Skill Points Worthy ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Samuiel, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    Personally, I've tanked nexus with 10 sp allocated on my alt. With a mix of 85 to 86 gear. It isn't that hard. That was pre nerf too. Don't get me wrong, SP are useful.. but if you have some skill... well.. things are possible. And if you want a video, I can certainly provide one.
  2. Masta New Player

    Back in the FOS2 days, when it was really hard and SP were more important than today simply because T2.5-T3 gear was weaker than T5 gear, and before the modding days as well, I solo healed (sorcery) any raid including FOS2 with my league, and sometimes even pugs, with my healer who, at the time, had 32 SP. I didn't play in a year and came back about a month ago. I played on my healer only once since, and a group needed a healer for a t4 raid for which I didn't have the CR requirement. It was a walk-in, and I was healing alongside a nature healer who supposedly had 120SP and was full T5+ (that much i can attest to). Anyways, he put out more dmg than I did, but I outhealed him by double. At the end of the raid he was trying to recruit me to his league, telling me how he solo heals Nex, but not Dox, and how they could use another healer like me, etc... I just wanted to see how the conversation would go, so kept talking to him and brought up SP. When he asked me how many I had, and I told him 32, he told me NVM about joining the league.

    Do you think that makes sense? One second he's totally impressed by how I outheal him, the next he just throws it all away because of the amount of SPs I have. I could have easily said 100 and he would have never know...

    Anyways, I think it's pretty simple.

    Skill is more important than SP. SP makes your job easier, which is a good thing. When you give the SP to the people who have the talent as well, then you've got a winning situation. I don't think they should turn SP into % base simply because all the casual players will never be able to run end-game content anymore. The game's players are already elitist (ie: "Need 4000+ Resto NATURE healer", when really 3500+ sorcery could do the job in any raid if he knows his role). If they turn SP into % based, then people will only look to invite the 4%(have no idea of the real percentage lol) of players who have 150+ SP
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  3. Masta New Player

    If your health is 5000, you shouldn't be doing any raid where a boss will hit you for 5000. Same goes for if you have 5010 health...
  4. Symonator New Player

    keyword example mate :) it could of been any number, but let's keep it simple so people can grasp the concept of stats.
  5. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    By that theory, none of us should be doing Nexus or Paradox. The Ravager's 3rd swipe can hit for around 8 thousand or so.
  6. Masta New Player

    Do you know of any raid where a boss hits for exactly, or more damage than the tank's health if he is well geared? Many bosses will have those one-shot attacks, but there are always ways around them. a boss who deals X dmg with a regular swing should not be tanked by a a tank who has (X + 10%) health
  7. Masta New Player

    I meant the tank, and that swipe is dodgeable
  8. Fruity Reaper New Player

    Skill is more important but skill points could be the defining stat for getting into the mission for support roles, if a troll doesn't have all vita for example most pugs won't take him in PW, many trolls like myself no longer pug but you get my point.
  9. Symonator New Player

    Masta my post is simply trying to say an example of what an extra 10 points in health could of done for someone.
    You can't disagree that better stats on your toon, are just that, better.
    A player also needs to know what the hell is he doing with his character.

    Progression and grinding is the core of this game, with all the content trying to be fun whilst you do it.

    If you don't get it, please goto and define example, as it seems you cannot grasp the idea at all.
  10. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    Dodgeable in theory. In practice, with the norm of blocking the Rav up.. more often than not, you take it to the face. At 9k health (ice) I've had it take me to a sliver of health remaining, and other times it has flatout oneshot me. And that's with full Traces.
  11. Dragonfyre New Player

    Have you ever melt a tank that doesn't spend their skill points because they are too lazy but it doesn't make a difference cause they don't need them and are already godly without them?

    Given the state of DPSUO thanks to some stupid guides on this forum turning controllers into 3 power players, healers into single power spammers and tanks into turtles... Everyone may as well spend their points on critical hits.

    Play the game in a different way where you respond appropriately to attacks, and don't need 13 terrible damage dealers to beat raids and you'll find skill points aren't so useful and don't make that much difference.

