Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Merci, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Merci New Player

    Me and another high level dps have tried numerous times to run this duo and complete it for its speed feat okay? Tell me how the hell you are suppose to do this when we timed out 2minutes 18 seconds of cut scenes that continue to run the clock. I mean we bypass all the mobs and kill the ones needed to open the door, blah blah blah.. But here is the kicker, we killed Abra in 10 seconds with 20 to spare, and yet as he sits on the ground, he talks for 10 seconds again and then until the final window of damage pops up is when the timer officially stops. So we got it at 7:20 time. We killed abra at 6:40.... Dev's Fix the delay in these cut scenes..
  2. Korvyne Committed Player

    Just need to kill enough for the next door to open then go.
    I've done it on my tank in dps gear with high lv dps in 6:49 and my dps with another dps in 6:14.
    Just do it as all speed feats, miss as much as possible.
  3. mgkaenzo Committed Player

    WTF still people complaining about that in T5 I did it as T4 dps with healer another time with a troll. Feat that requiere skill don't mean that it's bugged, people like you make the game become **** because they want everything to be easy. Now dox is easier than pbg in T4 exept if you go for 3 or 4 sb.
  4. thatnoob New Player

    I think this dou was a tier back I the day but you're right we in t5now lol