Message to the hardcore PvP'ers...

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Jim Berry, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Jim Berry Well-Known Player

    - If you are THAT serious about PvP, go with a premade team and not Duty.

    - Before you rage in the mic yelling how everyone suck, try waiting about 3-5 minutes for people to get their groove. You do all that uneccessary yelling, but you scored not once. The rest of us did. We won. No problem.

    - If you only like being on a Hero team or a Villian team, turn off "Suicide Squad" (I think it's called). No point in you being, say, a Hero, and have personal beef with Villians that you purposely do crazy things that contribute to a loss.

    - Some people are just starting PvP. So it helps when you tell them the objective. Some people mistake "Kill of the Hill" for normal battles.

    - You are a PvP vet. We are PvE vets. Us putting T4 mods in Bombardier PvP gear don't mean we're stupid, slow, or dumb. You should be happy it's modded Bombardier and not unmodded Blood Bat.

    - If there is only one healer, you can't expect him to heal everyone when we're all scattered. A new person to PvP has PvE mentality that they will follow and heal the tank if there is one. If no tank, I guess it's about priority (nodes, hill, etc).

    - Some of us actually try our hardest. We lose morale when we're being yelled at all battle.

    - No, I do not want to 1v1 you just because I had higher Healing Out.
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  2. Conner New Player

    I like where this is going, tell us more :D
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  3. Aly Crime New Player

    You'll come across many raging PvP'ers.
    That is why you have the ability to mute // ignore them :)
    That way , they can make their selves look silly yelling @
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  4. Sarien Well-Known Player

    I don't even play anymore and I'm going to tell you the very most important piece of information you're going to get about this subject.

    Those people you listed there? They aren't hardcore PVPers. They're the tryhards.

    Nobody, and I mean NOBODY that is an actual hardcore PVPer acts like that. Why? Because hardcore PVPers fight lots and lots, and every single one of those situations comes up often enough in solo queue past the point where you rage, past the point where you are anything but "eh, it happens" about it. What separates actual hardcore people is whether or not they'll ignore you or offer to help you during/after.

    Protip: If their name is Yziah, they're trying to help you.

    If you don't believe me, well we'll see if anyone happens to agree with me, and if they post about it.

    Long story short though: Don't get discouraged by what some raging tryhard has to say to you. Look for the capable person you see kicking butt, and not having much to say about it, and look to them for advice.
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  5. Yallander Loyal Player do care :).

    Yeah, hard trying to help people these days...really hard.

    There are quite a few people that will help if asked, problem is most don't ask.
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  6. deltablues New Player

    yeah, always a joy getting called names for a game you're paying money for. I always play pvp with sound muted because of this reason.
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  7. thelostczarnian New Player

    i cannot read your tiny colored writing
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  8. Aly Crime New Player

    I can read yours just fine :)
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  9. thelostczarnian New Player

    maybe its my 48 inch screen lol
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  10. RageQQ New Player

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  11. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    Usually the loudest players on the mic are the ones lowest on the scoreboard and contribute the least... They're not the hardcore pvpers
  12. Clutch Committed Player

    I think people just need to stop queuing for pugs and expecting everyone to know what they're doing. It's a silly expectation because it's almost never the case.
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  13. RitzyDitzy New Player

    Sometimes I just turn off mics because of this, or the annoying music, or the bong hits.
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  14. RageQQ New Player

    OK I have more time to go over this for you. Let me break it down for what I see and some habits of my real hardcore pvp friends and I.

    1-2. We dont care honestly, its only those that demand to win every match and every encounter that scream - the game is fun keep it that way, if anyone is holding them back its their pve mentality kicks in and starts to mock and pick on them. So dead give away that they are not in your opinion hardcore pvpers. Sometimes we relish the challenge because our partner thinks pvp is flying around the batcave looking at all the cool stuff then fighting on a node. I would type that the fight is on the node, or to hold nodes as kills dont matter in node based maps tooo much. Some of us get bored with premade vs premade and require that extra challenge of randomness - as that is where your skill truly comes out to play. You wont win all of them of course be silly to think so otherwise you start yelling and screaming in your mic like that idiot. I sure that person belongs to a pvp league that claim they are undefeated in all matches, but soon as they lose - boom - league rename.

