Villain 8th Precinct Solo Tier 1 Challenge Broken

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Monsoon, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Monsoon New Player

    This challenge is not completing. After defeating Raven in her soul no awards are given and the leader board doesn't pop up. The exit is opened and after exiting the challenge does not show completed. The same thing is happening on the live PC server since GU31 and still has not been fixed.
  2. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Basically same thing is happening in the standard level 8 instance on the villain side. Although the mission completes, you don't get the rewards for it, including the cinematic.

    This is also happening on the live servers. I hoped that GU32 would include a fix, but apparently not.
  3. Stone169 New Player

    First thing I tried on the test server was the 8th Precinct challenge for a villain and despite many on the forum who have said it is not working, you'd think they fix it for this update. It still isn't fixed.
  4. Monsoon New Player

    Last I checked it was still broken on the test server, but fixed on the live PC server, sort of. The rewards are given and locked out for the rest of the week, but the scorecard still does not popup.
  5. Sickiac Active Player

    Again, this is something that has been on live server for a long time now. They fixed the loot drop for challenges, but did nothing to fix the feats. Has it not been highlighted by anybody that feats are not given? I find that hard to believe.
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This is a live issue that we are working on a fix for.
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  7. Monsoon New Player

    This is working perfectly now on the test server after GU 33. Thank you for fixing it and have a Merry Christmas.