Hardlight controller question.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Meta Flare, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. Meta Flare New Player

    So I've leveld up twice as a hardlight dps but I've always felt there were too many and I wasn't the biggest fan of the dps side (I know it's blasphemy). So I was wondering since I've been playing with the idea of going HL troll (there aren't many I see) I wanted some input.

    When I troll I always go

    Pot...dump...def debuff...shield...open...super.

    So what would be a good power to put in my open number 5 slot? I was thinking light blast but wasnt sure.
  2. X-zero Loyal Player

    Light blast is what I have in my number fifth spot. Great cc move plus a healing debuff.
  3. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    I would suggest carrying Snap Trap when you need a heal debuff so that you can clip into light blast and get your hit counter up unless your playing a very traditional playstyle. HL has the power combo's making it great for utilizing those when able. My HL loadout was Claws/Entrap/Recharge/Impact/Light Barrier/Group Shield/ This gave me impact which functions the same as Ram but will combo into Grasping hand then Light Blast for quick power regen from comboing. The reason I used Impact was because I was able to spec that way and get Light Barrier for when I lunged too far in or for pick ups. The Iconic Robot also does good damage and CC without getting in the way.
  4. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    I love my HL but hate the lunge I wish impact or hand clap would switch with boxing and function as the PoT.
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  5. Delta795 New Player

    Gonna depend on the raid you are going to do.
    My basic loadout for HL trolling was:
    Claws (PoT)
    Entrap (def. debuff) + square on mobs (hey who doesn't like to go Babe Ruth on some poor adds
    Light barrier
    Group Shielding

    For rooms or runs that didn't require debuff I would go ram to combo into snaptrap > lightblast or ram>whips or ram >clap
    Nexus buff room pre-nerf I would use grasping hand for precision debuff or grasping hand for single stun pull (fos2 bridge) or grasping hand lightblast
    For healing debuff like Dox / PBG or Zeta Drone you could go snaptrap (healing debuff) into lightblast simply put this is the best stun combo in the game or just lightblast if you are having trouble targeting the SnapTrap in Dox (which can be a pain)
    The only move I would not use is Light weight as it has a tendency to knock a tank around which makes them grumpy!!

    Hope this helps!
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  6. DevilsArms New Player

    My current load out is:

    Claw - Pot
    Ram - Knock down/Stun
    Whip Thrash - Defence debuf
    Grasphing Hand - Damage debuff (Can be replaced with Light Blast for the healing debuff depending on content running)
    Recharge - Power Dump
    Group Shielding - For emergency power/shield

    Reason i dont have Light Blast on my loadout is that at Tier 2, not many mobs/bosses have a healing buff or anything. Im still learning the ropes of the game in general so bare with me :p

    What i learned from other HL trollers was to use Recharge right after in order to clip the Lunge animation. Pretty useful against bosses incase you dont wanna get face to face. It also add a nice little power dump just incase someone needs it.
  7. Marbou New Player

    I just point my lunge elsewhere then redirect my view as I continue my combo. I love not having to use energy for my debuffs when I can use it for power dumping, and emergency powers.
  8. Doc Holliday New Player

    Hl is broke currently especially in troll stance. I'm switching powers and until it's fixed id go Quantum if you want to stay troll.

    I'll try out rage.
  9. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    Ya I use the power dump after lunge for clipping and dumpingmore power but I still think it'd be nice to have a range CC thats also a PoT. Nothing wrong with what we have but it would be even better with impact or hand clap as a PoT. Especially for boss fights.
  10. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    What would you say is broken? I haven't noticed anything but haven't been on my HL Troll in a week or so.
  11. Meta Flare New Player

    How is it broke in troll stance?
  12. MrBlazEakaJB New Player


    Great guide to HL controlling. I don't think he plays anymore since there hasn't been any updates to it in a while. It might be a little outdated, but it covers a lot in great detail.

    I think the reason they say it's kind of broken in troll stance is because with entrap, you have to be up close in order to apply the defense debuff. This is a huge problem because again, HL has no ranged defense debuff anymore. They added it to entrap with one of the game updates but now it seems to be an up close debuff like whipthrash. Even so, I've heard some guys say it doesn't even apply the debuff at times, even if you were up close. So this could possibly be what Doc is talking about.

    I've only recently started to troll again so my advice isn't probably the best but here is how I play my character.

    My loadout is Whipthrash, Claws, Light Barrier, Recharge, Grasping Hand, and Group Shielding.

    The weapon I use is brawling. If you read Battery's guide, you would know why it is ideal. I like to use Handblasters too if I wanna do some extra damage, but it's really not necessary to deal damage.

