War of the Light Part I: Creative Director Letter

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Spytle, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Chalky New Player

    Sounds like it's time to start playing again. Kudos.
  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You can change the colour of the chest, except for the lantern symbol on it for copyright reasons. So basically you can make the chest pink, green and yellow but the Red Lantern symbol will stay red. I assume it's the same for the back piece, I'm not sure if any of that is colourable.
  3. DARKKNIGHT New Player

    I think the bounty may be in the ops like in bia from the way spytle was talking. Still, look at all the characters they have reveled in this dlc and they still haven't shown them all. I honestly think this will be the best dlc they have released in a while. Just because it doesn't have t6 gear or 2 raids doesn't mean it will be uninteresting and leave you with no fun content to run daily.( well I guess if you only enjoy runing 8mans just because there 8 people it, it might suk) Did you like hand of fate? That had 2 8man instances. I know I didn't.
  4. DARKKNIGHT New Player

    If the bounty's are like the CC ones there will be more then enough content. Like a mini raid 1-16 times per day.

    Those bounty's were a great concept but just not implemented very well. They need to make them like raid sub boss's with actual mechanics (Every bounty boss has a unqiue mechanic) in the open world instead of an autopilot tank and spank. I know CC bounty's had some, but I mean mechanics that will cause your group to wipe or prevent the boss from dying if you ignore or miss them.They'd also need to reduce spawn area's so your not spending lots of time looking for them. With that shorten respawn delay and compliment this by having the journal mission giving 8 random bountys out of the 16. So each day you don't fight exactly the same bountys and it will reduce the amount of people fighting one boss at any given time. I would love this if it happend.
  5. Lemarcel55 New Player

    Punctuation is your friend.

    Protip: You're not as smart as you think you are.
  6. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    what ever helps you feel better my friend ;)
  7. zijyfe New Player

    I've got a couple of questions:

    1. I know it's unfair to make 2 chaining power dlcs one after the other, but you really couldn't have saved it for the lantern power? It would just make more sense.

    2. Do you still plan on covering the entire color spectrum with all 3 dlcs?

    3. For that matter, how many colors are in the emotional spectrum? (GL fans feel free to answer this one). I only ask because with so many possible colors, I would have expected at least 2 in the first of only 3 DLCs of such a nature.

    4. Do you plan to release them one after the other? i.e. release the entire WOTL trilogy throughout 2014? I hope so, I love GL content.

    5. Do you plan on offering a small discount if you buy all 3 of them at once (when they're all available)? How about an in-game reward.

    6. Can we finally get the mythical Green Aura everyone wants their lanterns to have? Sinestros get a gold one, so I don't think that's very fair.

    I'm anxious to know the answers, please answer them when you get the chance.
  8. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    2. What do you mean by covering the entire spectrum? When they said they would have exhausted the emotional spectrum by the end of the trilogy they were talking about representing all the corps in the game with NPCs, not by making all the different corps available to us as power sets.

    3. There are 7 colours; Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. However, there are an addition 2 corps; Black and White. In the visible light spectrum (real world physics, not just DC Comics) the absence of light is darkness; black. The combination of all colours in the visible light spectrum is white. Because of this, Black obviously represent death since there is a lack of emotion etc. there and white represents life since it all of the emotions tied together. When you say you expected at least 2 did you mean 2 playable powers?

    4. They will not be released one after the other. DLC 10 will be Amazon Fury Part 1 and DLC 11 will be Halls of Power Part 1. DLC 12 MIGHT be War of the Light Part 2, but we don't know that for sure.

    6. The reason the green aura is not available currently is because DC wouldn't allow it in the game as it was too iconic of their Green Lantern franchise. They have, however, loosened up a bit in the Green Lantern mythos so Spytle has said it is something he is going to ask DC about again so that hopefully it can make it into the game.

    I hope that helped.
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  9. zijyfe New Player

    what you should have said was

    "I am Agate and YOU ARE WRONG!!! Why? Because You continue to believe that your experience must be everyone else's. I am legendary. I rarely raid. I do not wish to raid. I actually prefer solo content, though I am in a league with good people who invite me to alerts and raids. If you think all Legendary players like doing raids, YOU ARE WRONG!!!"
    • Like x 4
  10. zijyfe New Player

    Yes, it did. Thank you.

    Edit: More thoughts:

    1. Yes, I meant playable powers. I would not even consider buying a DLC (other than home turf, of course, because of its vast amount of content) if it didn't include additional powers. I would certainly not consider buying this trilogy if it didn't contain all playable spectrums. However...

    2. If there are only 9 corps, it would make sense to only have 1 more playable core available, since that would add up to a total of 3. The other ones, hopefully, would contain 3 more each, and if they did, no matter the raids, alerts, duos, or solos, I would purchase all 3 in a snap, then purchase additional character slots to hold one of each!!!. (I do want all the styles available though.)

    3. I figured that was the reason for the green aura's lack of existence. What I was wondering was, why did they have a gold aura available if they knew Sinestro corps members were going to use it? Would they not run into the same problem?
  11. Butterscotch New Player

  12. TheVoiceOfReason Well-Known Player

    So am the only one disappointed that the new power will not be poo flinging.
  13. Azrael New Player

    I think Dc does not allow it. Since they own rights to the "lantern power" . It must be show with a glowing ring.
  14. Hawkboy Well-Known Player

    Sounds good! Very excited for the new loot system with the styles available for purchase on the vendors. Any chance you will push this loot system back to the old content? I'm really tired of running FOS hoping to get Avatar Infiltrator gear.
  15. risingtide New Player

    Actually as far as Red Lanterns go it doesn't make sense to have chainable construct combos. Reds are more vicious and their contrsuts show that by being less construct and more pure energy unformed ie beams, blasts, vomiting blood, ect. Very rarely will you see a Red use constructs and I think the power will show that. I'm sure there will be some constructs like shields, maybe an encasement or something of the sort, but I suspect most will be energy blasts and beams, and probably some physical moves as well like pounding, punching, smashing. ect.
  16. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Some superheroes are tougher than other or are you suggesting that batman can take a punch the same way superman can? They are both superheroes so writers should make them equally as strong.
  17. Burnt New Player

    So excited for this to go live so we can move on to DLC 10 and get away from these damn lanterns. Even if it's only for one DLC until they come back again :( :( :( <---- Really sad about all the lantern crap
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  18. iLLusion New Player

    Yes! Yes! Yes!

    Is all I'm going to say. :)
    • Like x 1
  19. risingtide New Player

    All the lantern crap? I lol every time I see that said. I broke down the actual precentage for someone the other day but less than 10% of the entire game is "lantern crap".

    Here you go:
    In addtion only 10% of level 1-30 content is lantern as well.
  20. BigAl Devoted Player

    I agree, duos can be a nuisance at times, but they can be fun if you only have 1 friend that wants to hang with you. The SoT duos were fun at first, but lost their appeal after time.