Question About Legendary

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Musashi Starblade, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Musashi Starblade New Player

    Did the people who bought the game for $60 before it came out as a free-to-play get lifetime legendary status?
  2. inferno Loyal Player

    No. However, in the PC version there was a time when they offered a lifetime membership. Wish i had gotten that but i believe they stopped offering that just before they went free2play.
  3. Musashi Starblade New Player

    How sure are you?
  4. Musashi Starblade New Player

    I'm on the ps servers btw
  5. usrevenge New Player

    if they had lifetime membership i'd buy it on ps4... but yea they never offered it on ps3/ps4. only pc.
  6. Statman New Player

    They couldn't offer lifetime on PS because the wallet wasn't big enough.

    No PS players are lifetime, I bought the game at launch myself and I'm not lifetime, so if that's what you're asking Inferno about, here's your answer. The most disc players got out of the f2p transition was nothing. Automatic premium status coz they had spent more than $5 on the game (mind you, someone who bought the disc, used the free month then stopped playing - I can't say for sure!).
  7. Musashi Starblade New Player

    Well, i was wondering because a friend of mine has legendary for life on the ps3/4. They gave it to him because he pre-ordered the game or something. I was wondering how many other people have this great reward, or if any other people have it.
  8. Ocerkin New Player

    psh we got jack all, my copy is sitting on my shelf and i didnt get a damn thing but the ability to play it when it was p2p
  9. Feenicks New Player

    There was a short PC window for lifetime membership. Fortunetly I jumped on that wagon. Gamewise the best money I ever spent!
  10. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    No... I'm just $60 poorer!!
  11. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I wish they did something for us people who actually paid $60 for the game.
  12. Hero Alpha Well-Known Player

    No although I wish I had bought lifetime when I had the chance, but not enough cash at the time. Even though I did buy the DCUO collectors edition, that should count lol.
  13. Statman New Player

    Something is telling me your friend is pulling your leg, coz the devs have stated many times that they will never offer a lifetime package for PS, and I highly doubt they're giving it away, lol.