why are we forced to deal with these pvp mechanics?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by OG ELITE, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. OG ELITE Committed Player

    I know ill get ripped on the forums for bringing it up but seriously there's like 47 people on the forums that like the pvp mechanics in pve. majority find it annoying including myself. every time the devs implement it in another instance people complain so why do you keep forcing it on us? I don't even pvp because there's no story to it and I don't find it fun why cant we just have our old dcuo back? I don't know I just feel like the devs listen to 10 or 15 people on these forums when making changes to the game and those peoples views don't represent the vast majority of players ( yes I know my views aren't shared by all) it just feels like this game keeps trying to make things more complicated. sometimes I just wish I could go back in time to around update 15 or so when this game was a lot more fun, in my opinion at least.
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  2. Trexlight Devoted Player

    47 people like it? Gonna need to see the names and statistics to understand where this number of yours comes from. These mechanics have been in the game for over a year and also, I love reiterating this because every time I do an angel gets its wings, these are COMBAT mechanics or even COUNTER Mechanics.

    The game is getting more complicated, he said it. NERF! NERF IT ALL!
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  3. Poo New Player

    They are not PVP mechanics.

    Is it really so hard to press "R" (or whatever you do on PS) every now and then?

    Doesn't it "feel" more like real combat?
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  4. Xeranx New Player

    Actually, you're incorrect. The combat (counter) mechanics, as they exist on the PvE side of things today, were implemented earlier this year. It hasn't been a year yet. What's more is that the mechanics negatively impact those with less than average connections. Couple that with SoE's own internal infrastructure and player equipment causing lag and it just gets amplified. It causes more stress than it needs to for something that is supposed to be entertainment. It's why I've logged in twice in maybe two months.
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  5. MyrVell Committed Player

    No. Exactly the opposite in fact.

    Watch a "real" boxing match. How often does one fighter end up on his backside just for throwing a punch while the other fighter has their guard up?

    Nothing like seeing a cosmic powered super human who can throw busses across city blocks knocked flat on his back because some random goon in clown makeup covered his face. It's asinine.

    It's nothing more than a paper-rock-scissors system and it's flat out annoying at times.
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  6. Planet Telex New Player

    While they are at it, take PVE mechanics out of PVP.
    I don't want to see
    - Punching
    - Kicking
    - Powers
    - Weapons
    - Gear
    - Blocking
    - Running
    - Jumping
    - Clipping
    - Dying
    - Raging
    These are all part of PVE and should NOT be in PVP.
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  7. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    I can understand this. One of my issues with the Combat Mechanics/PvP mechanics is that a little bit of lag can turn it into some sort of psychic guessing game.
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  8. Poo New Player

    Great point actually.

    In what world do you get knocked down when someone hits you? Even more ******** is when I am knocked down while using a ranged weapon!

    I like the blocking system. A lot of games don't have manual blacking. But the knock down thin is dumb. Especially when you are CR 100 superhero/villian and the NPC is a lvl 5 **** in a suit.
  9. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Ah well then for the past year we have had these changes but spilled milk and all. I dont see negative impact at least on my part. My PC client runs fine and my PS3 of course has a bit of the hang ups because hey, its a console and has limitations. I also blame PSN for the connectivity issues, wasnt the best, still not the best and its kinda meh.
  10. OG ELITE Committed Player

    I didn't take a poll or anything smart *** maybe I over estimated because I only 4 or 5 right now. im not asking for a nerf either make the guys hit harder and give them more life I don't care, I get sick of doing challenges in traces gear getting block broke by an add I can 1 shot. fact is majority of people you talk to in game don't like it. im not threatening to quit or anything im just saying there are far more people against the mechanics then there are for them. just join a pug and ask.
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  11. Magician Dedicated Player

    Heh OP, I'm sorry you weren't around when SOE did a focus group for Star Wars Galaxies and thus came the NGE which ultimately destroyed most of the game.

    If you were around, you know what I'm talking about.

    Basically, SOE tends to do things that change the game that looks like it caters to a few or not the majority. I'm not saying this is right or the perception is wrong.

    In fact, I work with a motto "perception is reality" and in this case, this is your reality.

    However, while I may not always agree with the "PvP mechanics," the dev's (and Trex here) will be quick to tell you that they are "game mechanics" which has been an argument that has been chewed to the cud without any change.

