The new op 2easy

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RedHellsing, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. jessiejames4211 New Player

    ^ hahahaha bumbling cr 100 163 sp and your crying that its hard lol ..are you serious right now !!!! bro you gotta be trolling right now that is the only thing that makes sense to me
  2. BumblingB I got better.

    Did I say it was too hard? I said it's at the right level for it's cr. You have found a place in my ignore, as it's obvious to me that you would rather insult someone than have a conversation with them.
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  3. Tikkun Loyal Player

    My thoughts exactly. I ran one of the ops and got as many pieces of gear as max reality can buy. Trying to make this content last as long as I can, but everything seems ridiculously easy from what I hear and have experienced. Strategy is what this game needs. So much of it is monotonous face-bashing and anyone in okay gear who knows their role can faceroll right through it.

    I wanted this dlc to bring me back, but it's pushing me further away. Been playing there is a challenge and a game that gets your mind going. DC used to be like that. I won't give up on it, but I'm hoping the next dlc will bring a refreshing challenge so I don't have to pace myself on getting through it too quick.

    As much hate as OC got....until this dlc it still held a good challenge after months of being released. To me, that's some kind of genius (I do admit glitches had some influence, but still).
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  4. Dazuzi New Player

    Really? Issues with the game? Who would have thought!?

    And the second part is actually a good point. I was playing because it was kind of entertaining, I was hoping they would fix things and add interesting content, but apparently that's not going to happen. I shall cancel my reoccurring membership and see what happens when it runs out. I sincerely thank you! (Seriously, thank you.)
  5. Breakforce Loyal Player

    I haven't run the new 8-man, only ran one of the new 4-man alerts. Reason being, I switched to rage, and it is going to take me 57 days to relearn how to play (because I am an idiot). So I cannot comment on the difficulty of the content.

    I will say though, that I am not averse to challenge. However, I am averse to when challenge supersedes fun. Nexus and Dox were indeed a challenge, but they were not fun. FOS2 was a challenge, but it was also fun.

    Anyways, I am gonna head back into my lair basement to punch the target dummy until I figure out how rage works.
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  6. Ogat New Player

    Finished today with 4 86 cr people and a tank who was driving me nuts, and that all a little over 30 mins. All this raid requires is control effects and 1 good healer, congrats you will finish. And I love DCUO so make Your own group and start shouting for entry lvl crs... If some random idiot shouting for 101+ bothers you remember- elite players will never shout for such stupid cr, as they understand that gear will not do your job for you.
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  7. Craven Green Loyal Player

    I enjoy a good challenge like DOX but I was looking forward to this DLC because I can finally get the gear that my character deserves. The content is a breeze if you are 100cr and offers little challenge but if you go into the Operation and take a couple of PUGS (that are not at your level) it changes the dynamic quite a bit.
    If I want to have a challenge I PUG it, last night I ran it once with a good group and it was a breeze, a second time I joined a group that needed a troll and it was a struggle as some of their team was not as geared, and the third time I ran it, it was with some pugs and some friends and I narrarated the whole operation it took a little longer but it wasn't a struggle.
    It will be easy for the beasts to get beastier but at least this will allow some of those struggling to get better gear so they can complete Nexus and DOX easier, more often and possibly not get kicked from a raid if the group feels they are less of a handicap.
    I am enjoying the new Briefings, investigations and collections, the thrill of getting a piece of gear from the raid that I can use, the chance to finish my Avatar Infiltrator set soon and all the new feats that accompany this DLC. I plan on getting the most out of this DLC and will help whoever I can along the way. Two thumbs up from Craven Green.
  8. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    BIGGEST tip I can give to new rage tanks, watch the reuse on the Rage powers. When they are in the 7-9 oclock position that's time to hit your rage crash blocker. So hit Severe Punishment. Hear my heartbeat racing, peak at my power bar, see it's at 6 oclock, wait a second, then hit E.Chain and back in to block.

