USPS Heroes - The Oblivion

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Infamous Legacy, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Infamous Legacy New Player

    LG has disbanded
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  2. Infamous Legacy New Player

  3. Infamous Legacy New Player

    bump! still looking for heroes
  4. Infamous Legacy New Player

    Bump we are looking for T5 Heroes!
  5. Infamous Legacy New Player

    Most recent epic run we had...........

  6. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    Captaiin quantum 87 cr troll 1251 vit 789 dom
  7. Infamous Legacy New Player

    send me a tell in game
  8. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    Okay ill send a tell tonight, also I am 91cr 1451 vit 900 dom now
  9. Infamous Legacy New Player

    bump Recruiting 100+ CR Support Roles!
  10. Ho0dedHero New Player

    Hey I am interested in joining my PVE CR is 98 and PVP CR is 89 almost finished with Android and I am Legendary my psn name is SLuRpYx send me a message or friend request so we can talk more I also have a mic. I'm looking for a league that's not going to waste my time that has to roles to complete raids and have fun also I'm a Fire FPS I'm not the best but I am getting better one skill point at a time.
  11. Infamous Legacy New Player

    sorry for the the late reply,
    we are currently looking for support roles. Are you able to tank?
  12. Spiriko New Player

    Ah man too bad I am a villain. I am getting my hero to tier 5 soon tho. Do you guys still need tanks and are you fine if I am an earth tank? Also is it mandatory that I play every day. I can only play on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays due to school and then I have a small job as well (Tutor, how else will I get dat premium life) :).
  13. Infamous Legacy New Player

    lol yes we're still looking for tanks and your welcome to play anytime.
  14. Infamous Legacy New Player

    Bump looking for T5 Healers and Controllers
  15. ThePhantomTerror New Player

    Still recruiting? Cr 103 troll looking to join