    My friend, it is time to embrace it. This is how the game rolls here on out.

    Thankfully it hasn't been as big of an impact as the NGE was in SWG.
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  12. OG ELITE Committed Player

    real combat? yeah I remember those fights back in high school when id hit a guy but he'd throw that forearm up... next thing I now im on my back. such a realistic feel...
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  13. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    I think the intent was it would improve PvErs playing skills. I can vouch that it has not.
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  14. GeoShock New Player

    Mobs fighting back ....... soooo unfair ........ they should just stand there and take the beating.
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  15. Trexlight Devoted Player

    yeah I hear ya, I hate taking my lvl 30 into low level places and getting block broken (actual sarcasm). Sorry to tell ya but thats how it goes. You are in a challenge, you can do more damage to them but the actual Combat Mechanics to them are still in effect and arent going away. The fact is the majority of players want this game be button smashing with no concept of skill or difficulty which is what is was before these changes. I was against it at first abut after getting use to it, I became a better player because of it and im certain you and other like you who are just hating stop griping about it, you'll learn to be better at it to the point where it doesnt matter.
  16. DeathZakid Well-Known Player

    I posted a thread similar to this about Nexus but people were attacking and saying same thing over and over when i said i understand so i asked a mod to close it. I know they were in the game, but it didn't bother me too much because i don't remember seeing it in raid until now. I seen in alerts, duo, and solos but it didn't bother me too much because i could just burn through them. I also learned not to use hb in those instances without a tank or they'll interrupt you like crazy.Then again, they took a lot of health from the bosses.
  17. Wreckshot Well-Known Player

    My two-cents:

    I don't think the problem is the way the mechanics work (rock, paper, scissors) it's the animations.

    DC has habit of reusing old animations to save time (see the replacement for the dino-bird thing in Nature). However, motion capture costs an extortionate amount of money, so they can't use mo-cap for just one-or-two animations, because they'd be bankrupt if they did it like that.

    So, the problem is that when the DCUO was released, the animations were fine. But now that the game has seen a massive overhaul, aspects like Falling On Your Back or Putting An Arm Up To Defend, seem dated, and frankly, look rubbish.

    Ideally we need a block that looks realistic, and instead of characters falling over in a comical fashion, they stumble back naturally and drop to one knee briefly when block-countered.

    My theory is that the team know they're onto something good with the Rock, Paper, Scissors approach, but are struggling to fully-realise what's in their heads.

    The mechanics are solid when they work, but the animations hold it all back. As it's been said, being a high-level Superhero who has bested everything the world throws at them, means nothing if someone puts their arm up.

    Imagine Braniac attacking and Superman beats him by covering his face... It'd look rubbish.

    I'm hoping, that given time, the team will bring it all in line and we'll have something brilliantly-fun. It's just a case of waiting.

    Although, if they announced that they're looking into new animations, people would then moan about how long it's taking when it's not completed in a week's time. Damned if you do etc...

    Thoughts? Rambling? Shut up Wreckshot?
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  18. NathanZolanski Level 30

    Only reason i would call them PVP Mechanics is because of the fact that is cool in PVP cause your playing against an actual player.
    Whereas PVE its against the computer obviously they kno what your gonna do,
    I just dont like the fact that adds have these abilities, i get the fact that stronger adds do and bosses
    but not weak adds, it makes no since
    While im blocking a melee add, there is another doing range to block break its not point,
    Get it outta here!
    Game isnt fun with this, and this is just leveling up
    I have no problem post level 30!
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  19. OG ELITE Committed Player

    See the problem with people like yourself is you think just because somebody don't like it they suck at it. That's not the case. It's annoying and stupid. I forgot superman has 2 weaknesses kryptonite and forearms... The mechanics don't even work half the time with lag, ps4 holds you in block like an extra second which can make a difference. Fact is I know how they work and I've gotten pretty good at them but I still find it annoying. The game was a lot funner when pvp was pvp and pve was pve.
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  20. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Id like to see it more heavily involved in the game actually...Maybe people will stop just doing "Random Rotation A" non stop and actually start to pay attention to what the hell is happening in the fight

    Theyve been around for about 2 years now people, its time to get used to them.
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