    I am not saying don't get them. I am saying you don't need them. I know plenty of people with 150-180SP. But they also know me with my purpose built less than 100SP that are sometimes all spent on vitalisation just for laughs.
  12. Chiemara Well-Known Player

    You just contradicted yourself, telling me you are here just to troll, as well as telling me you have no idea how to play this game.

    In a previous post, you say nexus is easy because you have to block (no because when lex turns his back, I find that punching him interrupts his attack on my group when the stunner bot comes out to single out one of them giving them more chance to kill the bot so we progress.

    So which is it Mr. Expert (laugh) nexus is all blocking or on reflexes? I know from years of experience you don't mention you have that any extra in my toon is better and getting and spec'ing those extras means I put the effort in and more likely denotes that I am a skilled player, over someone who does not.

    I prefer to "work smarter not harder" as most intelligent people do.

    Your argument to work harder as opposed to the game given option to make your character build sustain easier, last longer, more efficient... even if it is by 1% smart people will take that 1% not argue against it.

    ;) Have a nice day
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  13. Chiemara Well-Known Player

    Dragonfyre, I retract this post because I just saw your recent one
  14. Dragonfyre New Player

    Come again? At what point did I contradict myself? Blocking is one of the reflex based reactions that is needed? You're getting pretty aggressive here, and proved my point regarding assumption based arguments.. I never said at any point you need to sit and hold block and do nothing else. All you need to do is block when you need to block, roll when you need to roll, melee when you need to melee, range when you need to range, move when you need to move is what "Just block man, it's easy" actually means. But in a much easier way to say.

    Just block man, it's easy is an EUPS3 server quote that many people know ;) Guess you have to be there.

    Hold on, let me get out my resume with 4 references that reiterate how many years I have played the game and 4 people that will tell you my regular play time and how many marks I have. And how many MMOs I have player, how many followers on Twitter I have, how many Facebook friends I have, and how much time I spend on internet chat. Or wait, I don't REALLY need to do that, cause you know, I don't really care :D I have another idea. I would suggest you simply always act on the assumption that everyone has played since day dot... And has passed the same content as you.. Cause you know. It's probably true. This is the only assumption you should operate on. Not the one that you are operating on which is "I am bestest in da worlds and i bin playing da games da longest den anyone brah"

    I'm not even 100% sure what you are arguing in your post. Can you clarify? Because you're not arguing against what I am saying, you're just flinging out the insults and stamping your foot up and down.

    Moral of the fairy tail - You are the best in the game. I apologise for passing content without caring about skill points. Tomorrow I will run out and make sure I get some skill points cause you know, everybody wants to be like Mike.
  15. Dragonfyre New Player

    Heh, are you threatening to bash me in game? You gunna take me outside to and get your friends to jump me? Not sure what that would prove.. Sure, but usually in PvP I tend to do a lot of emotes. So if you hit me, you won't get to see my awesome skills.

    How many emotes can you do in a duel? Man, I can pull of like 7-8 before I die. That's all in my TANK role..
  16. TheRealDeathern New Player

    There is a huge difference between 30 SP and 150.

    My main was a fire tank (149), now my alt is (61). Geared about the same, I can tell a huuuuuugeeee difference trying to tank end game content with my alt vs when my main was a fire tank...
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  17. Chiemara Well-Known Player

    Not threatening, proving your build against mine, testing non spc'd sps vs a spec'd sps

    and I took your blocking statement as that is all you do is hold block, you did not say block cast block or block roll block attack, you were not specific.
  18. Dragonfyre New Player

    So, if you one punch me. This proves I can't pass the same content as you with all my points spent in Critical Power Chance?

    You should work on your experiments.
    • Like x 1
  19. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Really, I have 145 and still want a DPS!

  20. Chiemara Well-Known Player

    make a video, showing your non spc'd sps and you solo'ing anything T5

    Then you can say you are the expert on experimentation and the king of skill > skill points, until then you have no argument