a question from a new fire tank

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DEATHbyLIGHT, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. DEATHbyLIGHT New Player

    i have been going back and forth between enflame and backdraft, wondering which is best overall for the group. i have only done alerts(loa and oan) with the exception of fos3 and cant seem to figure out which is best.

    Any input or suggestions will be greatly appreciated, but only those that are of constructive nature.

    Thank you
  2. Korlick Loyal Player

    I use both of them. What is your loadout?
  3. DEATHbyLIGHT New Player

    currently i have fiery weapon, backdraft, fireball, inferno, burnout and volcanic calamity
  4. Mediocre One New Player

    Backdraft is a fire tank must, great pull. You need either enflame or immolation to set things on fire, this is very important if you are running with a fire dps. I'd also mix in some self-heals, try stoke flames or burning determination - reignition is a supercharge that can be a good panic button. Test things out and see what works for you, as long as everything is attacking you and you're still alive, you're doing it right :p
  5. DEATHbyLIGHT New Player

    Thank you. I noticed a few days ago a fire tank using mesmerizing lasso for single target pull. Is that more of a preference rather than a must?
  6. Mediocre One New Player

    I use lasso, it's something fire doesn't have that as a tank you need. People use alternatives like movement abilities (low pressure, etc) but they aren't all single target pulls. But yeah I'd give it a try :) Just make sure your dom is high enough for the content or it won't work!
  7. Korlick Loyal Player

    Fiery Weapon , Inferno and Volcanic Calamity are not good for Tank (although sometimes i use Fiery Weapon just for fun). But Inferno and Volcanic you dont need them.
    Inferno might be nice to get aggro and set things on fire but cost too much power and if you run with a Fire Dps you will over write his Inferno ,and thats not good.

    So...i recomend that you take out those 3 powers and put : Enflame, Burning Determination/Stoke Flames , and Flashpoint/Reignition/Lasso or movement pull.
    • Like x 2
  8. DEATHbyLIGHT New Player

    Well at cr 62 im pushin 606 dom, and the only problem i have really had has been knowing when to cast my next power to keep aggro. i read in a guide that every 8 or 12 seconds is when a new power should be cast, but im still trying to find my own numbers
  9. Mediocre One New Player

    It's typically every 12, but people like to cast every 8 so they always hold aggro, ie so they don't drop it and have to scramble to get it back again. Though you should know that the higher up you go, you have to learn to cast when a boss finishes an attack, instead of just when your timer runs out, because if you are taking heavy damage you will need to block. But for now just experiment and get a feel for it, find out which self-heals you like best, whether you like immolation/enflame better, and test out the different pulls. Generally when I tank, I just backdraft my brains out :p it's the best move evarrr
  10. DEATHbyLIGHT New Player

    Lol ran kahndaq earlier tonight and was definitely putting backdraft to work. i went ahead and removed inferno, fiery weapon and volcanic calamity to throw in stoke flames and reignition(i believe another power as well) and needless to say, i wasnt kicked. so thats good. though the dps we had were beast so the burn was nice and fast.

    the playstyle has definitely been harder than the other roles for sure, but the challenge is welcomed. i just need to learn and fiddle around a lil more to find what i like doing best.

    but so far, all the responses have helped. havent tried lasso yet, but it definitely is on my to-do list.

    thanks again.

    p.s. any more suggestions for harder raids would be awesome. for instance fos2, and when i get there, dawn veng and gates kinda freak me out :/
  11. mamey2000 New Player

    I am new to DCUO and I would like to know why can't I equip the fiery staff after purchasing the fiery weapon pack from market place. I have it in my inventory. All the fiery items are in yellow boxes in the inventory. I am level 14 playing on ps4. I have a staff but it is in a blue box in the inventory. Do the color of the boxes mean anything? Do I have to be a certain level? I must be doing something wrong?

    Any information to point me in the path to enlightenment would be much appreciated.


    Noob Fire Damager
  12. DEATHbyLIGHT New Player

    did you choose a staff as your primary weapon when you made your toon? have you put skill points into the staff tree? do you see a lock symbol on the fiery staff and blue staff?

    if you have not put skill points in to the staff weapon tree, you will be able to equip the staff. ever.
  13. Korlick Loyal Player

    FoS 2 its going to be your tanking test. For the bridge part i would recommend to have both pull moves (backdraft and lasso or movement tree pull)
    Remember to always block. Time your powers so you wont loose aggro without getting a big attack to your face. So...pop a power then block as much as you can, then pop another power to refresh the aggro timer.
    Gates and Vengeance are not that hard, Black Dawn you might have to work harder.

    For Skill Points , get all the Dominance then get all the Health you can. Once you have all of them, go for the Restoration.

    Mods in your gear : Dom and Health for blue sockets , Resto and Health for yellows , Dom and Might for reds. At your CR the colour affinities are still woth getting. But you will notice that the higher your CR goes, those affinities become useless.

    Home Turf mods: Fortified Block , Damage Absortion , [cant remember the name but...]+10 healings . Those are the ones you must have always. The rest are not that important.

    The pack that you bought from the Marketplace are styles only. Not weapons.
    The color boxes represent the level of the weapon or armor. You have Light Blue, Green, Dark Blue and Purple.
    The reason why you cant equip the Staff is because you need to unlock it in the weapon trees. What is your primary weapon (the one you choose when creating your character)?
    At that level i recommend that you stick to the weapon you choose first. When you get more and more skill points you will be able to change to any weapon you want.
  14. OG ELITE Committed Player

    Backdraft, enflame, flashpoint, low pressure or lasso, burning determination, burnout.
    This is my standard pve loadout.
    • Like x 1
  15. Goku1144 New Player

    My loadout is Enflame, Flashpoint, Lasso, WOP, Burnout, Backdraft.

    Enflame: to knockdown, dot and healing set up for the adds.
    Flashpoint: another Juggle move, helps out on keeping agro.
    Lasso: dot stun and single target pull which fire tanks dont have.
    WOP: Word of Power bc fire tanks are power hungry plus I dont like the healing supers fire has late in the game, plus it helps the trolls
    Burnout: heals yourself, pushes adds away, give immunity to you and teammates so they wont get pulled.
    Backdraft: Heals if you use it after Enflame and group pull.

    My tank is 96Cr, my league loves me.
  16. DEATHbyLIGHT New Player

    thanks for all the help. i ran fos 2 today and was able to successfully pull and protect the crystal. i did find it somewhat difficult to keep aggro with meta, but that may be because im so used to either trollin or bein dps. but ill just have to run it again to get the hang of it.

    and of course, i got screwed on drops. i need talon lord legs for my main, and they dropped for the first time with this alt.

    but overall, even though tanking seems to be less moving around and button mashing, it has turned out to be pretty fun. the only let downs have been the fail groups i had tryin to run courthouse.

    so thanks again for all the help people