If Legendary Subs worked, why did DCUO go F2P?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sonted, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    Always so humble. :rolleyes:

    He actually is right in this case, though. If the game were subscriber-based only, that would mean you wouldn't be able to play the game to begin with without paying. Numerous players in the game began as free-to-play and either became subscribers or bought items in the marketplace after the game hooked them. Without that model, a lot of players who bought a DLC or subscribed to unlock later content wouldn't be playing the game at all because they might have been hesitant to pay upfront.
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  2. Enickma Dedicated Player

    I can speak from my own experience:

    If I had to pay money BEFORE getting to play the game, I would have never signed up.

    However, instead, I got to play all the way through T3 before realizing I liked the game enough to pay for it, and I've been a satisfied subscriber for a year now.
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  3. Stamen Dedicated Player

    No need for a qualifier. :)

    I'm even right about the fact that I am usually right. :)
  4. Symonator New Player

    microtransaction mmo, get used to it folks, many do it and are doing very well.

    I think they should let f2p players have a better cash system, but at the end of the day they give you this game for free.
    People who subscribe do because they probably enjoy the perks and the game, like many other mmo's.
    DCUO is in a long list of f2p's that do the same.
  5. Madara Well-Known Player

    Community is pretty low on PC atm..it had far more during BFE launch. Biggest issue I see is 5$ or 150$ same restrictions..approaching that issue would encourage premiums to stick to the game..the biggest upset of long term premium is the fact after buying all DLC the "rented DLC" of sub is useless..which is the biggest perk imo of subbing as far as $ worth.

    Premiums who spend should be rewarded not punished..which from the PVP gear cost it looks like they are hinting at soon everything being out of premium reach :\

    And to answer someone elses question of if your gonna spend 150$ why not sub..

    150$ over 3 years > 180$ per year, plus when I buy something I want to own it forever..not lose it if I stop paying a monthly sub.
  6. Kroye Loyal Player

    So can I have your stuff, or what?
  7. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    If this game was not F2P when I looked at it 15 months ago, I probably would never have played.
    I bought all the DLCs up to Home Turf after 3 months.
    I subscribed after 5 months! :D
  8. Minnion Devoted Player

    True, though my point stands as this: In my opinion there just isn't a viable long term solution to the inconvenience of increasing repair costs for sale in the marketplace that is available to those who chose not to subscribe. as it is the Escrow token doesn't provide enough value for the price and length of time it lasts... Why not introduce a 10$ escrow token that lasts a whole month? Or a 20$ one that lasts two months? Or heck just make the current escrow token last a month... I would still prefer being able to by permanent increases to our Escrow access in increments of 500 for 5$ with an upper max that exists to preserve the value of the oh so precious subscription dollars.(Or heck why not put both options out there on the marketplace?

    Heck, why not sell a token that permanently decreases repair costs by a set amount?(Or even a repair bot for your lair that repairs stuff for a reduced cost...)
  9. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Add some paragraph returns to this and I'll read it.
  10. Potent New Player

    The biggest problem of the subscription model was that it was something the console community was not used to.

    Combine that with the multitude of issues and bugs still prevalent since Beta(when the devs were BEGGED not to release the game until they fixed it's problems), not even people who are use to paying game subscriptions are going to want to continue to pay for the game.

    Fact is, the way they SOE and the Devs dealt with the game in it's earliest stages was what forced it to go F2P.
  11. Black House New Player

    Another of these threads, ok the fact is you don't NEED a cash cap increase as you can access everything in the game that you need, if you find that you have excessive repair bills..play better or smarter.
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  12. EPICQ New Player

    Because F2P model brings in more cash, a ton more people join the game with curiosity, curiosity leads to crazy usage of item shop. F2P brings in wealthy people and sometimes movie stars etc, these people drops mad cash into a MMO with out caring and then leave and return.

