Gold Selling Spammers

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Sullster, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. The Sullster New Player

    why is gold selling spammers in LFG and shout still so widespread? and why does it take so long to get these guys kicked or banned? do GMs even log in and have a quick look at the chat?

    today i logged in and within 2 mins there was that familiar website we've all seen being advertised by a name of random letters and numbers, i managed to spam group invites to them, track them down to Gotham East End PD (they tend to like it there) and proceed to spam them with duel invites in an attempt to stop them spamming while i reported them to PSG, this lasted an hour, i managed to get the 100 dominated duels feat in that time, he was still not banned, i asked PSG again, they said because they may or may not be an SOE customer they didnt have the legal authority to ban them but the details have been passed on to where they need to go, that was 4 hours ago, im still sat in Gotham East End PD next to this guys,

    I've given up spamming him I've got better things to do but 4 hours and the guy is still there? what kind of customer support is that? what exactly am i paying PSG for if I've got to submit tickets to SOE for behaviour of their customers? these guys get banned and create new characters with similar random letters and numbers, but surely GMs could pop online for 2 mins a couple of times a day just to peak into whether these guys are causing problems like this?? surely they notice it if they go ingame to investigate other complaints?
  2. Vexedbit Well-Known Player

    ? what server are you on? on USPS I've never seen this
  3. SKAVANGER408 New Player

  4. Minnion Devoted Player

    I usually just add these guys to my ignore list...
  5. Skyfall New Player

    So you harassed someone for an extended period, because you're too lazy to ignore them in 5 seconds? Classy.
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  6. Yallander Loyal Player

    These are F2P accounts that do get reported and banned but all it takes is someone using another email and register another acct and then create a charavter. There is no way to prevent this unless you prevent F2P from using or joining global channels. But doing this prevents legitimate players from communicating to join possible content.
  7. Minnion Devoted Player

    I guess we could always let mods have the power to mute players reported for this without informing them of the fact, but then there would be fears of abuse... (That way the spammers keep spamming text that nobody will ever see unless they have a partner to tip them off to the fact that they've been muted.)
  8. Death Throe New Player

    I agree! More threads need to be created in regards to this very important issue.
  9. The Sullster New Player

    i tried it for the sake of the community in the hope that a GM would come along and ban this guy, what i was doing worked it disrupted his spamming but fact is i reported him and 4 hours later (coming up to 5 now) hes still spamming stuff like this turns a lot of new players away or even heaven forbid prays on the gullibility of new players who think they need a lot of cash in a game like this
  10. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Not sure what gold spamming is but as far as scammers I never understood how dcuo lets people get away with this. I see it everyday on PS servers. Someone is always shouting so and so is a scammer then you see someone saying psn card for whatever. I've literally seen the same guy scam people for months at a time. Why not ban?
  11. The Sullster New Player

    basically advertising a particular website that will buy and sel your ingame cash ive seen it in so many MMOs and the concept of it in DCUO doesnt even make sense as ingame cash is so readily available, my point is this spam just doesnt need to be there if a GM logged in once in a while on each server and saw it. its huge problem on EUPC
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  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    F2P junkies that get banned and then use another email and create another lvl 3 toon.
  13. tukuan Devoted Player

    I could be wrong but I suspect that its running on some sort of bot so spamming the character, while admirable, is pointless.

    I just ignore them but as it's just about everyday I wonder if I will hit the cap on ignores soon. I would also suggest that this is a another supporting argument for having ignores go across all of your toons.

    In any case it would be nice if GM presence was a little more direct in these matters. Something like an insta-ban-hammer for this sort of thing, but it might be a case where they are not given that sort of arbitrary power (IE it has to go through a review process to make sure it's a valid ban).
  14. Martian Reaver Well-Known Player

    Since they can stop an LFG message that's too long, it shouldn't be that hard to block one that contains a website url...
  15. akaivy Dedicated Player

    I am on US ps3 villain side and have never seen anything like this.
  16. Mirai Well-Known Player

    The spammers show up frequently in the LFG and Shout channels on the USPC server. Unfortunately, there's no real way to stop them, as many games have discovered. Ban them, and they will be back very quickly.

    Could be worse. Could be Aion. There are many ways for the gold spammers to spam in Aion, and they are relentless.
  17. IvoMnik New Player

    You are forgetting one major thing here - in order the sites that those spammers are spamming for to sell gold to anyone , those accounts have to be LEGENDARY - the only type that can TRADE cash is LEGENDARY .

    I hate to break it to ya , but I play on EUPC too , and i very well know how persistent those spammers are - sometimes they survive for more than 15 days - and it is not like it is not known for similar games to rather rejoyce in couple more subscriptions , then to ban the spammers/sellers ......

    When an industry giant such as Bli$$ard bans bots in D3 in waves , and those waves usually coincide with a new patch or major holiday , it has to be clear that what they do is to boost D3s SALES ratio , nothing more , nothing less .

    The bitter truth is that as much as spammers/botters/gold/item sellers are an annoyance to the players , they can be a convenience for the game owners to a certain extent .

    No one in their right mind can convince me that if a company is truly dedicated to its product , it can and will fail to eradicate such a problem .If the industry really cared , it would have eradicated the shady companies that run those sites long ago ......
  18. Dirty Fred New Player

    Do as i usually do when i encounter them... SPAM DUAL INVITES ON THEM!!

    There are actually real pll & not bots on the accounts so if you time the dual invites good you can spank there ***** forever & iterupt there spamming ^^ !
    Had one guy that after 10 min started swearing at me in some foreign Language & left area completly:p!
  19. The Sullster New Player

    i did this for an hour its probably a bot i got the 100 dominated feat tho but the guys still there spamming away 6 hours later still dont know why they havent at least force disconnected him