League Lairs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Savior Prime, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    When will we get our league lairs? I has been said it would be before DLC Halls of Power DLC as an update. It has also been said league lairs would follow DLC 9 by many devs/corporate people.

    Just wondering if this is still the schedule.
  2. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    everybody says this, but no one can post a link
    link or it didnt happen

    its all assumptions at this point IMO and everything say said is subject to change, but
    Halls of Power is a LEAGUE ORIENTED content

    since LOTS of ppl dont have a League, it will get a LOW PRIORITY

    I would be very surprised if League Lairs are coming soon....
  3. HalphLife New Player

    since LOTS of ppl dont have a League, it will get a LOW PRIORITY

    I think we see a lot of players w/o a league because of the surge of new players due to PS4 (not sure what ratio is across other servers). Maybe a quick release of LLs would encourage initiations.
  4. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    I do hope League Lairs will come this year, I am excited for it as well as League Management Overhaul.
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  5. MercPony Devoted Player

    A lot of people prefer not to join leagues or just don't like leagues. If league halls have some good benefits though, it could tempt people to join leagues or at least try to make a league for only themselves to use those benefits (it can be done).

    Its been mentioned by Jens in so many episodes of Friday Night Legends that I wouldn't know which ones to actually source. I know at the start league halls were going to be included with Halls of Power then Jens said they were going to be in a separate update but he never said when they would be released. My estimate would be later this year, if not even next year (though I really hope not).
  6. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    It has most definitely been said many many times that it's going to happen. Jens has referenced it several times in videos and such. I'm sorry I can't link it because I have no memory as to which specific ones he mentioned it in. Plus it's really just not that important to me to prove it lol.

    But as far as when it will be released, I can't remember if he specifically stated a time frame or not.
  7. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Im hoping shortly after Amazon Fury...The quicker the league "revamp" comes the better
  8. JRsoFLY_123 Committed Player

    You don't have to worry it is! Just trust me!
  9. Kristyana New Player

    The only thing that has been said was that they're planning to launch them around the same time frame as DLC10. They have not said which will come first - only that the league halls will be an update, so people that don't have access to a specific DLC can use them.