A great feeling of accomplishment

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Drake_DuCaine, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. Drake_DuCaine Well-Known Player

    Today I solo healed A&B, Nexus & Wave in that order. I had half of my gear 90 gear, and the other half between 81 and 85. I had like 3 pieces modded. It was my first time ever completing Wave and stated it after the raid was over, they were like "I'm glad you didn't tell me that, I would have kicked you." Lol. xD It was pretty awesome. When you're determined, anything is possible! :)
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  2. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

  3. Vyltran Loyal Player

    Nice, keep it up..
  4. Burnt New Player

    Congratz! :)
  5. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player



    show em whatcha got first!
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  6. Apolloin Well-Known Player

  7. JusticeGirlCeleste Dedicated Player

    Kinda sad that people are so uptight about things as silly as cr and gear nowadays.. I would take skill over gear/cr any day. Of course there are certain instances that you kind of NEED to have higher tier gear but everyone is so full of their own crap that if you're not cr99 with 100+sp they won't even look at you. Takes all of the fun right out of the game. Congrats though lol good for you :)
  8. Drake_DuCaine Well-Known Player

    Thanks for all the kind words! I'm really enjoying healing. Time to put my DPS gear in the bank. :3 .

    @Justice. You're completely right. Everyone wants these super-geared players, but you really don't need that. My CR is probably around 90-92 as a healer. I went into yesterday's raids with a resto of only 3717. Can't wait to get more gear! I'm almost full 90 now since I was able to pick up a 90 waist. If y'all ever need a healer, add me in game and I'll run with you! I love healing raids. My in-game name is DriZZaYYY. :] CHEERS!
  9. Mr Ostentatious New Player

    OMG-LOL- I cant tell if you were serious or being cynical but either way that comment was hysterical. But back on topic... CONGRATS on the AWESOME SOLO HEALING. I feel you though. Solo healing is quite the feat, and folks underestimate people based on gear all the time. Even though. I'm CR 102 and I do my best to be mindful that some people have stood on the shoulders of DCUO giants and have learned some tricked out survival tactics on these levels. I give folks a chance to show their worth, go ham and be a stone cold killa! CUTE SMIRK- JUST LIKE ME. Fabulous Gentlemen <-- thats my league. WE WORK IT OUT. I be solo healing left and right, and top score DPS'n like a GEE! Nuff said, get it, get it. Was there ever any doubt. LOL "Fabulous" and "Arrogant"- chuckle. My bad.

    Mr Ostentatious CR 102