Cursed Idol Or Robot Sidekick?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Zerefu, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Zerefu New Player

    Which do you think is better, and why? I will post up some numbers in a different thread later today to verify which one is better on your loadout and on mine. As far as I can see, they do the same thing, do damage with little to no real effort.
  2. BrotherMutant New Player

    Cursed Idol.

    It gives you a reason for a SC plus not only does it do damage, it heals (maybe poorly in DPS stance) to all around it AND when a target dies in its range, they explode for more damage.
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  3. ThatGuyLee Committed Player

    Cursed idol for multiple target situations of course due to its secondary effect of detonating all dying enemies within its range. Robot sidekick is next to useless IMO because in my experience it dies way too often and cost quite a bit of power with a long animation (which is clippable of course).
  4. Owl Devoted Player

    Cursed Idol is a Field that Damages nearby enemies and provides Heals over Time to nearby allies.

    The Robot Sidekick can not heal you or your allies.
  5. Tobias1978 New Player

    If you are dps why not use neovenom instead? You will pump out a ton more damage
  6. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I actually use both on my Celestial DPS Alt but if I had to choose I would definitely choose Cursed Idol. The damage it does in group adds is ridiculous.
  7. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I think it depends on what you are using it for, in situations where range is dominant Idol is a problem as it needs to be close to enemies, but even though it heals, when faced with a mob it might not be enough, robot is good in close combat with single or groups of 3 or maybe 4 targets if your damage is good, other than that it's pretty much a single target thing, and completely useless on range situations since it goes off on it's own and pretty much dies instantly (even with it's shield up). In all both have good uses depending on what you are doing, I personally went with Neo Venom, It can help for range and close combat, single or multiple targets, it doesn't give health but if you are strong enough (or have a good healer) you won't need to worry about it.
  8. Zerefu New Player

    I'll test all 3 to each other
  9. Zerefu New Player

    I run epic odyssey more than anything, so I'm not worried about ADDs and Cursed Idol's explode damage, it's all about what pumps out the best numbers over time
  10. Tobias1978 New Player

    I'm telling you neo venom kicks up your burst damage through the roof...
  11. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Neo-venom on celestial is a waste, to high a cost, to long a cool down, plus with celestial you have better options.

    You pr better off running with Dark pact and annoit.

    Trinket - dark pact - cursed idol

    Melts everything anytime adds spawn or someone drags them up, and you can get 2 12 rotations of dark pact into one cursed idol. Hits like a truck.

    Plus if you get pillar phases in Paradox your supercharge should be able to support keeping cursed up practically the whole fight