What Is A Fire Tank?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TrueOlympus, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Sumeric New Player

    The healer 65 % bonus is to healing out, which is user generated healing. The fire tank 80% bonus is to healing in, which is passive and not effected by heals generated by the user. For a fire tank to heal itself in any way more similarly to a healer, they would need to advocate for the developers to grant them some sort of bonus percentage to healing out. It likely won't be as high as the healer percentage, but any amount would certainly help.
  2. Sytenia Committed Player

    Yes there is proof that restoration doesn't increase the healing in you take and it's rather easy to test too. Just try healing lets say another healer with like 4000 restoration or a damager with maybe 1300 restoration and notice how the numbers are in the exact same ranges.
  3. Alexonic Committed Player

    me, and i know what i'm asking for and what fire needs, trust me
  4. TrueOlympus New Player

    the movement pulls are more beneficial than a power pull. Fact.
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  5. Sytenia Committed Player

    The 80% healing in does apply to their self heals. You can easily test this by comparing the heals between damage and tank role.
  6. Alexonic Committed Player

    not if you put that power in a good place of the tree (for example before stoke flames), and not if this new pull that i'm talking about would give you heals over time

    that's my opinion, i would like a range pull that gives you heals over time, just my opinion...
  7. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    True, Healers’ 65% buff is to healing-out but this is across to board and also affects their heals to themselves.

    True, Fire Tanks’ 80% buff is to healing-in but that would also affect heals they receive from themselves.

    Meaning that a Tank should effectively be getting an 80% buff to their healing powers to themselves while a Healer is getting a 65% buff to their powers when healing everyone, including themselves.
  8. Kristyana New Player

    Your own restoration does not and never has affected the amount of healing you receive from your healer, be it as a fire tank or any other role.

    I tested it extensively several times over the years. Just trust me on this one ;)
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  9. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    You may want one. It doesn't need one.
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  10. TrueOlympus New Player

    It extremely illogical for the devs to allow us to self-heal... yet its not viable in all meaningful content
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  11. Dragonfyre New Player

    Fire tanks are skilled players who understand the game on a level that is so high that others simply can't keep up.

    All content can be done at the required CR with a minimal amount of skill points by a fire tank..
  12. TrueOlympus New Player

    ok man thanks for the info:cool:
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  13. Archangel Rafael New Player

    oo that's kinda true. good one. I would say they became more viable later in the term of content...

    I've been always fire tank (not focused on self healing) and I have always noticed a "breakpoint" in whatever the hardest content is at the time.

    When I first get into a new thing, starting with minimum-ish gear, (ex. A&B most recently) at first it seems like 1/2 my stuff doesn't work. I cant get aggro consistently, My health isint doing enough, and I get knocked around a lot while being unable to stun/counter anything.

    All it takes is a few more SP and/or 1 piece of better gear and it's like someone flipped a switch. Everything works great again.

    I think fire tanks are somewhat unstable. The power, dominance, energy balance-curves with them are more radical. Higher heights, lower valleys. Fire tanks are more apt to be "beast or bust".

    I think fire tanks are also more healer dependent. AND it's not about how good the healer is but more which power or style. I believe nature tanks work a lot better with fire than other heals. Many small heals and constant HoTs take better advantage of fire-tanks' incoming heal-bonus.

    one more thing : the 3 dps, 3 troller, 1 heal, 1 tank setup is hell on fire tanks. Too much chance of the flow of heal-in stopping for too many seconds. With bosses that script-attack others on a regular basis, if that troll/heal support system goes down, likely so does the fire tank. All other tanks are more able to last without input from the support roles. The tradeoff upside of this is that fire tanks should be easy on energy and easy to heal.

    I quit the game for a long time; from FoS3 till November '13. These are my observations since returning.
  14. TrueOlympus New Player

    they are very insightful observations
  15. Avian Dedicated Player

    Idk, I think fire could have been a healer as well. Restorative flames or something (phoenix).
  16. Mary Bliss Committed Player

    A fair test of fire you can throw phase dodge, lantern shield, home turf, pet trinkets and arguably higher sodas out the window.
    Additionally consider what number of skillpoints all powers are balanced for, 170 ? Doubt it.

    Until then the power is not standing on it's own.

    Also I tanked t4 as dps, as in no skillpoints into tanking, in unmodded t4 tank gear and pulled aggro with what, 200 dom.
    Either you can take the huge hits through blocking or not is what the simplicity of tanking boils down to.

    I challenge any player in the game to tank a map where they will die even blocking the second they aren't buffed, or, healing themselves.

    You can start with zod on fos 3 who will rotate his attacks faster than any animation say earth has.

    People drop to no health constantly anyway, in a balanced fight with balanced stats; the 15 % fire tanks can heal themselves has no value, especially in a fight where healers have to bring half the team back from dying every 3 seconds - which is how the balanced game once was in case you forgot.
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  17. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Thanks. I have always been told other wise and personally have never tested it. So is the issue in your opinion that Fire Tanks who spec into all Dominance (getting the 2.2HP per 1 Dom) just have too high of a health amount in our for the self heals from the Dom+Resto to account for?

    Everyone I play with that goes full Dom is always so much harder to heal than the Fire Tanks that mix it up in my opinion.
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  18. Kristyana New Player

    In my opinion it's the amount that self heals heal for.

    A fire tank's survivability is highest with Health/Dominance Expert in all 10 slots, regardless of affinity. If you have fire tanks modding for pure dominance, that's not a good fire tank (Unless they just got a respec token and switched to the power set.)

    If someone who specs into all dominance seems harder to heal, it's most likely because they don't know how to get the most out of fire as opposed to any problems with the powerset.
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  19. TrueOlympus New Player

    i still think self-healing needs to be fixed since its an obvious bug that they are so weak
  20. TWISTEDHEAT New Player

    Thanks for bringing up the fire tank issue, OP. I have and will always be a tank. Ive been playing this game since closed beta on PS3 and have never taken a break. I LOVE this game! I created a fire tank since day 1 launch(TWISTEDHEAT is the name) and loved it for over 2 years until T5 came out. Then everything went downhill. Self heals are unreliable and small and I was getting hit harder than what my health buff was. I was able to finish raids, but man was it a pain for my team. So I did what I never said I would do, I switched to the Overpowered Ice tank. And ever since, I see why Ice Tanks are most coveted. I can take WAY LESS damage, which can help a group with a solo healer. I can pick people up AND activate cogs with a bunch of adds on me with bitter winds or reflect(the most OP tank power even after the cooldown nerf). That in itself is unfair. I now have a range pull in inescapable storm and I can spam it basically. Ice is Easy mode(I will be the first to say it even tho Im ice now). If they just gave fire 1 shield or another buff self heals, then I would switch back, But Reflect and bitter winds are just so OP for picking people up, turning cogs, and just allowing healers to take a break for a few seconds. I understand noone should be taking "breaks" in a raid, but Ice is the ultimate team tank. I really want to go back to fire tanking(I am TwistedHeat, NOT TwistedIce lol). But until they at least buff the self heals and do a serious balance to fire(and earth from what I hear) then I will be dominating/teamworking raids as Ice. Please Jens, hear our cry! Revamp Fire to balance with rage and ice. But please dont nerf ice to obscurity. Now off to the webcast!!! Cant wait!!!
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