The 8-Man is too hard

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. TroEL Dedicated Player

    This is thie Circe I know and love/not really. Keep it up GUUUURL!!!
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  2. blklightning New Player

    The think with Atrocitus is that he's going to charge 4 times... the 4th having an AoE impact, IIRC. People need to block rather than try to get away.

    My group last night struggled getting through that room until we got the hang of things. As usual, it's a lot to try to pay attention to until it all settles into our heads. I know he has a few other devastating attacks, but can't say for sure what they are. That whole room was one big blur to me.
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  3. Syrie New Player

    That statement, right there deserves a reply. Cr doesn't mean anything, and only real players know that. Most people abused a wave glitch to get 101 CR in the first place, and half of the 101 CR population is no better than the CR 94 and up population. Sure, don't lie about your CR, nobody is asking you to lie. HOwever when you join a raid, like when I do on any of my low CR toons, I let everybody know I know what Im doing and I know how to play my role. Also, if you need a plan B run with your league and if your league wont run with you, visit the league recruitment thread and find a new league. But never, let the DCUO player base bully you, you don't need 100 CR for a raid that needs 84 CR.
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  4. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I love the new eight man operation. So much fun. I love being able to call out blocks and movement again. Having to use your mind to beat something instead of just pummeling it into submission is such a breath of fresh air. Really been missing that.
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  5. Hero of Justice New Player

    The DLC has been out for two days - it's early, and a lot of players aren't even playing it yet. As a little bit of time passes you and your teamates will start getting a feel for how it works. Until then everyone in PUG's is going to be shooting in the dark a little bit, so my advice is to give it time.
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  6. Feenicks New Player

    Exactly! I no longer feel my ONLY purpose is to provide DoTs. I love this 8 man!
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  7. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Wait, Wait, Wait!!! Circe, aren't you the same person who said that you don't need to increase your skill points because you don't do high tier raids? Do you think that it might be hard for you because you are not at full strength (ie...gear and skill points)?
  8. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Just wanted to add my two cents, I did the 8 man op this morning, it was a pain at the start but after about 20 minutes we figured it out, after that it was a matter of just knowing which direction to go, sub bosses are actually pretty easy, if anything the whole labyrinth part is a little stupid, anyway we got to the end, and yeah we wiped about 3 times and sadly when we got a hang of things shut down caught up with us and we had no choice but leaving, in all I say that yeah Atrocitus and Bleeze are hard, really hard, but once you get a hang of it it's like any other raid boss, it actually took me back to the old days of Black Dawn when ppl didn't know which boss to attack, now everyone knows and it's takes a bout 2 minutes to get past that part. The raid it's fun and I like it (lot more than the alerts that I find to be very boring until you get into a building) so at least for now just try to be patient everyone and just take a minute to breath and think about what you did wrong and change it.
  9. akaivy Dedicated Player

    Healers are supposed to do pickups. Takes too much time away from healing, especially in the higher level stuff. Who is healing while you are bending over someone twiddling your fingers?
  10. Syrie New Player

    Aww, come on man, the maze isn't stupid. It is finally something new DCUO is trying out, making people actually think to get through raids. Its about time you don't just kill everything do get through, for once, you have to be a real hero and use your brain! Isn't that why Batman was such a value for the Justice league? Superman you go over their and smash that.. wonder woman go smash over there.. oh aquaman stab everybody over there.. ok now Im gonna disarm the bomb that will blow up half the planet. Obviously the bomb was most important, but they all had to work together to save the world!
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  11. Circe New Player

    You shouldn't have to be at "full strength" just to beat this. The CR requirement is 85.

    Besides, I have OK gear for this. I have 85 gear modded with T5 mods. And my SP is also OK. I have about 90 SP. That should also be sufficient for this.
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  12. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    I'll agree with this. What she has is more than adequate for this Op. It's the experienced teammates that is needed.
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  13. Feenicks New Player

    Yes indeed! We need more content like this. I'm not just another pretty bird.............Just got a craving for some crackers. That's odd.....
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  14. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    you're right, you don't need to be a cr100+ to beat this. It's all about communication and mechanics. for example, you were having a problem with atrocitis killing people in your raid. once he starts to charge if everyone in the raid just holds block until he is finished (4charges) they will survive it. Once you learn the mechanics it's fairly simple, but being in a random group that is not communicating at all will give you problems in everything (unless you can basically solo it). If you are having problems joining a group try forming one your self in LFG. Something along the lines of "GLF all roles for AAB, cr97+ pst" garuantee you'd get a way better group than if you were to just queue, not to mention probably faster.
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  15. Circe New Player

    Yeah, I was able to do the new 4-man stuff just fine. It's just this 8-man that is giving me problems.

    I guess you can add this to the list of my "not completable" content like Prime, Paradox, and Nexus. Because seriously this is just as bad (or even worse) than these.

    By the way, I just shouted "healer for a&b" and guess what? I got in a group that was unable to complete the raid. So even shouting gives you unfavorable results. Not sure what I can do, because I really want to complete this.
  16. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    If your tank is getting one shot either you have a bad tank or your team hasn't figured out the mechanics of the fight.
  17. Twilight Man New Player

    Just wanted to point out something as I keep hearing people say it's 'not good to que into 8 man raids'.

    Personally I que into whatever I want as well as start my own groups. Both are valid ways to attempt to run content, and we shouldn't be spreading the idea that it's unforgivable to que into an 8-man raid.

    It's a gamble. It's not any better or worse because who can say what you will be presented with, no matter how many horror stories you hear about pugging/que'ing. Some folks want a gamble and some folks want a sure thing by forming a group, they're both equally satisfying depending on the player.
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  18. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    If you can't complete prime, you shouldn't be in A&B or nexus and you really shouldn't be in wave.
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  19. SuperBell Loyal Player

    And Circe knocks it out of the park.
  20. Feenicks New Player

    You could follow the advice many MANY people have given you over and over again. Join a good league. Form your own group (takes more than just shouting). Learn the content. Make friends with like minded folks. Play the game.

    Don't cry for a nerf just because at this point in time you can't do it! That's how you got your rep!
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