    The Rage blockers are actually a 2s buff window that if a rage crash happens while that "buff" is up then it simply doesn't land. So you Have a 2s window. which is why it's 7-9 oclock. The rage crash happens at the 9oclock.

    I'm having fun watching people splat themselves, but I also don't want to see it happen lol.
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  9. RedHellsing New Player

    I have opened this thread regarding only the 8man raid. Im 98cr 1280prec i wasnt the strongesr dps but tied with 2nd on the list
    Now that there is new gear ur stats can be 1600prec or even more without colas...
    I enjkyed some parts of this raid i rly do like some of the new mechanics it will be ineresting with pugs but in league run its just easy...

    I just feel there is a huge but rly huge mistake the devs make for not having pve end game
    All players want to be the best in what is fun for them and be acknowledged by others
    Dc just dont give u this option in pve, im not talking about stats it could be any style or even something as style through crafting which is not available in this game and thats a shame
    When pbg came out took us a month to pass it we tried almost every day but it was fun and when we passed it we felt badass now its just meh "oh another raid to styles from"...
    To end this long post id say the dlc is good BUT for casual players not for those who seek epic challange and and unique rewards.
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    Punch it for a few hours, I think Rage will come to you naturally.
  11. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Duly noted.

    I stuck to DPS last night, but I will ease into tanking soon enough. I think there is more margin of error for a sucky DPS, where you have other DPS who can pick up your slack. Also I was a sucky DPS as fire, so it's essentially par for the course anyways. Truth be told, I think I am better at DPS as rage than I ever was with fire.

    I think the most Breakforcey thing to do though, will be to purposefully rage crash after the boss is defeated.
  12. Breakforce Loyal Player

    It doesn't punch back though.

    What I will do to rage, is press block and then be stuck blocking. Now that is rage inducing.
  13. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, but mind numbing punching for an hour or so is rage inducing. ;) Sometimes you gotta get your feet wet. Jump into and learn as you go. When you crash or die, go, oh, so don't do that. :D
  14. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I had a rage going and had taken a good bit of damage going into a cut scene last night. I was like "no no no no no!!!!" but then I didn't die and was happy :D
  15. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    Give us a hard mode with slightly better drops or higher drop rates of the better gear.
  16. Syrie New Player

    I beat this raid last night in a pub group, it took a couple of hours but this raid isn't EASY and this raid isn't HARD. Lets be honest, the difficulty of wave was a bit ridiculous and was meant only for the Elite players to beat. I beat wave plenty of times and quite frankly is was boring and not very rewarding. The new OP is harder than Nexus and wave in my personal opinion. Also Nexus is easier than the op, anybody can beat Nexus, if you pay attention. Now, back to information regarding the new op. The first boss battle is quite the challenge, sure if your healers are good enough, you can heal through Artiocius' linebacker tackler, but if not, dodging works better. HOwever, the new op put a twist on the game. It made you split up twice, it gave controllers a important role on the last boss, it challenged your mind with the maze puzzle, and it gave you great rewarding gear drops! I thought the drops in Nexus were dumb, giving you 85 gear when most people already got their 85 gear from the Manta or Aquaman set before even running the T5 content. So lets be serious here, you get great drops, you get a nice but not overwhelming challenge, and you get to have fun instead of stressing out because you spent a million cash on repairs in Wave. Also, the op is also well designed so not just anybody can beat it, it isn't that easy, your time has to work together and be coordinated to dodge attacks, which are at least dodgable unlike some of the things in wave don't appear invisible. Great work on the new OP, I hope to see more just like it.
  17. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Breakforce would find punching something for an hour to be calming. Although come to think of it, he would also find being punched for an hour therapeutic. I can't figure him out.....

    I would definitely prefer if Breakforce died afterwards. It is his heroic last stand.
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  18. BumblingB I got better.

    That is what they call an "M". ;)
  19. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Took me a sec to catch that, but yeah, maybe :eek:
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  20. Abel Well-Known Player

    Well said.