Loving Armories

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by s4ssutler100, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. s4ssutler100 New Player

    I like the idea of the armories!
    I'm stumbling on a problem though.
    I've noticed that my weapons are not show cased with the outfit.
    I have four armories in total.
    I bought 3.

    There are 11 weapon trees.
    2 phases pve and pvp so sounds to me like you would want 22 armories.
    I also find it difficult to make a template using the same armor.
    Just different weapons and belt.

    I just don't know why there can not be phase neutral gear and armor.

    You want to protect your self in battle but limmited.

    I'll be happy with 11 armories if some one can point me to phase neutral gear and weapons for talk and damage.
  2. s4ssutler100 New Player

    I belive that the armories should have a hallo gram of the weapon and style in the same display of the case.
    I for one spend hours customizing the cases because I forget which is which.
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  3. s4ssutler100 New Player

    In theory you can purchase 11 respect tokens.
    Max out one tree.
    Then save it.
    Only changing your weapon.
  4. s4ssutler100 New Player

    Because of the respective tokens and the armories you eliminate the need to have 6 characters.
    This way you really only need 2.
    Good and bad
  5. Fruity Reaper New Player

    I use the Symbols and name to tell me, worked ok so far.
  6. s4ssutler100 New Player

    I tried that I still get confused.
    My main hero is a firefighter so changing the sheild on his chest would throw off the outfit.
  7. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I really like the idea of having an image of the weapon used for that set. Maybe have it hang on the back of it?
  8. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Very impressed with the armories. Really seen them used to their true potential in the new 8 man.
  9. s4ssutler100 New Player

  10. s4ssutler100 New Player

  11. s4ssutler100 New Player

    If any one has seen the Playstation Home Bat cave you can clearly see weapons laid out near the outfit.

    If they are going to through the process of armories make it right and display the weapon for that load out in the armary that is saved with the style of weapon for that weapon that you choose.

    I may have an Ak 47 rifle but I choose to have a rifle made of fire.
  12. Joybird Committed Player

    I disagree, actually. They're for costumes, obviously based Batman's little shrines in the Batcave for the children that he's gotten killed. That's why there's no hair, no skin, etc.
  13. s4ssutler100 New Player

    Instead of an 8 pack they should sell an 11 pack one for each tree.
    It looks expensive at 600 per armory.
  14. Captain Just New Player

    Im just happy I dont have to respec my 100+ skill points when I want to switch roles anymore! It is glorious
  15. s4ssutler100 New Player

    What do you mean hair.
  16. s4ssutler100 New Player

    No one was talking about hair Or skin or children.
  17. Joybird Committed Player

  18. s4ssutler100 New Player

    Ok yeah I know about the robins.
    But I'm talking about the game.
    I was using it as an example for armories in the game.

    Even Bat man has various armories for him self.