Nerfs. I welcome you

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by General Sqeekie, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. General Sqeekie New Player

    I say "welcome" to the upcoming nerfs.

    Short after the OC dlc was released i took a break from the game. When the dlc hit i spend allot of hours in Nexus untill i finally beat it at cr94 with a determind group. Ah, that was a glorious day.

    I've been playing the game again for about a month with a new character that i just got to cr 95. Now i know cr 95 does not mean what it used to, but i think to my self "forget cr 100, i'm not letting a week go by and waste the chance of getting loot form Nexus"

    So i form a Pug group of cr 95+. Needles to say, we wipe allot, but we "noobs" are determind. For some it was even their first run. We wipe, tips are given, we strategise and we end up getting to the last room. This was at +/- 200 hours. By then, most of us were pretty exhausted.

    After a few wipes at the last boss, some of the team had to leave to go about their daily lives. At this point i also felt like leaving because i didn't want to run with new people. But i decide to stay. With some of new guys (mostly cr 99+) we wipe again and it's finally here. The blame game starts, so more of the old leave and new come in.

    One of these new dps's then invites one of his "elite " friends. And i've seen this person before and know that he or she is full traces geared. He starts of by laughing at the duration of the raid, then continues to inspect everyone accompanied by the "what's ur cr? and why are u wearing this and that?" nonsense.

    Then suddenly i'm greeted with the lovely wonderwoman screen. I pm one of the guys in the group to find out that i was kicked by this "elite" person. So i got kicked after 235min by someone who has full traces gear and loot locked from the instance.

    So as far as pugs are concerned these raids really are only for the "elite" players and those who have connections. Doesn't matter if u are willing, determined or just really do ur best. Do i feel like running nexus anytime soon? Nope.

    The challenge of these raids itself was fun, but certain players take that fun away. So i for one am glad the raids will be nerfed. Hopefully it wil mean less kicking and a shorter time for completion.

    Oh, and on a possitive note: i got an 87 weapon and an 87 trinket from that run. So to all u cr 95+ out there, just do it, but expect to be kicked at last boss ;)
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  2. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    If on USPS add me Titan1373. I'll gladly help but won't kick I swear...
  3. Alan92RTTT New Player

    Why the hell does the game even let group members kick the person that started the group?
  4. EP Ice Loyal Player

    That really does suck that happened to you. I am not a fan of that type of behavior at all!! This is exactly why I have never nor will I run these raids unless I am with people I know and "trust".