The Final Revamp....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Red Hood, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Caleus New Player

    If you're on phones(I use iPhone) hold the gif and the option to copy link URL appears. (Just tried this one and it depends, just open image in new tab, it'll have the URL up on the address bar.)
    If on a computer, right-click and Copy Link Url appears also(but I use chrome)
  2. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Iconics; revamp and expansion.
  3. Alpha XXX New Player

    Indeed if it was the last ever revamp, I think iconics could be the real cure all....a way of making every powerset viable. Equally I really don't like all the whizz bang pop special effects that go with most power-sets more powers that are viable and just operate in a simple and straight forward manner like most iconic powers do would be so much easier on the eyes.

    As to other options Earth and Electricity do get brought up a lot, I don't have any direct experience myself of their use....but I still see a fair number of Electricity users but very few Earth....which must mean something. For myself Fire has dropped considerably in potency of late, running an old solo instance in T5 gear produced significantly lower figures than when i used to run it earning my t4 stripes.
  4. Zpred Dedicated Player

    As much as electricity and earth need tweaking in some departments, I would choose HL if it was a full revamp, animations/power costs/damage troll debuffs etc, only because it's my favourite power.
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  5. Fruity Reaper New Player

    Has to be Electric DPS as the rest are mostly ok, although the problem with Electric is that it was asked to be changed repeatedly already which is what has caused it to be a heal power its still fine.
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  6. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    theres so much more wrong with the game itself as is... powers seem trivial..cant convince the DEVs of this tho..they hope we don't complain of all the BROKEN...
  7. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    The DPS side of electricity needs to be looked at badly, in my opinion.

    This has been stated numerous times, yet the devs have never bothered commenting on it, stated that they're considering it, or flat out say they're not doing a thing about it. I guess the silence says it all, though.
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  8. Zerefu New Player

    I'd say Electricity, Earth is great in the right hands, but the power consumption and stickyness of Electricity is annoying the mess outta me.
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  9. Zezimar Committed Player

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  10. Tadurk New Player

    For the love of everything that is good and pure in the world please do not touch earth tanking! (IMO) If used properly it is the most reliable tanking power set.
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  11. Caleus New Player

    They are speaking more for Earth DPS not tanking. Tanking is basically perfect the way it is.
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  12. Tadurk New Player

    Im just putting in my 2c