    It is funny that these same people refuse to sub up but don't care to drop more cash than a sub....:eek: F2P players will always put out more cash than a sub player because of the mass of free players vs sub players, this is why F2P players voice are heard over players that are legendary on game mechanics, this is why we are getting nerfs and other crap to the game.
  13. Sucurro New Player

    And u may have been right. Sometimes f2p is the best out of the gate. But 3 yrs ago launching as the sole mmo in a great universe, it made sense to try the sub model. And if u really look at many f2p only games, it isn't always as glamorous as it looks. Sure there r some that dont expect a huge base and it works, but in order to maintain constant content, revenueis a necessity. Also, when the devs say that different ppl have different needs, it iisn't simply the bells and whistles. F2p works great for those that want to try it for awhile, or cant play 30 days a month etc. Many ppl are fine playing solo or going at a slower speed. But, the different models imo help those that play all the time and those that dont. If it were sub only, how many ppl would play if they could only play on weekends or a couple hrs a day. I may b wrong but if u r in it to grind and level as fast as u can and dedicate a ton of time to the game, then subbing seems to make sense.

    My worry for a big name mmo that is f2p only is that the microtransactions would be insane. Tier 1 armor would probably cost 3000 MoTs for a chest piece. Yeah, there is a schism b/c of diff pay models but I am sure they have weighed all the pros/cons and at the moment, this works best. It will continue to change though
  14. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Well I made it half way through the op post. Right where he said premium paid money is close to half sub money. Cmon man, cmon. I spent more in a month than most premiums spend in a lifetime.

    I really like the fact you can play for free, pay five bucks and get more, or sub and get all. Everyone should appreciate this a lot more. Worlds longest free demo right here!
  15. Chungweishan New Player

    See Anarchy Online. Free2Play since 2004. No cash cap. No trade restrictions... with an actual Trade Window so you won't be scammed (both players place items in trade window-box and then have to agree on what's being traded). Subscription Model includes all Expansions. Game isn't as popular anymore, of course, but considering it's an older long lasting game with less restrictions.... just amazing.
  16. psi-knight New Player

    A game closer to this one is indeed SWTOR. Their sub model adds bonuses/rewards, such as mounts at level 15 over 25, ability to spend in-game credits on bank in inventory unlocks, AS WELL as a discount on vendor items.

    http://www.swtor.com/free/features: For your pleasure
  17. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Funny, lengends ft would like things they pay for.

    F2P players want things they don't pay for

    Wonder who wins
  18. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    [quote="Why not introduce a 10$ escrow token that lasts a whole month? Or a 20$ one that lasts two months? [/quote]
    They do right now you can get a 3 month legendary members ship for 29.95....10 bucks a month everything open to you.
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  19. Neo-Jehuty New Player

    Whoa the opening post was something. Thank goodness it was edited a little later on. The main thing that SOE and DCUO are looking at is the revenue. So while determining how to make revenue some bloke must have said "ok lets give sub some free stuff" while another bloke must have said "lets limit the amount of in game cash non subs can use." Good idea second bloke... yeah right. o_O

    If you want to make more revenue add features which both non-subs and subs can do. Take the following for example
    - Introduce a new crafting system where one can make gear with stats depending on the number of exobytes they put in. - This will make people buy exobit radars to help them out.
    - In the crafting system add some exclusive R&D components in the market place that can be used to make even better gear in the crafting system. Not just with a stats increase but maybe some features like the mods offer you.
    - MOR/MOT boosters.
    - Add some more styles or even better add some unique gear, with some better stats.
    - Add some additional perks in buying a DLC like an higher limit in game cash/replay badges on purchase.
    - Expert level mods or plans in the market place.
    - Vault items in the market place
    - Perks for those who have subscribes for a long time.

    There are many more ideas that other MMOs have implemented which generate revenue, rather than using foolish ideas like limiting in game cash at $2000. Considering that this game is set in the DC universe is enough to get people interested and try the game out F2P. Those who like the game and what it has to offer will eventually pay one way or the other.

    I think the team (Spytle, Mepps, Spord, and all the others) can create new and better way to generate revenue.

    Just my two cents.
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  20. neidler New Player

    To get new peoplw to play and spend money