Powers in Dark Matter and Light Matter

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by UnknownSonPride, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. UnknownSonPride New Player

    How many of u like the powers of the Hawk Girl and Time Keeper in JLA Adventures Trapped in Time. I know that we have time and celestial powers already but what I'm talking about is something a little different like Dark Matter has an ability to nullify all attacks even while attacking for a short time with Light Matter attacks super effective against it and a cool down period so no one abuses it. Light Matter could blind the opponent(s) with Dark Matter super effective against it. Its powers would be its own worst enemy. I'm just asking if anyone thinks it would be cool to have at least some of those powers!!!
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  2. Ghostof91 New Player

    I personally like the idea of this along with more diversity in powersets, just because one may relate to Space/Time doesn't mean it's Quantum, just warning you that some of our Audience is a little closed minded;) . +1
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  3. UnknownSonPride New Player

    I know Just throwing ideas nothing more!!!!!
  4. UnknownSonPride New Player

    Dark Matter would have an ability to nullify all attacks even while attacking for a short time with Light Matter attacks super effective against it and a cool down period so no one abuses it. Light Matter could blind and stun the opponent(s) with Dark Matter super effective against it and a cool down period so no one abuses it either.

    sorry forgot to finish writing the effects of Light and Dark Matter! hope this makes it a little clearer.
  5. Ghostof91 New Player

    I see what your saying while Light Matter can be for heroes and Dark Matter for villians, Light matter can be light gray, and Dark Matter can can be Dark dark blue.
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  6. UnknownSonPride New Player

    Kind of, plus when I said its powers r it own worst enemy the Light Matter blind and stun ability wouldn't deal damage so that nullify ability of Dark Matter wound be useless!
  7. UnknownSonPride New Player

    Dark Matter would have an ability to nullify all "damage" attacks even while attacking for a short time.

    Sorry still missed a word.
  8. Ghostof91 New Player

    50% Nullify to damage that way it won't be to OP. So it won't get nerf .
  9. UnknownSonPride New Player

    Good point, but I would make Dark Matter nullify 65% melee and range and 15% for powers for 15 sec cool down for 30 sec. Light Matter blind would make it so they can't Target for 10 sec cool down 30 sec. Though this would only be one of there powers in their respective tree.
  10. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

    I´m preparing a Darkness powerset that is going to make you drool...
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  11. UnknownSonPride New Player

    id like to see u try