changes that need to be made (my opinion)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Slicknsly, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. SkullGang Devoted Player

    I fear for the day when f2p and premiums won't be able to repair their gear in raids.
  2. NeoXeon New Player

    1. I really don't know about the keyboard situation.
    2. I been premium since they made this game free (I have the DISC) and I can say say the 2000 cap makes the game a struggle. Its not encouraging me to purchase escrow (but I'm just one person whatever). I have all the dlcs, I would like the cap to be increased but probably will never happen.
    3. I understand the deserter part; different thing in pvp.
    4. I've gotten 10 exp kits from pvp in two weeks. I suggest u pvp more.
    5. Don't care about the 1 shot part but Celestial is op. Other powers have to spam, use a lot of hex,or phase dodge just to keep up which is putting a strain on trolls. could atleast buff the other powers
  3. Fruity Reaper New Player

    o_O when are freemiums losing the ability to buy sodas?
  4. SkullGang Devoted Player

    I'm saying in future when repair costs will be too much.
  5. Fruity Reaper New Player

    Too much?

    Dude when I was a freemium I had a bank full of sodas that could have bought whatever I needed, if repairs are more expensive than a bank full of sodas then may I suggest you are doing it wrong?
  6. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Lol i'm Legendary. I'm not talking about not having enough money i'm talking about repairs that make u sell something every wipe. Freemiums can survive perfectly right now but in future I'm not so sure in some things. Freemimums can't buy V interfaces can they ?
  7. Fruity Reaper New Player

    Well the idea is that the game is tougher if you are not a sub, this fits this model well as far as I can see then.

    Sure it will get tougher as the content gets tougher, but that's the point isn't it?
  8. RSL New Player

    this day is called the day f2p came out. and it was fearful. ;)
  9. RSL New Player

    the game is a business not a philanthropic endeavor. they're not going to eliminate the incentives to spend money just because you don't like them. that's how they get you to spend money. 25k is WAY too much to give people who contribute nothing and drain real resources like server bandwidth. it's too much for premium [a potentially one time purchase] as well. you guys get to play a game with a really large amount of content [that you cry bores you to death] for free or basically free. i can't get across how much more grateful you should be for this.

    queue "but the game is glitchy. i'm not going to pay for glitches. i'll just log on for free every day and hope someone else pays enough money for them to ever fix glitches with", "i have this really important life [that i constantly ignore for the game]. i can't pay 10 dollars a month for something i do all the time. can't you hear my wife and kids screaming for attention in the background?" etc
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  10. Jamie New Player

    1) Can't speak of the keyboard issue.

    2) F2P should be happy with what they get. For the longest time I was a big supporter of Premium getting a cash cap increase after X amount of money spent. Now that they will be able to buy some of the T5 mods with marks my opinion has changed. They just need to decrease the repair bills on higher content, allow repair bill money to come out of escrow, or increase the cash cap on Premiums to help them with repairs.

    3) The deserter penalty is a good thing since it makes some people think twice before leaving a group. It's not perfect but it was a step in the right direction.

    4) Exceptional recovery kits should drop more but I call BS on someone getting 16 in a day unless they used a lot of replay badges.

    5) The only way a Celestial healer can beat any DPS in damage out is if the healer has better gear and/ or better skills. I have a Celestial toon and I am shocked if I ever am the top DPS or healer. You have to know what you are doing and you must execute it well for Celestial to be worth while. I don't use this toon that much so my skills are subpar with him. My point is that the people that take the time to learn the power and are able to pull off the combos while in combat will be ahead on the scoreboards and they should be. You should judge the player and not the power.
  11. Jamie New Player

    This will never happen with F2P because they already have access to all of the content that they will likely ever get. It could effect Premiums though.
  12. Fruity Reaper New Player

    Premiums can trade though so with a friend list and sodas, they do not have to worry too much unless they want to avoid the hassle and sub up.
  13. Slicknsly New Player

    i have all the DLC as well and i was legendary for more than 18 months i quit playing to play different games , becasue it seems that the entire game is now just one big PVP match , secondly i hate PVP becasue i always have those people who LIVE inside PVP arenas who always find ways to cheat/glitch i played World of warcraft for over 5 years i know and there if ANYONE is found glitching they get banned. maybe something SOE should think about . and BTW 90% of DCUO will be crying in this new dlc when PVP stuff gets reset and ill be one laughing. my PVE stuff wont get reset.
  14. Fruity Reaper New Player

    Honestly I do both and when I am pve I don't feel remotely that pvp intrudes, sure we have the pve npc's using the mechanics but that is a good thing, in pvp you do come across the odd suspicious behaviour but nothing like it used to be, to be honest you are more likely to be accused of hacking if you are a good player than actually cheating as people are far to quick to throw the cheat word around.
  15. winter13 New Player

    I am not a fan of the deserter in pve. I think it should be removed. I would also like exceptional kits to drop more often in pve.