    3. Suicide Squad doesn't work the way we want it to work. We didnt ask for it - the villains. So you cant turn it off. Yes you can NOT join a hero team but it will NOT stop the heroes from joining your team. Only those who like to grief do what you suggest. Again a villain in all these hero's offers a challenge. The pvp vets would carry your team as they are there for the pvp.. not to grief... yell or scream at the team. Choosing to pug is a choice. Ther eis no rules to it. If you start getting angry in it then you are not a pvper.

    4. You mean king of the hill ? There are a few death match maps and the rest are node based. People just fly off and contest otherwise. So take your time to get to the battle it wont make or break the match I promise.

    5. We dont care as long as you are wearing pvp armor. That is all. I mean that. We hate when new players cry foul about no heals power and they are glass cannons being focused fired because they are the weakest link in the team in their PVE gear and trying to say its fine.

    6. A healer is always the least favorite role in pvp due to the nature of it, they are rare to find and its even rarer to find a tank - this is if you are pugging of course. However most people queue into pvp as DPS. DPS wont win you anything other than a compensation mark for participating as you lose more than you win. If you do and are the lone healer and there is no tank then NO ONE, i mean NO ONE can complain when the healer gets farmed over and over by the enemy troller constantly debuffing you if your team have nothing at their disposal to help you. Trinket is a one time use n a cd. debuffs can be spammed.

    7. We recognize new blood in pvp (its not hard to tell) and sometimes - as I know I have - taken newer players under their wing and teach then the RPS elements to fighting, roles, and the debuff system. Its just there are more dirtbags than not.

    8. if someone wants to 1v1 as a healer and your a healer then they are bonkers. Unless you want to fight a stalemate for the next 30+mins, If they are a terrible fighter you might best em a bit quicker. 1v1 is the worst thing in the game. As a healer you have a natural advantage over tanks, as trollers have a natural advantage over healers. DPS vs DPS battles are better gauge of 1v1. Support classes are not built for damage, and the people don't play that way really with them. So unless you know how to dps and learnt it, you will always be at a disadvantage in that game - dps race. Trollers, and DPS have more attack moves on their bar, Tanks and Healers usually have 1 power on their bar that does poor damage (usually a debuff) and the rest are all TEAM POWERS.

    Well that's how a lot of long long time players feel and act. Maybe that's the difference as there is a massive difference in attitudes.
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  15. Anarcho-Captain New Player

    Wait, We can turn ON voice settings to hear them? WHA!!! I've never heard them. I'm glad I've never heard them. <laying on the sarcasm REALLY thick here>
  16. Yallander Loyal Player

    This a million times it new PVPers.
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  17. Kroye Loyal Player

    All of what he said, except that part about Yziah. Believe nothing the man says, especially that "gl, hf" he throws in /v at the start of each match. He does not wish you luck, an does not want you to have fun, I promise.

    -Mini Hanuman
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  18. Kroye Loyal Player

    There is actually an appeal for the "hardcore PVP'ers" to queue into matches without a full pre-made.
    1.They get to prove just how "hardcore" they are
    2.They have a lot less to prove - if they lose to your pre-made, then so what...they were solo queuing and of course your pre-made stomped their pug.

    During a match last week someone was ranting the whole match about the fact my pre-made was queuing together, and I just didn't see the point of it - it takes just a bit of effort to put together a premade from your friends list when you've been playing the game since server merge like the guy in question had. It's just safer to queue without a full pre-madade so there's no loss of face when you get beaten.
  19. Jim Berry Well-Known Player

    Wow... most of you made interesting comments. I just recently started PvP less than a week ago. Before that, I last tried it in Nov 2011. And before that, it was Feb 2011 when I first started the game and did Legends once as Harley.

    So, yeah, it was pretty annoying hearing people call us stupid. In one 8v8 Australia, I was the only healer. We had two Trolls, rest were DPS. At first, I stayed with the crowd, but two DPS stayed together and were kicking butt, so I stayed with them. They were beating Heroes without need of heals, but I stayed with them anyway to give them Boon of Souls and random heals.

    The rest of the team kept dying, me included, as I kept getting debuffed. So when I went to the two DPS mentioned earlier, I was called everything and every name you could think of lol...
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  20. John New Player

    you should do legends for real if you aint got the right gear