    Being that I don't like to be up close for the defense debuffs, in the T5 raids I swap out Whipthrash for Impact. I use this just to stay ranged and build up my combo meter. Impact>Grasping Hand>Light Blast would put you at about a 7 hit combo. Then just hit recharge accordingly either once or twice. If you like Hand Clap better, then you can open with that instead tap once or all three times then Grasping Hand>Lightblast. The only debuff I like to put on is the damage one from Grasping Hand. I would just go Grasping Hand>Light Blast then recharge. That usually builds up a 5 hit combo. With brawling 5 hits is all it takes to go to the next tier of power regen. You can jump cancel Light Blast as well if you you don't want to stay stuck in the animation. You could use Whipthrash though if you really want to put the defense debuff on. Just Whipthrash and clip with Light Barrier right away to help get out of there. As far as healing debuffs, I would only put one on in Wave. I'm usually the 2nd troll in these raids anyway being that my vit is only 1893, so I just CC and power dump.

    In any other content I think it's really fun to be a HL troll. Then you really don't have to worry about one shots and be up close and personal. My fav combo to pull of is Claws>Ram>Whipthrash2Xs for an 11 hit combo which brings you to another tier of power regen with brawlers. Just play around with all the combos and see which ones you like. The fun part of being a HL troll is that you can constantly be doing an infinite combo and clip with recharge. My heart will always be with HL DPSing, but trolling every now and again is fun too.
  13. DevilsArms New Player

    Yea makes sense. Better to be safe and apply the Pot and Debuff without risking getting killed.
  14. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    Well ya I agree but I'd also say that Claws have their place and use too. It's that after testing both the Gloves and the Claws they do the exact same thing. They both only knock down one target(claws will cause Panic PI). They both combo well into other powers and that seems to be the main advantage to using them.

    I want to say first that I don't think that the claws or gloves are broken or not viable as powers. Its the controlling side to things that has me hoping for a switch. The controller powersets all function in a similar fashion and have powers that while they may affect different number of adds or inflict differing PI's they all still mirror each other in uses. It's one of the things that have kept controller powers balanced.

    Basically what I'm saying is that if you look at the PoT's from other power tree's(Gadgets, Mental, and Quantum) as their CC or range are concerned their similar(serve the same function and provide different PI's and CC). For instance listed below is the PoT's and the CC provided.

    Tazer Pull- single target Pull and electricity PI
    Sticky Bomb-Single Target stun and AoE knock up with possible stun

    Telekinesis- single target levetation can move items in room.
    Terror Tendrils- Multi target Cone AoE with possible stun and Terror PI.

    Grav Field- single target stun and Grav PI
    Tach Burst- Up to Two target Stun and Time PI

    Claws- single target knock down with Panic PI
    Gloves- single target knock down

    HL is the only controller power that's PoT's do the exact same thing. I'm sure this was intentional meant for the combo system. I think that if the gloves switch with impact or hand clap(I prefer impact for CC effect it will do less damage at range) as PoT it would bring the power more in line with the others making it a more viable controller class. Without messing up the combo system for us or DPS. It is the one thing that we hear from other controllers. It would create more diversity between HL controllers and give us a power to sub in on boss fights to avoid lunging into one shots.

    I'd like to see entrap apply the debuff at far range but if gadgets has to put up with Gauss possibly missing and getting nothing I suppose thats fair. HL and Gadgets powers are both mid to melee range based(can be played far range) and their seems to be a risk vs reward thing at play with those powers.

    In the end nothing is broken but you see a lot of HL DPS and not many HL controllers. I think this is largely because as controllers we're expected to hang in the back cast our PoT, Debuffs, attack with our weapon and dump power. This is harder to do with HL due to the Lunge(clip it with Recharge and stay safe but if your too far away you'll get no damage). Cast it at the ground and get no damage or CC to enemies. Then we're not really controlling but being batteries. The Defense debuff can be applied at mid range and jump clipped so its not that big of an issue.

    Gloves switching places with impact(I prefer for CC as said earlier) would give us a fast range PoT that can go into one of our best combo's(for controllers). Impact>Grasp Hand>Light Blast. It'd provide knock up CC from range with stun. While continuing with the risk vs reward system at melee range for HL.

    In the end before I'm trolled for saying this I want to repeat. HL is not broken. This is merely a suggestion and observation on how the power could benefit as a controller class. This would improve the power and give more versatility to builds and groups in differing maps and type's of content.
  15. DevilsArms New Player

    I always thought of going DPS as HL, but decided to troll in the end. Imo, its actually quite fun. Though, i dont exactly just sit in the back. Depending on the group, im usually upfront doing the impact>grasping>light>boxing, just to build up some combo counter and for the knock back and stuns by the powers.

    But you're right, so far from what i've seen, there aren't that many HL Trollers mostly DPS. And replacing boxing with impact for the PoT at least would actually be quite fun. Applying a PoT by ramming a train into the badguys.
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  16. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    Its almost like trying to find a unicorn lol. Ya, I like it to. I use the same combo as you along with the hand clapx3 grasping hand light blast when at range. HL is fun because you get to use your powers for juggle's and stuns which makes it one of he best for controlling since your altenating power and weapon damage/stuns consistently.
  17. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    i use light blast for the heal debuff, for the ravager
  18. NorthernLad New Player

    My favorite power, cracks me up everytime, is I think Entrap. It's the one that traps the enemies in skulls made of yellow light, and you can bring out a HUGE light weapon to hit them with. Makes me giggle so much when the enemies stay trapped and go rolling away, sometimes never to come back.