens, how about giving Sorcery a handicap compared to Earth?
  16. Whiteroom New Player

    Yep, an average player of on of the easier DPS powers will out DPS an average player of the others every time, but when a player actually knows the set, this will not happen. A top end player can keep pace, with other top end players, they just have to really know the powerset.

    To the OP, I'm sorry to say, if you are really getting consistently out DPSed by pugs with less gear, than you do not know your powers as well as you think.
  17. Whiteroom New Player

    You could just tell him to ask Massah to do it.
  18. GodofSorcery New Player

    I am specifically talking about lowered geared people Crits being higher than Sorcs Crits. The power is decent but a 94 CR anything shouldnt be hitting higher than me.

    Sorcery dots are Decent Critical Atacks are what put DPS's ON TOP
  19. Anti Bezz New Player

    Soul Well - Circle of Destruction - Final Ruin - Transmutation - Shard of Life - Weapon of Destiny.
    After GU34 that imo will be the best loadout, but like I said it's my opinion. Other will think differently.
    Also the only power that can crit to 7k is Final Ruin when n enemy is under 35%. At this moment in game there is no Sorcery power that will hit harder or hit 10k.
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  20. GodofSorcery New Player

    Thank You very Much Case Close If you Don't Know Nothing About Sorc Be Quiet and Take Several Seats
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